32 - DECLOBBERING Same-Sex Passages of the Bible with Grant Hartley

Theology In Pieces

Oct 5 2023 • 1 hr 55 mins

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Prepare for an in-depth look at what the scriptures have to say about all these questions surrounding Homosexuality.   With the help of the insightful Grant Hartley, co-host of the Life on Side B podcast, we aim to shake the dust off difficult scriptures and bring you a fresh perspective on their meaning.
As Ted Lasso would say, "Be Curious. Not Judgemental."

The 6 passages we'll take an in-depth look at are:

  1. Genesis 19
  2. Leviticus 18:22
  3. Leviticus 20:13
  4. Romans 1:26-27
  5. 1 Corinthians 6:9
  6. 1 Timothy 1:10

We'll consider some of the best arguments from the affirming view point, disqualify one of these verses from even covering this topic, and look at original Hebrew and Greek.  Get ready for a bible study!

And to lighten things up, we'll let you in on how Slim survived his birthday quest to jump out of an airplane! So, sit back, plug in, and join us on this incredible exploration of faith, culture, sexuality, and gender.

Learn more from Grant at his Substack
Read his article on Sodom and Gomorrah
His "How One Gay Southern Baptist found Himself drawn to the Catholic Church"
Or follow him on Twitter... not X.

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For more information, you can follow us at
Theology in Pieces on Instagram - @theologyinpieces

Email us by emailing hello@theologyinpieces.com

Malcolm Foley - on twitter @MalcolmBFoley
Slim Thompson on twitter @wacoslim

For more information on the church,
check us out at www.mosaicwaco.org or on instagram.