05 | Can’t Get It All Done?! Do THIS to Communicate with Your Husband to Share the Load

Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms | Stay at Home Moms, Routines, Time Management, Intentional Motherhood, Simple Living, Biblical Motherhood, Habits

Apr 16 2024 • 31 mins

Hi, friend!

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to divide some of the load that falls on us as moms to share that responsibility with our spouse. How to communicate and get on the same page in managing your home and family, systems to break old pitfalls that you KEEP falling into, and how to even start the conversation.

I know that you are struggling to get it all done and honestly just feel like most days, you’re adding more items on to the to do list than actually checking any off. Balancing motherhood, homemaking, and business is HARD, but then you add extra busy seasons or circumstances out of your control and it just feels like too much. You want to partner with your husband to really become a team in managing it all, but you don't know where to start.

You know that your husband WANTS to help, but you’re getting stuck in the same old cycle of having too much on your plate, getting to your breaking point and telling your husband you just need help, and then feeling so frustrated time and time again when he isn’t doing ANYTHING that you asked him to help with. Except that more than likely, you probably haven’t actually vocalized ANY specific things you need help with, you just word vomited all your stress and overwhelm and expected him to know exactly how to step in and help and save the day. Spoiler alert: this was me for so many years and welp, husbands aren’t mind readers. They just aren’t. I’m going to share the communication strategies that we’ve learned by much trial and error in the past 9 years of our marriage that has completely TRANSFORMED this cycle and allowed us to really healthily share the workload and expectations in our marriage, especially in really busy or stressful seasons. I pray that this episode is a blessing for you! Enjoy!




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Grab my FREE morning routine guide: https://kyannandmat.ck.page/a958ab4a29

Wanna work together, friend?! I’m here to help you create the routines you need in your home and life to get more done while still being present with your family:

Join Simple Rhythms for Busy Moms course: https://rhythm-reset-roadmap.teachable.com/p/rhythm-reset-roadmap

Join the FREE community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/748875550194448

Connect with me on IG: @kyannandmat

Watch on YouTube: @kyannandmat

Email me: kyann@kyannraye.com