38. It’s Too Early Until It Isn’t - How Our Experiences Influence How We Parent

Parent to Parent

Oct 24 2023 • 53 mins

As parents we can’t help but want better for our kids and wonder, “How can I make this path different for them?” Today we are speaking with Dan Brady, CTC Board President and Downingtown parent of three. Dan shares with us why prevention work is so important and how these are the things we need to do when we feel good and before we feel the need to “panic parent”. Dan and Chrissie discuss their own experience with alcohol use, how there is a lot of gray area in substance use disorder, and how our own use and family history influences how we parent. Lastly we talk about how important positive points of contact with youth and parents are to better our community. Join us!

Things we mentioned in this episode:

We mentioned our podcast episode with Cynthia

We reference the PAYS alcohol statistics and norms students reported

Chrissie wrote a blog post about quitting drinking alcohol

We talked about how early kids use alcohol. 1 in 3 kids have tried alcohol by age 8, and 2 in 3 by age 12.

You can now follow Chrissie on Instagram @ctc_chrissie or on Facebook /@Chrissie.CTC for info from each episode, Parent to Parent blog updates, and other parent resources. You can also email Chrissie at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org We would love to hear from you!

Communities that Care has a Parent to Parent Blog and many online resources. Please follow us on socials for more tips, resources and support!:

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