Episode 2: 1/16/22 -- Jan. 2020: When the Church Doubled Down on Advising Members to “Trust in the Arm of Flesh”

Latter Day Truths

Jan 16 2022 • 17 mins

SUMMARY: In the last two weeks, Elder Ballard and BYU-I President Henry Eyring both doubled down on the church's advocacy of following the "the wise and thoughtful recommendations of medical experts and government leaders"Both leaders said we would win the "war" against Covid by following said recommendations, whereas there was no mention whatsoever of Jesus Christ, who has offered to win the war for us. Both leaders presented statements with significant errors which do not square with facts and could easily mislead others.This has set up a situation where the church's leaders are clearly "Denying the Lord."One could even say that by the actions and statements of the Brethren, a new church has formed at "the Altar of Covid," complete with saviors, gospel, temple recommends and more.In turning to man instead of God for solutions, leaders have effectively become idolatrous, which always has and always will result in a cursing.Contrary to popular belief that the Brethren are simply "urging" members to take the jab, they are allowing local-level leaders to coerce members to get the jab or not allowed to worship inside church buildings (video proof included in blog post). For more, see our blog post at https://ldtruths.blogspot.com/2022/01/jan-2022-when-church-doubled-down-on.html