The 26 Key Qualities of The Liberated Spirit - Part 1 - Endless Possibilities Podcast - Episode 34

Endless Possibilities Podcast

Feb 10 2024 • 1 hr 16 mins

We are thrilled to share with you some truly enlightening moments from our latest podcast episode. Gareth and Eva dove deep into the heart of spiritual development, and I can't wait for you to join us on this journey.

🌟 Fearlessness & Purity of Heart 🌟 We kicked things off by exploring the profound qualities of fearlessness and purity of the heart. Imagine releasing all your fears, feeling the energy flow through your heart chakra, and experiencing an outpouring of love for all beings. We shared our personal stories and the transformative power of these qualities in our lives.

🔍 Accessing the Heart & Knowing the Self 🔍 Accessing the heart isn't always easy, right? We talked about the challenges and the incredible growth that comes from truly knowing oneself. It's not just about mystical experiences; it's about integrating and refining every aspect of who you are.

💖 Charity & Control of the Senses 💖 Charity is more than just giving; it's about the intention behind it. We delved into how even our noblest acts can be tinged with ego and how to transcend that. Plus, we tackled the tricky topic of controlling the senses and how to detach from the mind's influence over our desires.

🙏 Offering & Mindfulness of the Self 🙏 Ever thought about making your daily work an offering? I shared how offering my work to the divine mother transformed my job. Garrett gave us a beautiful metaphor for mindfulness, comparing thoughts to bubbles rising from the ocean floor. It's all about not getting caught up in them.

🕊️ Non-Violence, Honesty, & Inertia 🕊️ We wrapped up with a heartfelt discussion on non-violence and honesty. It's fascinating how non-violence isn't just about our actions but also the energy behind them. And honesty? It's about being true to yourself, even if it ruffles some feathers.

We laughed, we reflected, and we even touched on the "dark night of the soul," reminding everyone that spiritual growth can be filled with joy and lightness.

We are so grateful to share these moments with you and hope they spark a flame of curiosity and inspiration. Tune in to the podcast for a dose of heartfelt wisdom and a few laughs along the way.

Sending you all love and light  🎧✨