Episode 125: 05 20 2024 Be Worthy To Escape - Stand - Finish Your Race - 50 days

COT Soundcloud Feed

May 21 2024 • 2 hrs 11 mins

Original file.

The big betrayal is on the way - so is another on the way with a sweeping embrace.
If you ever want to know what tomorrow is like, the answer it in YOU.
As you grow and change, so does the world.
A great destruction is coming and you are trying to find where it is coming from.
Prophecy should never be based on something we can see.
Satan wants to hide your identity in the chaos he creates.
A person empowered need not show anyone they have power...they are humble and meek.
The words of Jesus are the highest words we could ever receive. Do you believe in what Jesus believed? agree with what Jesus was doing?
Finish your race for the sake of the Gospel. Expect to have the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pray that you are worthy to escape all these things and stand before the kingdom of God.
This is day 2 of a 50 day count that ends on July 7th...a Sunday...and the day a vote is to take place in Iran for a new President. Contrast Daniel 11 message with what is happening.
(Dan 11: 19-21)