Apostle-Prophet Bonolo Nevondo of Mmapitso Ministries and Prophetic School is dedicated to lead people to the kingdom of God through teachings on repentance, righteousness and holiness. She does this by explaining the bible in a way that it applies to every day life.
The church as the body of Christ no longer focuses on holiness and righteousness. Sadly this impacts the lives of Christians as they cannot experience God's blessings. These episodes are to help you grow spiritually, get closer to God, understand the bible and applying it to your everyday lifewe discussed how God wants you to relate to the rest of the world that seeks unrighteous and wickedness.
On today's teaching we discussed how God wants you to relate to the rest of the world that seeks unrighteous and wickedness. 2 Corinthians 6:114-18 Follow on Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@propheticspiritualcoach?_t=8etzd0LkDZt&_r=1 Join our online spiritual growth program https://wa.me/p/6078655125527553/27624324273 We offer online faith-based support groups https://wa.me/c/27624324273