34. Free from Socials: A Mom’s Story of Her Break from Social Media

Parent to Parent

May 23 2023 • 39 mins

Ever feel like giving up social media altogether? (Spoiler: We definitely do! And then just… do not.) Our Communications Director, Aria Walerski, did just that when she recently gave up her personal socials for lent and in today's episode she shares what she learned over those 40 days! Aria explained how she never realized how much she picked up her phone during the day and how this was more challenging than she expected in the beginning of her break. She also tells us how no socials made her feel physically and emotionally and how freeing it was to use her phone less. We also discuss how social media apps aren’t all bad and Aria shared ways she put guardrails around her use when she returned to the apps. Chrissie and Bethann also agree to take a break from their personal socials–Instagram–for Memorial Day Weekend. Join us for a 3-day break and we will talk about what we learned in an upcoming episode!

Things we mentioned in this episode:

Chrissie mentioned persuasive technology from Episode 33: Tech and Gaming Effects on Kids Behavior

Our first Episode with Dr. Diez-Morel about tech and screens

CTC has Parent to Parent Peer Support Groups to provide a safe space for parents to get advice and support from other parents. Learn more about these groups and when they meet!

You can now follow Chrissie on Instagram @ctc_chrissie or on Facebook /@Chrissie.CTC for info from each episode, Parent to Parent blog updates, and other parent resources. You can also email Chrissie at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org We would love to hear from you!

Communities that Care has a Parent to Parent Blog and many online resources. Please follow us on socials for more tips, resources and support!:

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