39. Their Sport is Their Drug: Supporting Student Athlete Wellness

Parent to Parent

Nov 15 2023 • 45 mins

Sports are a surefire way to keep kids out of trouble and less likely to use substances, right? Well, we learned the answer is yes… and sometimes also no. What makes students great athletes also places them at greater risk of substance use. We are so happy to welcome Tina George from Caron Treatment Centers to talk with us about student athletes and how participation in sports (and other high achievement focused activities) can be both a protective AND risk factor. Tina shares what substances students are most likely to use, including caffeine and supplements, and the impact it can have on performance. She also gives guidance on how to tackle (pun intended) a “work hard, play hard” and “look the other way” team or coaching culture to keep your kid safe. We also discuss what parents CAN do to support their athlete to be well as they balance not only their sport, but also school and just being a kid growing up. Join us!

Things we mentioned in this episode:

Tina was featured presenting this topic in our Oct. 2023 Parent Speaker Series Webinar–watch here.

Tina advised to look for a seal from NSF Certified for Sports to make sure anything your child is taking is safe.

You can reach Tina at tgeorge@caron.org and learn more about Caron and their education programs and resources. Tina also has a podcast “Conversations that Matter” discussing behavioral health strategies for building resilience.

Parent to Parent: Building Connections Groups are meeting monthly! Join parents with similar-aged students and a trained facilitator to discover techniques, tips, and tricks to tackle common challenges and strengthen connections. Most importantly we’ll interact with other parents who are in the same stage or who have been there and can offer advice. Bring a friend and join the conversation!

You can now follow Chrissie on Instagram @ctc_chrissie or on Facebook /@Chrissie.CTC for info from each episode, Parent to Parent blog updates, and other parent resources. You can also email Chrissie at cdziembowski@dtownctc.org We would love to hear from you!

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