Meal Prepping, Picky Eaters & Grocery Shopping in Today’s World with guest Kristy Baranovskis

The 6570 Family Project

May 11 2022 • 44 mins

Have you wondered how to do ALL of the things you need to and are expected to do as a parent and still have time to put anything on the table that isn’t prepackaged fast food? Finding time for real food is a challenge and, in this episode, Kristy gives us the 5 tips on how to meal prep without breaking your money or time budget. And, because we are living when we are, I wanted to touch on how to get and stay in your wellness when the grocery store shelves are sparse, and the prices are astronomical.

Listen in for some all-around amazing tips and tricks for your family when it comes to food, including those picky eaters!

About the Guest:

Kristy Baranovskis

Certified Health Coach

I am Kristy, a certified Health Coach, specializing in nutrition and meal prep. I work with busy moms to create simple, easy routines in the kitchen so that they have less stress and more time in their day.

From the time I can remember, I struggled with food. Food was the center of our family gatherings growing up. Over time, food became a comfort and also what I turned to when I was bored. The problem was the food I turned to was empty in calories and void of nutritional value.

I looked to food for comfort again after my oldest daughter was born and my marriage began to dissolve. I went through a divorce and found myself a single working mom. Finances were a struggle, I was depressed and I was thankful to just get through to the end of the week. I found myself lacking in skills to deal with all these life stressors, and found my usual comfort in food.

Sometimes you have an “ah-ha” moment. Mine happened on my 30th birthday while visiting my brother. I clearly remember standing on his deck, thinking that I did not want to eat like this any longer! Something had to change! I was so unhappy with myself. I was unhappy with the way I felt.

Nutrition has become such a big part of my life, that I now am passionate about dedicating myself to helping other moms like me solve this very problem in their own lives. I want to provide working moms strategies and tools so they can spend time with their family doing things they love instead of stressing over what they will be making for dinner.

About the Host:

Nellie Harden is a wife of 20+ years, mom to 4 teen/tween daughters, dreamer, adventurer, servant, multipreneur, forever student, and a devoted teacher, but her ride-or-die passion is her work as a Family Life Coach & Mentor.

Coming from a career background in marine mammal sciences, behavioral work, and a host of big life experiences, both great and not some not so great, she decided that designing a life of purpose and freedom was how she and her husband, along with their 4 daughters, wanted to live.

Her work and passions exist in the realms of family and parent mentorship because she believes that a family filled with creativity, fun, laughter, challenge, adventure, problem-solving, hugs, good food, and learning can not only change a person’s life but is the best chance at positively changing the world.

She helps families build...