High Spirits

AnnaRae Grabstein and Ben Larson

Hosts Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein serve up unfiltered insights, reveal their insiders' perspectives, and illuminate transformative ideas about the cannabis industry for people who want to make sense of it all.

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#045 - Triumphs and Challenges of California Cannabis Retail w/ Lauren Carpenter of Embarc
5d ago
#045 - Triumphs and Challenges of California Cannabis Retail w/ Lauren Carpenter of Embarc
Prepare to unlock the secrets of California's cannabis retail market with our special guest, Lauren Carpenter, CEO and co-founder of Embarc. Through her unique journey from MedMen to SweetFlower to leading Embarc, Lauren offers unparalleled insights into the bustling hubs of Los Angeles and Oakland, as well as the challenges and opportunities of opening and operating in more restrictive areas. Plus, catch-up with AnnaRae and Ben on recent conversations around Europe, a potential new book club inspired by the book "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team," complete with Ben's new  ... workout routine? We dissect the shifting dynamics in cannabis licensing, comparing specialization and vertical integration, and share the compelling story of opening the first Embarc store in South Lake Tahoe during the pandemic. Expanding to 15 stores across California wasn't easy, and we reveal the strategic decision-making and rapid execution essential for success. Lauren's background in government affairs plays a crucial role in Embarc's approach to competitive licensing and community engagement, underscoring the importance of recognizing cannabis's historical presence in diverse communities.Explore the industry's complexities, from navigating saturated markets and varying regional policies to building a resilient company culture and selecting the right brands. Lauren and the crew delves into the importance of customer loyalty programs, managing growth, and upskilling team members to maintain a personalized touch amidst expansion. Finally, we reflect on the ongoing investment in culture and personal growth, sharing what it takes to thrive as a first-time CEO in the evolving cannabis landscape. Join us for a masterclass in cannabis retail, packed with actionable insights and real-world experiences.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#044 - Breaking News: Farm Bill Flux and Fragmentation of Hemp Regulation w/ Michelle Bodian of Vicente LLP
May 23 2024
#044 - Breaking News: Farm Bill Flux and Fragmentation of Hemp Regulation w/ Michelle Bodian of Vicente LLP
Unlock the complexity of hemp legislation's ever-changing landscape with the help of Michelle Bodian from Vicente LLP, who joins hosts AnnaRae and Ben in their exploration of new Farm Bill language and state level policy. In this whirlwind of an episode, we analyze the seismic shifts rocking the hemp industry. Brace yourself for a ride through the eye of a legislative storm, with our guest's seasoned insights guiding us through the implications for everyone from small farmers to bold investors.After a controversial amendment to the Farm Bill was introduced by Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL), listen in as we dissect the complex beast that is lawmaking in the hemp space. The hemp & cannabis community is splitting and aligning in fascinating ways, and we're here to chart the political and economic fault lines. From the Mary Miller Amendment's potential impact to the future of synthetic cannabinoids and THC regulation, we're pulling back the curtain to reveal what's at stake for the industry's players.Finally, step into the compliance quandary faced by national hemp brands as they navigate the labyrinth of state regulations. We opine over the strategic moves necessary to thrive in markets from Kentucky to Minnesota, where the regulatory terrain is as diverse as the products on the shelves. With enforcement actions sprouting up like weeds and FDA warning letters scarce, this episode is your map to the unpredictable terrain of the hemp industry's regulatory battlefield.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#043 - Blunt Banter with Ian Dominguez of Delta Emerald Ventures
May 17 2024
#043 - Blunt Banter with Ian Dominguez of Delta Emerald Ventures
Discover the future of the cannabis industry through the eyes of Ian Dominguez from Delta Emerald Ventures. From the perplexing world of PPP loans to the seismic shift anticipated with Biden's Schedule 3 announcement, this episode is a journey through the current state of the cannabis industry. We're not just talking politics; we're breaking down investment strategies, consumer trends, and the hemp beverage boom that's got even the big players like Curaleaf taking a sip.As we wrap this episode, a heartfelt nod goes out to NCIA and their Annual Lobby Days  that was happening this week and the tireless advocates shaping the landscape for safe cannabinoid use. We're raising a glass to the collaborations that fuel progress and the relentless curiosity that keeps us all on our toes. So join us, be part of the dialogue, and let's navigate the highs and lows of the cannabis industry together.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#042 - Leading the Charge: From Michigan to DC w/ Chris Jackson, Chair of NCIA
May 10 2024
#042 - Leading the Charge: From Michigan to DC w/ Chris Jackson, Chair of NCIA
Chris Jackson of the Michigan Legislative Black Caucus joins us to shed light on the fascinating and, at times, tumultuous world of the cannabis industry. Amid the buzz of finance and policy, we zero in on the unexpected resilience of smaller cannabis firms against their behemoth counterparts. The wide-reaching implications of shifts in policy influence and industry reform are at the forefront of our discussion, offering a glimpse into the current maze of the cannabis business landscape.Venturing into the Michigan market, we discuss the ironic twists of the free economy as it relates to cannabis, where saturation and consumer preferences are major players. With insights into the craft cannabis wave and the impact of safe banking and rescheduling, we uncover parallels with Michigan's thriving brewery scene and the strategies emerging for businesses navigating these waters without vast financial resources. This segment dives into the nitty-gritty of market trends, the importance of creative partnerships, and the pressing need for systemic reform.Wrapping up the episode, we highlight the significance of industry representation in government and the ongoing battle for equity within the cannabis sector. As the NCIA Lobby Days approach, we underscore the value of these engagements for educating Congress and furthering policy. We also contemplate the necessity for personal growth and community development within the industry, to cultivate progress and maintain unity in the face of potential fragmentation. Join us for this thought-provoking exploration into the complexities of advocating for a robust and equitable future in the realm of cannabis.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#041 - Cannabis Business News Round-up: Schedule III, the Farm Bill, and CAOA part deux
May 3 2024
#041 - Cannabis Business News Round-up: Schedule III, the Farm Bill, and CAOA part deux
Celebrate with us as we pop the cork on High Spirits' 41st episode and our brand new look, toasting to a groundbreaking shift in cannabis policy reform. Ben and AnnaRae guide us through the DEA's landmark decision to reschedule cannabis. You won't want to miss the insights gained from the recent draft of the Farm Bill and the vital discussions on the Senate's latest legalization bill. Let's raise our glasses to the trailblazers and the continuing support of our vibrant listener community - the heartbeat of our podcast's success.As we venture into the world of hemp and cannabis, we spotlight the growth spurts and roadblocks following the 2018 Farm Bill and what the newest draft means. Witness how hemp continues to fragment, akin to cannabis, like Georgia's vertically integrated program and California's AB2223 are reshaping the hemp industry, creating opportunities as well as regulatory headaches. We peel back the layers on AB 2223's attempt to streamline the chaos in CA, all while keeping an ear to the ground for the scientific insights shaping tomorrow's policies. Together, let's navigate the shifting tides of cannabis policy across the US, understanding the challenges and embracing the potential of this green revolution.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#040 - Expansion Strategies for Cannabis and Hemp Brands w/ Colin Keeler of Kiva
Apr 26 2024
#040 - Expansion Strategies for Cannabis and Hemp Brands w/ Colin Keeler of Kiva
Embark on a journey into the heart of cannabis brand expansion with us, Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein, as we unravel the story of Kiva's bold foray beyond the Golden State. With the guidance of Colin Keeler from Kiva, we dissect the intricacies of spreading a rooted brand into new markets and the fresh challenges of the burgeoning hemp sector. Tune in and gain insight into the strategic partnerships and carefully curated product suites that have propelled Kiva's presence from California to the national stage, ensuring they remain a household name in an industry that's as varied as it is regulated.Our conversation traverses the unpredictable terrain of the hemp marketplace, where rapid legislative changes and consumer preferences demand agility and foresight. Relive the moment Minnesota unexpectedly legalized hemp, revealing the impact of swift policy shifts on the industry. Discover how Kiva navigates these waters with a commitment to safety and consistency, setting a benchmark in child-resistant packaging and meticulous product testing. You'll be equipped with a deeper understanding of the complexities Kiva faces, from maintaining brand integrity to innovating within the confines of diverse state laws.As we gaze into the crystal ball of cannabis and hemp's future, we illuminate the regions ripe for explosive growth, with a nod to the Northeast's untapped potential. Reflect on how the cutthroat California market has sharpened Kiva's edge for success in states like Massachusetts, New York, and the eagerly anticipated markets of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. We close our session with a note of gratitude and a call for shared wisdom, inviting you to stay engaged, enlightened, and elevated with High Spirits as we navigate the evergreen adventure of cannabis entrepreneurship.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#039 - Branding and Growing Craft Cannabis w/ Joyce Cenali
Apr 12 2024
#039 - Branding and Growing Craft Cannabis w/ Joyce Cenali
Experience the fusion of cannabis culture and community as AnnaRae and Ben engage with Joyce Cenali, COO of Sonoma Hills Farm and Big Rock, in a deep-rooted discussion on the nuances of California craft cannabis. We traverse Joyce's fascinating journey from growing for personal use, to deploying capital through Big Rock, and back to the fields of farming, uncovering the organic movement's influence on cannabis and the unique terroir that sets California apart. Unpacking the hustle of event season, we reveal how community ties and personal stories shape the industry, lending insight into the symbiotic relationship that exists between the growers, the land, and the consumers who cherish their craft.Venture behind the scenes of cannabis cultivation with us, as we navigate the complexities of California's OCal program and how it's elevating standards for sun-grown, organic cannabis. As regulations evolve, we consider the future of cannabis branding in the wake of potential scheduling shifts and the delicate balance of cultivating both hemp and regulated cannabis. Our conversation opens up a world of possibilities, from the promise of full-spectrum hemp products to the agricultural innovations waiting on the horizon—each poised to redefine wellness and efficacy in the industry.Finally, sip and savor the cross-pollination of cannabis with the hospitality realm, where chefs and creators push boundaries despite stringent regulations. We highlight successful partnerships that have birthed cannabis-infused culinary sensations, creating a ripple effect across high-end dining and community interaction. Amidst these culinary adventures, we also spotlight the Cannabis Media Council's mission to reshape the public narrative of cannabis, aiming for normalization and fair representation within mainstream media, and ultimately, the hope for a Super Bowl moment that celebrates the plant in all its glory. Join us on this explorative episode where agriculture meets branding, and community converges with the culinary arts.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#038 - How To Go Tax Free with an ESOP w/ Darren Gleeman of MBO Ventures
Apr 5 2024
#038 - How To Go Tax Free with an ESOP w/ Darren Gleeman of MBO Ventures
Unlock the secret to thriving in the cannabis industry through the power of ESOPs, without getting tangled in the tax web of 280E. Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein, with the acumen of Darren Gleeman, bring you a timely tax season symphony that harmonizes the potential of Employee Stock Ownership Plans with the cannabis sector's unique challenges. As we navigate the vibrant landscape ranging from solar eclipses to surges in beverage trends, our conversation turns to the strategic utilization of ESOPs, not just as a financial tool but as a beacon of bipartisan agreement. Imagine a scenario where employees morph into owners, engaging in the wealth creation dance without the usual fiscal footwork, thanks to the ESOP's deft choreography. We'll walk you through the financial scaffolding and intricate steps that could let your accountant take a well-deserved bow. From seller notes to borrowing terms that sing, we’ll orchestrate the complex score of ESOPs, making it as comprehensible as it is compelling. Our guest Darren Gleeman illuminates the path that cannabis businesses can follow to turn this intricate melody into a harmonious reality.Finally, feel the pulse of why ESOPs garner nods from Bernie Sanders to Mitch McConnell. As we unwrap this ownership model, we highlight its role as a catalyst for reinvestment and evolution, revealing when venture capital may steal the spotlight instead. Whether you're an employee with big dreams or a business owner plotting your next move, this episode is your backstage pass to mastering ESOPs in the cannabis sector's ever-evolving fiscal opera.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#037 - The Rapid Rise of Retail in Hemp THC w/ David Gonzalez of Hemp House
Mar 28 2024
#037 - The Rapid Rise of Retail in Hemp THC w/ David Gonzalez of Hemp House
Discover the seismic shifts in the hemp THC retail sphere and the implications of a national market in our latest deep dive with David Gonzalez. As Total Wine and DoorDash venture into THC beverages, we peel back the layers on the political and societal impacts of this move, emphasizing the triumphs in low-dose hemp accessibility while advocating for continued strides in cannabis decriminalization. We also analyze how the convergence of hemp and cannabis under potential new regulatory frameworks could reshape the industry landscape.Tune into a riveting conversation exploring the strategic advantages of e-commerce for hemp companies, with Hemp House at the forefront of innovation. The national market for hemp products is changing consumer behavior, and we're here to dissect how businesses like Hemp House are leveraging platforms like Shopify and USPS to reach customers across state lines. We also consider how online analytics drive smarter marketing, and the clever moves for dominance in both local and national markets, setting the stage for a new era of cannabis success.The episode culminates with a forward-looking analysis of Hemp House's national and international expansion strategies. We discuss the ins and outs of entering new markets, the importance of infrastructure and industry alliances, and the potential of an omnichannel approach, mixing e-commerce with brick-and-mortar. Hemp House's journey is a blueprint for growth, charting a course that could redefine the THC beverage sector and leave a lasting imprint on the global cannabis stage. Join us as we conclude with our bold predictions for the future of Hemp House and the strategic maneuvers they may deploy to conquer new territories.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#036 - Conservative Cannabis: The Red Wave w/ Hirsh Jain of Ananda Strategy
Mar 21 2024
#036 - Conservative Cannabis: The Red Wave w/ Hirsh Jain of Ananda Strategy
Discover how the tides are turning in America's heartland as we navigate through the unexpected 'red wave' of cannabis legalization with Hirsh Jain, an incredibly seasoned cannabis strategist. In our lively discussion, we examine the churning political currents within states like Missouri, where traditional conservative views are being eclipsed by progressive cannabis policies. This wave isn't just making waves; it's rewriting the playbook on industry growth and political discourse in regions once deemed impervious to such change.Wade into the intricate battle for cannabis reform in Florida, where the stakes are high and the rules are stringent. We peel back the layers of the state's single subject rule and Supreme Court reviews, considering the monumental task of meeting a 60% approval threshold for ballot initiatives. Yet, there's a palpable buzz of optimism in the air, fueled by the resounding success of Florida's medical cannabis program. Join us as we entertain the possibility of a domino effect across the nation, should Florida's green surge become a reality.Our journey doesn't stop at state lines; we cast our net wide, theorizing how local legislative shifts could send shockwaves through the corridors of federal power. From the role of state supreme courts to the influence of economic imperatives and political heavyweights, we dissect the complex interplay of forces shaping the future of cannabis reform. Tune in as we stitch together a tapestry of change, where even the smallest state initiative could be the thread that pulls national and global cannabis policy forward.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#035 - Betting on Hemp Beverages with Mindset Capital's Aaron Edelheit
Mar 15 2024
#035 - Betting on Hemp Beverages with Mindset Capital's Aaron Edelheit
Discover the thrill and potential of the THC beverage market as we uncork the secrets behind a sparkling $10 million investment fund with Aaron Edelheit. Our spirited conversation with Aaron will not only pour you a glass of industry insights but will also reveal how he transitioned from trading small-cap stocks to betting big on cannabis-infused drinks. As we tour through cannabis culture at events like the Budist launch party and Hall of Flowers, you'll get a taste of how THC is blending with mainstream social gatherings, promising a heady mix of innovation and investment.During our chat, Aaron elaborates on the disruptive power of legal hemp-derived THC products, especially within Minnesota's receptive market. We unravel the complex legalities and rapid growth within the sector, and why heavy hitters like Döhler are teaming up with market leaders like Vertosa to fortify their presence in the beverage ingredient space. Aaron's enthusiasm is infectious, and his insights are a must-listen for anyone eyeing the potential upheaval of the colossal alcohol industry. We wrap up the episode by dissecting the evolving dance between cannabis and alcohol distribution dynamics, where hemp beverages are making a splash and altering consumer habits. We'll share tales of alcohol distributors finding new rhythms in the hemp space, freed from traditional constraints, and how this is shaking up industry standards. Lastly, we toast to strategic partnerships and management adaptability in a market that remains as fluid as the products it creates. Join us for this candid and in-depth discussion that not only forecasts the future of cannabis but also celebrates the communal benefits of a responsibly expanding industry.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#034 - The Art of Data Driven Sales Success w/ Krista Raymer
Mar 7 2024
#034 - The Art of Data Driven Sales Success w/ Krista Raymer
Unlock the transformative strategies of retail excellence with Krista Raymer, the visionary behind Vetrina Group, as she joins AnnaRae. Together, they delve into the art of data-driven decision-making, pinpointing why focusing on your top revenue-generating customers can supercharge your business. We're not just celebrating International Women's Day; we're drawing inspiration from the pioneering women of the cannabis industry, including Krista's trailblazing team. Step inside the competitive arena of the retail market, where the battle for customer loyalty is fierce and the stakes are high. Learn how understanding customer behavior, from visit frequency to basket size, can turn casual shoppers into devoted patrons. We break down the anatomy of a successful loyalty program, exploring personalized communication and the tightrope walk between engaging customers and respecting their privacy. With Krista's expertise, we shed light on how retailers can leverage peak transaction times throughout the year, turning every calendar event into a golden opportunity for growth.As the episode wraps, we extend an invitation to our listeners to join the conversation, challenge our perspectives, and keep the dialogue vibrant. Every insight shared is a step towards innovation, and we're here to guide you through each revelation, helping you craft a retail strategy that's not just effective, but legendary.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#033 - The Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA): What You Need to Know
Feb 29 2024
#033 - The Cannabis Regulators Association (CANNRA): What You Need to Know
Leap into the intricacies of cannabis regulation with us as we celebrate a special leap year episode of High Spirits, featuring the powerhouse duo of Gillian Shauer, PhD, Executive Director of CANNRA, and Nicole Elliott, Director of the Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) in California. Prepare to have the veils lifted on the complexities that state regulators face in the shadow of absent federal guidance, and discover how the human element shapes an industry at the crossroads of growth and governance.Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein navigate our 33rd episode through the nuanced waters of cannabis policy, where the knowledge shared by Gillian and Nicole illuminates the unspoken challenges of crafting state-specific frameworks. We engage in a candid exchange about public safety, market success, and the sometimes surprising influence of lobby groups on the legislative process, offering a rare glimpse into the machinery of change.As we cast our gaze towards the future, we muse on the budding potential of interstate commerce and the quest for market fairness in the cannabinoid space, with California at the helm. The episode wraps with a call to action for data transparency and stakeholder engagement, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and respectful dialogue in refining a diverse and safe cannabis market. Join us for an enlightening journey through the corridors of regulation, where each revelation paves the way for more informed and impactful participation in the cannabis community.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#032 - Cannabis Experts & Consumer Reviews with Budist’s Jocelyn Sheltraw & Claudio Miranda
Feb 22 2024
#032 - Cannabis Experts & Consumer Reviews with Budist’s Jocelyn Sheltraw & Claudio Miranda
Join Ben Larson on a solo flight through High Spirits, as we navigate the ever-evolving cannabis landscape with industry luminaries Jocelyn Sheltraw and Claudio Miranda. Get ready to unravel the intricacies of cannabis consumerism, from the birth of Budist—a game-changing social review and rating platform—to the seismic shifts happening with brands like Kiva Confections and Curaleaf. This episode is your backstage pass to the strategies, companies, and people shaping the market.Embark on a sensorial journey as we bridge the gap between cannabis aficionados and the casual toker. We dissect the alchemy behind critiquing THC delights, shining a light on the parallels with the wine industry's path to connoisseurship. Budist is setting the stage for a 100-point rating system that promises to revolutionize your green experience. Discover how Budist is cultivating a community of informed enthusiasts, ready to guide you through the diverse offerings of this burgeoning industry.The episode culminates with a peek into the hive consciousness that powers dynamic duos like Jocelyn and Claudio, illuminating the importance of synergy in both the creation and enjoyment of cannabis products. We address the balancing act of navigating the complex regulatory terrains of THC and hemp, while fostering an inclusive community spirit reminiscent of the early tech pioneers. Whether you're deep in the industry or simply cannabis-curious, this session promises rich insights and a few good laughs, trademark of High Spirits.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#031 - Infusing Trust & Leadership into the Cannabis Supply Chain w/ Dr. Harold Han & Ben Larson of Vertosa
Feb 15 2024
#031 - Infusing Trust & Leadership into the Cannabis Supply Chain w/ Dr. Harold Han & Ben Larson of Vertosa
When passion meets innovation, magic happens. Just ask Dr. Harold Han, Ben's partner at Vertosa and the maestro behind some of the most pioneering infusion technologies in the cannabis space. This episode isn't just a peek into the lab where homogenous and stable infused products are born; it's a heart-to-heart with the man whose influence extends far beyond emulsion chemistry, touching the very fabric of our personal and professional lives with love and gratitude.Navigating the cannabis industry isn't for the faint of heart, but with a story that spans from China to the cutting edge of cannabis emulsion technology in the U.S., Harold exemplifies the bold spirit needed to forge new paths. We track the serendipitous events that shifted his focus from ddPCR technology to perfecting cannabis emulsions, and how a meeting with Ben morphed into Vertosa, a cornerstone for cannabis-infused brands. As we recount tales of early failures and learning curves, we underscore the importance of trust and transparency with partners – values that have not only fostered growth but also cemented our reputation in a market that's as diverse as it is demanding.The future is bright, and it's infused with a plethora of possibilities. We wrap up by casting a gaze into the horizon of THC beverages, discussing how brands like Keef are riding the wave of multi-state expansion, and how advancements like fast-acting nanoemulsions are elevating consumer experiences. We're not just talking trends; we're living them, as Vertosa continues to craft wellness-focused, plant-derived emulsions that resonate with the health-conscious consumer. So, pour yourself a glass of innovation, tune-in, and keep your spirits high!--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#030 - Cannabis Business News Round-up: THC Beverages, Pennsylvania's Legalization, Gallup Poll Results: America Loves Cannabis
Feb 8 2024
#030 - Cannabis Business News Round-up: THC Beverages, Pennsylvania's Legalization, Gallup Poll Results: America Loves Cannabis
Join Ben Larson and Anna Rae Grabstein for a spirited recount of CannaDataCon 2024 in Miami, where the mingling of cannabis industry titans led to a rich harvest of insights. Imagine a world where savvy discounts don't just cut costs; they build brand loyalty and encourage adventurous trials of new products. We toast to the innovation bubbling up in hemp-derived cannabinoid beverages, with marketers now skilfully quenching the digital thirst on platforms where traditional cannabis marketing was once parched.Take a sip of our discussion as we explore the buzz around THC-infused beverages, which are shaking up industry events and luring the attention of alcohol heavyweights. As people who favor cannabis over cocktails, we reflect on how this preference resonates with the values that are increasingly guiding industry trends. We're stirring the pot on the potential for mergers in the beverage sector, the role of advocacy, and the crucial call for a united voice within the cannabis movement.Cap off your experience with us as we shine a spotlight on Pennsylvania, where Governor Shapiro’s proposed legislation to legalize adult-use cannabis could spark economic fireworks. We hash out what this means for dispensaries on the frontlines and how it could ignite cross-state rivalries, especially with New Jersey. Wrapping up, we revel in the shift in American attitudes toward cannabis, recognizing a need for the hemp and cannabis industries to band together to blaze trails for clear policies and consumer clarity. This episode is all about fostering connections and fanning the flames of strategic conversation within the cannabis community.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#028 - The Complexity of Cannabis Distribution w/ Will Brophy of Nabis
Jan 26 2024
#028 - The Complexity of Cannabis Distribution w/ Will Brophy of Nabis
Embark on a voyage through the world of cannabis distribution with our esteemed guest, Will Brophy, COO of Nabis, who unveils the secrets of managing the ebb and flow of the wild world of cannabis in California. As AnnaRae and Ben Larson chat with Will, they dive into how Nabis is reshaping the distribution model by empowering brands to take charge of their sales cycles while they handle the heavy lifting of logistics. This episode promises to give you the insider’s perspective on nurturing brand growth, fostering strong dispensary relationships, and ensuring products blanket the state effectively.Strike up a conversation about the fiscal challenges that keep cannabis entrepreneurs awake at night, and you'll find our discussion on accounts receivable and collections relatable. We take a magnifying glass to Nabis' proprietary credit scores and the formation of a cannabis industry credit group, showing how these tools are essential for brands navigating through financial uncertainties. As we unravel the realities of late payments and cash flow issues, you'll learn how Nabis' strategies not only keep their head above water but also propel them forward in a market that's as volatile as it is vibrant.We don't just stop at California's borders; we cast our gaze across the nation, contrasting the Golden State's approach with the distribution strategies budding in states like New Jersey and New York. Will guides us through the challenges posed by diverse laws, geographic complexities, and demographic variables, revealing how a tailored approach is key for each unique market. From the COO’s journey of scaling Nabis to the potential future of cannabis distribution, this episode equips you with knowledge as potent as the industry we’re chronicling.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#027 - Corporate Responsibility, Expungement, and the New Jersey Update w/ Chirali Patel
Jan 18 2024
#027 - Corporate Responsibility, Expungement, and the New Jersey Update w/ Chirali Patel
It's Ben's birthday bash of an episode, and we're unwrapping the complexities of DEI, ESG, and CSR within the cannabis sector, with New Jersey's recent advancements serving as our case study. The brilliant Chirali Patel of Blaze Responsibly graces us with her insights, illuminating her influential work on expungement initiatives that both navigate and shape New Jersey's legal cannabis landscape. Her fiery dedication to community and legal advocacy is a beacon guiding the industry towards a more equitable future.As we explore corporate social responsibility, we go beyond the buzzwords to dissect how cannabis companies are repairing the past wrongs of criminalization. We highlight meaningful partnerships with organizations like Ascend, Ayr Wellness, and Wana Brands that offer a beacon of hope, clearing minor cannabis offenses and uplifting lives. This episode is replete with heartfelt stories of individuals reclaiming futures once stifled by unjust laws, all thanks to these transformative efforts. The discourse then shifts to the profound interplay between CSR and DEI, forecasting a growing trend of outward-facing, socially impactful initiatives that are reshaping the cannabis industry's public persona.Venturing into the Garden State's cannabis market, we survey the diverse retail operations and the cultivation landscape dominated by multi-state operators. We shed light on New Jersey's market peculiarities, including notable product absences and the urgent need for more topical producers. Furthermore, we scrutinize the state's burgeoning retail expansion and the opportunities it presents, despite challenges such as funding, real estate, and municipal restrictions. This episode peels back the layers of the cannabis industry, revealing both the hurdles to overcome and the ripe prospects for those ready to navigate this green maze. Whether you're an industry insider or simply cannabis-curious, these insights will arm you with a comprehensive understanding of this revolutionary sector.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#026 - Inside Minnesota's Cannabinoid Revolution w/ Leili Fatehi & Laura Monn Ginsburg
Jan 11 2024
#026 - Inside Minnesota's Cannabinoid Revolution w/ Leili Fatehi & Laura Monn Ginsburg
Hosts Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein dive into the heart of the hemp revolution as we navigate the intricate waters of Minnesota's march towards cannabis legalization. Discover the strides made in the medical cannabis program, the booming hemp industry, and the anticipated arrival of adult-use cannabis. With Laura Monn Ginsburg and Leili Fatehi from Blunt Strategies sharing their firsthand experiences from the 'Minnesota is Ready' campaign, this episode offers a unique glimpse into the legislative processes reshaping Minnesota's approach to cannabis and hemp.Ready to understand the compelling dynamics between Minnesota's local businesses and the emerging cannabis market? We're peeling back the curtain to reveal how craft breweries are not just fermenting hops but also reshaping public perception of hemp. An in-depth look at the significance of introducing an office of cannabis management spotlights the state's commitment to a seamless industry ecosystem. Our conversation bridges the gap between traditional industries and cannabis, illuminating the collaborative potential in a state where even bowling alleys might roll into the cannabis scene.Anticipation is high as Minnesota gears up for the green wave of adult-use cannabis legalization in early 2025. Join us as we dissect the minor legislative tweaks and the major role of scientific expertise in rulemaking, ensuring the industry's integration is as smooth as the lakes dotting the state. We wrap up our exchange by acknowledging the invaluable contributions of our listeners and guests throughout our podcast journey, reiterating our commitment to delivering 52 episodes of thought-provoking content this year. Stay informed and elevate your understanding with us in this spirited and insightful episode.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.
#025 - How Hemp Will Reshape Cannabis in 2024 w/ Bob Hoban & Xavier Jaillet
Jan 5 2024
#025 - How Hemp Will Reshape Cannabis in 2024 w/ Bob Hoban & Xavier Jaillet
Embark on this hemp-infused adventure with Ben & AnnaRae as we ring in 2024 with a burst of enthusiasm and a treasure trove of insights from the cannabis and hemp frontier. Promising an episode that will peel back the layers of the industry's legal landscape, we chat with Bob Hoban and Xavier Jaillet, whose expertise ignites a robust discussion on the economic forces and policy shifts shaping hemp and cannabis' future. As we dissect the Farm Bill's fine print, we shed light on the misunderstood THC threshold that separates hemp from marijuana and tackle the truth behind the alleged loopholes—spoiler alert, the law's intent is as clear as day. From here, we pivot to the dazzling array of hemp derivatives now gracing consumer goods, illustrating the plant's remarkable versatility. Within the heart of the industry, there lies a call for unity—to move beyond internal skirmishes and toward collective progress that amplifies our voice and shapes the sector's destiny.Our finale is a masterclass in seizing business opportunities amidst the ever-shifting cannabis landscape. We delve into the savvy strategies for capitalizing on the ephemeral, yet lucrative, arbitrage scenarios, walking the tightrope between growth and compliance. Furthermore, we tease the tantalizing prospect of cannabis-infused beverages merging with mainstream alcohol distribution, a potential game-changer for consumer experiences. Sit back, stay high-spirited, and join us as we uncover the rich narrative woven through the hemp and cannabis industry.--High Spirits is brought to you by Vertosa and Wolf Meyer.Your hosts are Ben Larson and AnnaRae Grabstein.Follow High Spirits on LinkedIn. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Who would you like to see on the show? What topics would you like to have us cover? Visit our website www.highspirits.media and listen to all of our past shows. THANK YOU to our audience. Your engagement encourages us to keep bringing you these thought-provoking conversations. Remember to always stay curious, stay informed, and most importantly, keep your spirits high.