Episode 2 - Depression & Suicide

The Soul Care Podcast

Jan 24 2024 • 1 hr 10 mins

Hosts: Jinda Reinig, Kimberly Willess, and Dr. Warren Lamb

Topic: Depression & Suicide


This episode’s conversation explores the definition of depression and the diagnostic criteria according to the DSM-5. It also delves into the biblical perspective on depression and the importance of addressing loss and grief in understanding depression.

The conversation highlights the differences between the DSM diagnosis and the biblical perspective on depression, as well as the lack of scientific evidence for serotonin-based depression. It emphasizes the need to address underlying brokenness and unresolved loss rather than relying solely on medication. The conversation also discusses the incomplete training of therapists and clinicians and the importance of identity in Christ in every aspect of life, especially when providing soul care. Included are insights on approaching individuals who have attempted suicide and providing rational conversation to address false beliefs and self-blame for those who have lost someone to suicide.

This conversation explores the topics of depression and suicide, providing insights and guidance for comforting families, understanding the struggles of suicide survivors, and addressing the stigma and misconceptions surrounding suicide. The conversation also delves into questions about the afterlife and the role of faith in crisis situations. It emphasizes the importance of authentic connections, deep community, and authentic biblical soul care in providing hope and help for those battling depression and suicidal thoughts. The chapter titles reflect the main themes discussed in the conversation.


  • Depression needs to be understood from a biblical perspective, especially when a formal clinical diagnosis has been given.
  • Addressing underlying brokenness and unresolved loss is crucial for healing depression.
  • Medication alone is not sufficient for treating depression; a holistic approach is what is needed.
  • The training of therapists and clinicians ought to focus on addressing the root causes of depression.
  • Approaching individuals who have attempted suicide requires empathy, understanding, and a focus on their spiritual well-being.
  • Acknowledge the pain and validate the experiences of families affected by suicide.
  • Understand the struggles of suicide survivors, including self-blame and the search for meaning in the aftermath of suicide.
  • Challenge the stigma and misconceptions surrounding suicide and provide support to those affected.
  • Focus on the righteous justice and grace of God when addressing questions about the afterlife, particularly when someone has completed suicide.
  • Establish anchor points and provide loving truth in soul care to combat depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Build authentic connections and engage in a deep, healthy community to recognize hidden depression and provide support.
  • Recognize the impact of screens and prioritize authentic connections for mental and emotional well-being.
  • Understand that depression and significant loss are part of the imperfect life we live and seek guidance and support in navigating these challenges.
  • Honest grieving and addressing unresolved loss are essential for healing from depression.
  • Identity in Christ and understanding God's plan can provide hope and healing.
  • Supporting individuals who have attempted suicide requires empathy, understanding, and a focus on their spiritual well-being. Trust in the wisdom, justice, and righteous grace of God when it comes to the possibility of repentance for those who have died by suicide.
  • Genuine relationships and connections within a healthy Christian community are vital for supporting and caring for one another.
  • Soul-care provides true hope and help for those struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts.
  • Authentic biblical soul-care provides true hope and help for those struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts.

Scripture Mentioned

Psalm 139:14

Psalm 34:17-18


“We were never created to experience loss. Loss is the most unnatural invasion of God’s creation.”

Relevant Links


00:00 Introduction to Soul Care Podcast

01:03 Definition of Depression from DSM-5

04:39 Biblical Perspective on Depression

07:39 Critique of Medication-based Treatment for Depression

10:35 Chronic Depression and Unresolved Loss

13:30 The Need for Honest Grieving

17:11 The Ineffectiveness of Medication for Depression

21:28 The Limitations of Traditional Therapy

25:22 Understanding Loss and God's Plan

29:32 Working through Loss and Identity in Christ

35:13 Addressing Loss and Brokenness in Soul Care

40:11 Comforting Those Who Have Attempted Suicide

45:01 Supporting Suicide Survivors

54:45 The Possibility of Repentance

55:14 Crisis of Faith

55:48 Trusting in God's Wisdom and Grace

57:18 Unconventional Approach to Suicide Counseling

58:17 Soul Care and True Hope

58:46 No Quick Fix for a Crushed Spirit

59:31 Bringing Everything to Light in Soul Care

01:00:29 Acknowledging Pain and Walking in Freedom

01:01:26 Different Types of Depression

01:02:23 The Importance of Healthy Christian Community

01:03:20 Paying Attention to Hidden Sadness

01:04:06 Authentic Relationships and Connections

01:07:28 The Importance of Authentic In-Person Connection

01:08:38 God's Design for Healthy Community

01:09:08 Encouragement from Scripture

01:09:57 Applying the Word to Your Life