Bridge Bible Talk 3 - 27 - 24

Bridge Bible Talk

Mar 27 2024 • 57 mins

Pastor Robert Baltodano and Pastor Lloyd Pulley

Question Timestamps:

  1. Stefan, Australia (2:40) - What are your thoughts on jujitsu?
  2. Raymond, YouTube (6:40) - Will the possibility of sinning still exist in the new heaven?
  3. Wendy, Facebook (8:34) - Since Jesus kept all the Jewish feasts, should believers as well?
  4. Joseph, MA (10:53) - What Bible verse says that a woman can’t preach?
  5. Thomas, NJ (19:57) - Are all bad things that happen to us due to sin?
  6. Kat, email (26:10) - If no one had “lifted his cross” before Jesus did, how would anyone have understood what he was talking about?
  7. Rob, SC (33:26) - In Matthew 11:28 Jesus “says yolk is easy and his burden is light,” but he also says to “pick up your cross and follow me” which isn’t easy, how do you explain the contrast between these two statements?
  8. Mildred, NY (36:53) - Is dancing in church forbidden?
  9. Anthony, NY (39:33) - How do I find a way to help my family members understand that there is nothing wrong with speaking about the Bible and Jesus with other family members?
  10. Kristen, NY (42:06) - Can you explain the main things the Catholic faith does that gravitates away from the Bible?
  11. Bob, NJ (45:56) - Is there a basis for a story Chuck Smith told about the “cornerstone that was quarried?”
  12. VM34, YouTube (51:48) - How do we know the difference between dogma and opinion? How do we know who is right if two people cite the Bible in its context and still disagree on matters of salvation?
  13. Margie, email (54:09) - Can you hear God speak to you when you listen to an audible Bible? Or does he only speak through the original Bible only?
