What's on Your Heart?

RSM Teens

Mar 15 2024 • 3 mins

Have you ever caught yourself snapping at someone or uttering words you later regretted? Our latest episode dives into the heart's hidden battles, exploring why our emotions and desires can lead to outward expressions we don't necessarily intend. Our insightful guest guides us through the journey of self-awareness, encouraging us to uncover and surrender our inner struggles to the Lord. Together, we discuss the transformative power of recognizing what lies beneath our frustrations, the impulse to use harsh language, or the tendency to lash out— and the importance of letting God heal these areas of our hearts.

This episode is a call to action for every listener seeking to live a life aligned with their faith. By acknowledging the profound truth that what we harbor within will eventually surface, we find the courage to face our feelings and seek the Lord's guidance. Our guest leaves us with an empowering message: practice self-awareness and trust in the transformative journey of walking daily with God. Tune in for a spiritually enriching experience that complements, not replaces, your personal devotion time.