What I Wish My Mother Taught Me About Menstrual Cycle

What I Wish My Mother Taught Me

Feb 14 2023 • 36 mins

Thank you for joining me on another episode of What I Wish My Mother Taught Me. In this episode, I chat with Briana Villegas. Briana helps women understand and leverage the different stages of their cycle. Turn the menstrual cycle into something that works for you instead of something you are pushing through or ignoring. Her mission is to empower women by demystifying money and providing them with an infrastructure that allows them to build confidently.  She coaches her clients on how to build a relationship with their money, heal financial trauma, and understand finances by breaking it into bite-size digestible pieces. Her program gives women tools that help women get unstuck and move forward.


Understand the 4 phases of the menstrual cycle

1. Menstruation

2. Reflection. The brain is more focused. Sensitivity to things happening in our environment. Sit with the emotions and determine if it is a reoccurring pattern. Journal practice. Take action

3. Follicular: our energy shoots up and boosts in creating. Appetite shifts. Work on projects. Take advantage of the boost in energy.

4. Ovulatory phase. 3-4 days, estrogens highest, boost in libido, the glow happens, really good at problem-solving and communicating. Set up to have conversations around the support you need.

Connect with Briana on Instagram

Visit Briana's Podcast page for more information.

Hormone Rants Podcast: Cycle Syncing for Tweens & Teens Waitlist:

Be sure to check out my book What I Wish My Mother Taught Me and What I Teach My Daughter and Journals.

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