40. UPDATE on Chrissie’s Tech Fails and Successes to Share

Parent to Parent

Dec 6 2023 • 42 mins

So what ever happened with Chrissie’s tech reckoning following her and Bethann’s interview with Family Tech at the end of the summer? You can find out today! Bethann is “interviewing” Chrissie about what has changed in her household with tech usage since doing an end of summer reset. Chrissie shares what devices have changed for her kids, different tools that are now being used (and working pretty well!), how the tech reset went and led to device-free weekdays, and also how it is still a constant push and pull managing tech use–for everyone, parents included. Just like everything else this is a cycle that never really ends. Join us!

Things we mentioned in this episode:

Listen first to the episode with Sarah Kimmel from Family Tech where Chrissie talks about her tech fails.

The audiobook series Chrissie’s kids loved and listened to in the car was called The Penderwicks.

Chrissie talked about Discord–here is a video from Family Tech explaining the Discord app.

Chrissie and Bethann took a social media break after Aria did and told us about it on the pod!

Register for our January 24th, 2023 webinar with Family Tech–”Digital Parenting”.

Parent to Parent: Building Connections Groups are meeting monthly! Join parents with similar-aged students and a trained facilitator to discover techniques, tips, and tricks to tackle common challenges and strengthen connections. Most importantly we’ll interact with other parents who are in the same stage or who have been there and can offer advice. Bring a friend and join the conversation!

You can now follow Chrissie on Instagram @ctc_chrissie or on Facebook /@Chrissie.CTC for info from each episode, Parent to Parent blog updates, and other parent resources. You can also email Chrissie at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org We would love to hear from you!

Communities that Care has a Parent to Parent Blog and many online resources. Please follow us on socials for more tips, resources and support!:

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