101. Are My Lyrics Too "Wordy"?

Dear Songwriter...

Feb 20 2024 • 14 mins

Dear Songwriter,

Ever feel like your songs have too many words? In this episode, I'm delving into my own challenges with writing lyrics that were more wordy than necessary. As a songwriter and mentor, I've come across this hurdle multiple times, and today, I share not only my battle with "wordiness", but also the insights I gained on this creative journey.

Through my experience, I've identified two principal reason that led to such verbose lyrics: an overpowering attachment to the melody, and an overwhelming desire to infuse every detail into the song's narrative. We'll address how these tendencies can become obstacles in the process of crafting clear, concise, and efficacious lyrics. I'll guide you through the three transformative steps I undertook to tackle this issue head-on: recognizing the problem, utilizing the "lyric machete" technique to trim needless words, and deciding whether to rewrite lyrics or transition to instrumental sections for greater impact.

What You'll Learn in This Episode:

  • The common causes of over-wordy lyrics in songwriting.
  • How attachment to melody and story can interfere with lyric clarity.
  • The three-step process to combat lyric wordiness.
  • The power of the "lyric machete" technique.
  • The impact of creating instrumental spaces in songs for listener understanding and connection.

Bottom Line: Don't miss out on this episode, as it equips you with the tools to combat verbosity in songwriting, helping you create lyrics that are catchy, clear, and captivating.

Want to spend four days immersed in writing songs, meeting friends along the way, co-writers for life, and leveling up your songwriting? The Green Mountain Songwriting Retreat is happening again, and you won't want to miss it! Start your application here before early bird pricing ends: https://www.connorfrost.com/retreat2024