A podcast host, a pastor and a biophysicist walk into a bar to talk about discovery, innovation and God w/ Gavin Merrifield

A podcast host, a pastor and a guest walk into a bar…

Sep 30 2023 • 1 hr 5 mins

Welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s a space graciously provided by Gavin from Believing Science and Christians in Science but it contains drinks and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and Gavin the biophysicist to walk into a bar and talk about discovery, innovation and God. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…


Christians in Science: cis.org.uk (it’s also their conference next week! https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/christians-in-science-big-questions-in-science-and-the-church-part-2-tickets-684872812017?aff=oddtdtcreator )

Believing Science: believingscience.org

For CAKE and the astronomers’ network, contact Gavin through one of the above sites

Gavin’s work:

Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gavin-Merrifield

Caterpillar MRIs: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279847717_Imaging_Metamorphosis_in_Lepidoptera_with_Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging

Zebrafish MRIs: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0730725X16301606?via%3Dihub

Spider MRIs: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326000047_Measures_of_cardiac_function_in_Theraphosidae_spiders_using_in_vivo_magnetic_resonance_imaging

Gavin’s book recommendations:

Ernest Lucas - Can We Believe Genesis Today?

Temper Longman - How to Read Genesis

John Walton - The Lost World of Genesis One

Faith and Fossils: The Bible, Lester L. Grabbe -Creation and Evolution

Conrad Hyers - The Meaning of Creation

David Wilkinson - The Message of Creation

Christopher M. Rio's -After the Monkey Trial: Evangelical Scientists and a New Creationism

Gordy Slack - The Battle Over the Meaning of Everything: Evolution, Intelligent Design, and a School Board in Dover, PA

Contact us:

@nowtheresathought on Instagram
