Feeling anxious? It seems most parents we know have dealt with anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges at some point in their life. Does a parent's mental health affect their kids? If we are anxious or depressed do we “make” our kids anxious or depressed? In today’s episode we are answering these questions and much more with guest Mike Smolenski, M.A., L.P.C., a therapist and Clinical Director at our partner Sanare Today. We discussed how an anxious or depressed parent may interact with their kids (often unintentionally) and how our children may internalize these interactions and interpret your behaviors. We also talked about the importance of sharing your stuff appropriately and creating an environment to talk about feelings. Mike highlighted how we as parents often have super high (read: unrealistic) expectations of ourselves and that we are not superheroes, but are actually human too. He also shared how parents can better care for themselves and how to find ways to realistically do this and use strategies that work for YOU. Chrissie and Bethann also brought up how parenting in the U.S. is different from other cultures and how it is understandable that parents may feel overwhelmed being the primary person for all their kids' needs. This conversation included so many thoughts and hands-on tips you can do right away, we hope you will join us!
Things we mentioned in this episode:
CDC’s Children's Mental Health page with stats about caregivers mental health
Pew study that found parents are worried about their kids mental health
“Healthy Boundaries, Healthy Family” Parent Speaker Series recording
We mentioned a book called Hunt, Gather, Parent about parenting in different cultures
CTC has Parent to Parent Peer Support Groups to provide a safe space for parents to get advice and support from other parents. Learn more about these groups and when they meet!
Sanare Today’s mission is to build a world in which the vast majority of people wake up everyday feeling and thinking that they are okay and can thrive. Sanare Today provides help and support for those hurting from depression, anxiety or addictions through our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), outpatient services, and coaching services (Thrive University). You can call Sanare at 610-344-9600. You can follow Sanare Today on Facebook and Instagram.
You can now follow Chrissie on Instagram @ctc_chrissie or on Facebook /@Chrissie.CTC for info from each episode, Parent to Parent blog updates, and other parent resources. You can also email Chrissie at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org We would love to hear from you!
Communities that Care has a Parent to Parent Blog and many online resources. Please follow us on socials for more tips, resources and support!:
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Facebook @DowningtownAreaCTC
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