A podcast host, a pastor and a biochemist walk into a bar and ask: Should we edit human genes? With Prof Keith Fox

A podcast host, a pastor and a guest walk into a bar…

Dec 3 2022 • 1 hr

**ANNOUNCEMENT** Tell us what you find weird about Christmas by Friday 9 December 2022 and we might feature your idea on our podcast and even send you a little Christmas present! It could be something in your household, something from a particular country or region or something about Christmas in general. Make it weird and make it true! Message us on Instagram @nowtheresathought or email us at nowtheresathought@c3gallery.church

Now, welcome to the Now There’s a T H O U G H T bar! Ok, so it’s not a bar, it’s my kitchen but it contains beer and good company so it’s close enough. My name is Louise and I am your podcast host. I am joined by Pastor Andy Waddams of Gallery Church in Birmingham and biochemist Prof Keith Fox to talk human genetic editing. Let’s grab a seat, though I’m afraid you’ll have to buy your own drink…


Keith’s Science and Faith in the Second City talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIaB8VGijMU

Modifying our genes: theology, science and “playing God” by Alexander Massmann and Keith R. Fox

Freakonomics Radio, ep. 291: Evolution, Accelerated

People I (mostly) admire, ep. 67: We can play God now

Perfect People by Peter James

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@nowtheresathought on Instagram
