The Neanderthal Mind

Anthony Yocolano

A show about how our Neanderthal Ancestors influence our thought processes and characteristics. Take a journey with us as we probe into why what our Ancestors did millions of years ago, still has an influence on our modern mind. read less


You-Evolving with Dr. Hogan Sherrow
Oct 9 2021
You-Evolving with Dr. Hogan Sherrow
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome my Cave Dwellers. Thank You for joining me on this next episode of The Neanderthal Mind. Today we talk with Dr. Hogan Sherrow, and to start, I want to send out A huge THANK YOU!!! to him, for joining me on The Neanderthal Mind Podcast. Here is a little about Dr. Sherrow:           Dr. Hogan Sherrow is a Fulbright Scholar and has a Ph.D. in Evolutionary Anthropology from Yale University. He has studied the behavior and ecology of humans and other animals on three different continents, specializing in the evolution of political behavior, tribalism, leadership, and aggression. Some of his recent writings focus on the evolutionary origins of the Texas and Taliban attempts to control women and the existence and danger of the cult of trump. Hogan now consults for individuals, organizations, and campaigns as Owner of You Evolving, LLC,            In this episode, Dr. Sherrow and I get into his Business and podcast called You Evolving. Dr. Sherrow addresses, "When scientists talk about the evolutionary reason for a behavior, they are not assigning merit to that behavior, or condoning it, they are simply finding the source of it. It is up to us as individuals and as groups and societies to determine what is morally acceptable and hold individuals to those standards". We also discuss, what Dr. Sherrow  thinks is the best trait we inherited from our Neanderthal/Early Human Ancestors, as well as, what his studying of primates, insinuate about male Dominance in relationships, and so much more. I absolutely enjoyed my conversation with Dr. Sherrow, as I know my "Cave Dweller Community" will enjoy as well, and of course, all of Dr. Sherrows’ links will be included in the Show notes. As I always say, sit back, relax and enjoy the show. I will see you on the flip side Cave Dwellers.
The role of Human touch in our lives with Epiphany Jordan
Jun 11 2021
The role of Human touch in our lives with Epiphany Jordan
Epiphany Jordan is a caregiver and nurturer by nature and profession. From running a guesthouse to hosting large events to managing busy executives’ lives, she brings humor, wisdom, patience, and acceptance to her interactions with other people. She has a B.A. in journalism and considers herself a grammar geek. In the past, she has worked as a bartender, journalist, cigarette girl, professional tarot reader, legal assistant, and advice columnist. She has been reading tarot for 30 years and finds it to be a fascinating study into archetypal human experiences.In addition to Karuna Sessions, Epiphany also runs her sister business, Blue Star Temple, in Austin, TX. She has been trained by the Institute for Mind Body Therapy to work with therapists to provide integrated care to clients and has also studied with The Body Electric School.Epiphany is the author of "Somebody Hold Me: The Single Person's Guide to Nurturing Human Touch." Her favorite element is water, and she can often be found under the trees on the side of the hill at Barton Springs. Her mantra is "evolution, not revolution" and she considers herself a social artist, painting visions of how things could be on the canvas of our world.We sit down with Epiphany to discuss the importance of touch in our lives, and the difficult situation we all find ourselves in right now with social distancing. An awesome conversation with Epiphany ensues in this episode. I know we will all think a lot deeper about the importance of touch in our lives after listening to Epiphany. So, Cave Dwellers, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show. I will see you on the flip side!\_hold\_me/
The Dreamer Book Series with Author E.A. Meigs
May 28 2021
The Dreamer Book Series with Author E.A. Meigs
E. A. Meigs has a long varied career beginning with working on boats and in the commercial fishing industry, which also includes employment with the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, Fish and Wildlife, Forestry Department, as well as a columnist for Primetime, editor/contributor for, and managing editor for The Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks/Online Learning. Meg now owns and operates an independent publishing house called Dreamer Literary Productions, LLC, and is the author of The Dreamer Book Series: An Ice Age Saga. Book VI in that series is currently in production. A second Ice-Age themed book series for children will debut in 2021. Meg has two daughters and seven grandchildren. Meg is passionate about history, especially as it pertains to natural history and paleoanthropology, and constantly strives to add to her store of knowledge regarding outdoor life-skills.In this episode, Meg and myself get into her book Series, and some new series she has in the works. We also discuss the role of women in Neanderthal Life. So Cave Dwellers, Sit back, Relax, and enjoy the show.Facebook:
World of Paleoanthropology with Seth Chagi
Apr 15 2021
World of Paleoanthropology with Seth Chagi
Hello Cave Dwellers, and welcome to episode 18 of The Neanderthal Mind. My goodness, episode 18, still a newborn in the podcast world, and the Neanderthal Realm, but we will keep on trucking, and continue to bring you information on our Ancestors, and how they affect our modern existence. In this episode, we sit down with Seth Chagi. Seth, as I am sure, most of my Cave Dwellers know, is the founder of  World of Paleoanthropology, it is a Facebook group and a STEM Sci-comm project, which we discuss, to make all news, and research about Human Origins available to the public in a free and accessible way that we would be able to study and understand. As Seth says, “Through this understanding we can search for the answers to our questions surrounding our origins”.The one thing that strikes me, that Seth said, and I quote, “We are all Human, we all came from the same source”. That hits the heart, especially in todays atmosphere. We all need to understand, we are all human, we may have been made to look different on the outside, but we are entirely the same on the inside, where the heart is. As mentioned, we will get into Seth’s journey for Open, free and accessible information We talk about how, and I'm sure you all could agree, we need More education of our Ancestral beginnings in our school systemWe set the story straight on the pronunciation Neanderthal or NeandertalOf course we will discuss Seth's heart project, World of paleoanthropology (Facebook group)We go into, which I like to ask all of my guests this question, what led you to paleoanthropology and the realm of the NeanderthalsSci-Com (science communication)Theories of evolution, again, another question I like to ask my guestsSome new discoveries of Neanderthal ReligionCognitive Revolution during the Pleistocene (2.5 mil-11,700) and Holocene (11,700-present)\_of\_paleoanthropology/\_fwlqg/videos/upload?
Neurobehavioral Psychology with Dr. Paul Sambataro
Apr 1 2021
Neurobehavioral Psychology with Dr. Paul Sambataro
Hello Cave Dwellers, and welcome to the first episode of the new format! I hope you didn’t miss The Neanderthal Mind too much. Thank You for tuning in to this episode with Dr. Paul Sambataro. Dr. Sambataro is a PhD in Neurobehavioral Psychology, he completed Clinical and Organizational Psychology studies with a background in Wildlife Biology, he is also a Retired School Psychologist. Dr. Sambataro is the CEO of Foo Foo Media Empire and author of multiple self-help books and texts associated with Neurobehavioral Psychology.  Dr. Sambataro is the author of the Emotional Budgeting Workbooks for Adults and a Youth Version, coined the term "Emotional Budgeting" in 2001 to describe the action of training the mind to intake information and file it quickly to reduce stress and anxiety. In this episode, we discuss topics such as, Value connection between all of us, which is basically seeing the good in everyone, despite our race, sexual orientation, or beliefs. The interactions between Neanderthal and Homo Sapiens, to include the possible causes of the extinction of The Neanderthal. How an increase in caring capacity set the Homo Sapiens on the path of domination. Environmental pressures on brain evolution, behavior, interactions, and adaptation. The cognitive function of Neanderthals. How Autism and Bi-Polar designations may have been beneficial for our Neanderthal Ancestors, which seems to come up in quit a few of my interviews. We talk about the Emotional Workbook, created by Dr. Sambataro, which is set up somewhat like a Financial Budget where, what you take in and what you put out could cause an emotional deficiency in your psyche. We also get into how important it could be to your mental wellbeing, to be able to create a filing cabinet in your mind, to help you organize your emotions. Finally, we touch on Dr. Sambataro’s new media empire, Foo Foo Media. So, Cave Dwellers, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show, I will see you on the flip side