028. Mother's Day Can Stink! Two Ways to Change That

The Single Christian Woman | Self-Confidence, Connect with God, Loneliness, Divorce, Positive Body Image

Apr 29 2024 • 16 mins

Hello gorgeous lady!

Mother’s Day began more than 110 years ago.

Since that time women have shed tears on that day…tears of joy and tears of sadness.

Mother’s Day can be joyful or sad and sometimes just plain old stinky depending on what is going on for you as that holiday rolls around.

Regardless if you are single with or without children, or married with or without children, it can be a challenging day.

In this episode we talk about why it can be challenging and I tell you the truth about how I handled Mother’s Day last year.  Lastly, I offer up two ways that you can choose from to make this May 12th less stinky.

Grab your diet coke, put in those earbuds and let’s talk friend to friend.

What’s next?

  1. Share this episode with all your single girlfriends.
  2. Email me at sharon@sharonlamarcoaching.com with questions/comments about today’s episode.
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  5. Let’s talk about Mother’s Day and how you can create a different experience next year.  Book your FREE 45 minute 1:1 session at www.sharonlamarcoaching.com/freesession
  6. Join our Facebook community at The Single Christian Woman! https://www.facebook.com/groups/797710822384649

Hope this episode inspires you or makes you think.