Gun Control, Nonviolence, Christian Pacifism, and the Christian (with Aaron Ross from Everyday Theology)

Beards & Bible Podcast

Oct 11 2023 • 1 hr 29 mins

What’s up Beards and Bible listeners, on our last episode we talked about gun ownership, self-defense, and the Christian ethics related to those issues. On our today's episode, we’re going to hear a different Christian perspective- one that advocates nonviolence, gun control, and Christian pacifism.

Even though many American evangelicals are unfamiliar with and often oppose those who hold to this view, historically there have always been groups of Christians worldwide who have advocated and consistently practiced nonviolence including the Mennonites, Church of the Brethren, many Anabaptist Christian fellowships, many Adventists, and Moravians, just to name a few. As a matter of fact, the largest Pentecostal denomination, the Assemblies of God, held to this position until the Second World War.

So how do those who hold to this position think about the scriptures that seem to allow believers to practice self-defense? What are the ethical implications of exercising complete pacifism and nonviolence as a Christian, even when you see evil and violence being done to others?

Check out Aaron's podcast- Everyday Theology