BadAptation Series: A League of Their Own - The Sitcom (1993)

That Was a Show?

Jan 20 2022 • 1 hr 12 mins

A League of Their Own WAS a show. Welcome to the first episode in our “BadAptation” series—the 1992 film “A League of Their Own” was adapted into a sitcom with the same title and premise a mere one year later in 1993. The film was a box office and critical success! The sitcom…lasted 6 episodes, and only 5 aired. That might sound kind of sad, but remember, there’s no crying in baseball!

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Hosted by:

Brynn Byrne @brynnabyrne

Aaron Yeger @aaronyeger

Andrew “Barry” Helmer @andrewhelmer

Podcast logo and artwork by Brian Walker @briguywalker