Sustainable Parenting

Flora McCormick, LCPC, Parenting Coach

Are you tired of power struggles, whining, and tantrums with your kids?  Does it seem no matter what you do, they just. won't. LISTEN?!

Friend, you are not alone.  I have been there.   And I can't wait to share with you the pathway to more joy and ease, getting kids to listen in a way that is still loving, kind and connected.

Welcome to Sustainable Parenting.

Here we bridge the gap between overly gentle parenting and overly harsh discipline, so you can parent with kindness and  firmness at the same time.

In this podcast, we share simple transformational shifts, so you can finally be the calm, confident parent you always dreamed you'd be.

With my master’s degree in counseling, being a mom of 2 young kids, and 12 years of experience coaching and mentoring parents internationally, I have found the secrets to being a calm confident parent.

These 15 min. episodes will drop each Wednesday and boil down parenting theory and psychology into bite-size strategies that are easy to understand and implement, and for that reason...finally feel sustainable.

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Kids & FamilyKids & Family


61. How to Overcome Emotional Eating with Meredith Ries, LCPC
Jun 5 2024
61. How to Overcome Emotional Eating with Meredith Ries, LCPC
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever wondered why stress drives you to the fridge instead of the yoga mat?Join us for an eye-opening conversation with Meredith Ries, a seasoned therapist and emotional eating coach, as we break down the complex emotions behind why many parents, especially mothers, turn to food for comfort. We uncover the emotional triggers of these behaviors, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging one's self-worth and needs. This episode is packed with practical strategies to transition from emotional to logical thinking during those taxing parenting moments, helping you prioritize sustainable self-care and healthier stress management techniques.By the time you finish listening, you'll have:Actionable tips to help you manage your relationship with food. Strategies for stress management (without binging), that are realistic.Tools to take stress off your plate, even in your busy life as a mom. Get my FOOD PREP IDEAS WITH KIDS OF ALL AGES : FREE PDF hereMeredith also provides resources and support for those looking to confront emotional eating, including how to connect with her for further guidance.  Feel free to reach out to her at✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
59. How to Be Kind & Firm (part 3) with Jane Nelsen: Navigating Parenting Challenges with Practical Tools
May 22 2024
59. How to Be Kind & Firm (part 3) with Jane Nelsen: Navigating Parenting Challenges with Practical Tools
Send us a Text Message.Join us for the third part of our insightful interview with Jane Nelsen, the well-known author of Positive Discipline.  Jane shares more wisdom on practical strategies to parent with both kindness and firmness at the same time.In this episode, we talk about how Positive Discipline can change the way you and your kids connect. Jane explains how to effectively communicate and build teamwork at home.After listening, you'll learn:🌟Key phrases to help you to not overly coddle or overly control your children.🌟 HOW and WHY to hold family meetings just 20 minutes a week.🌟 How mistakes transform into growth opportunities Discover how to turn tricky moments into chances to grow closer. Learn the importance of being consistent, kind, and respectful. Tune in for an episode full of helpful tips and stories that will help you raise confident, caring, and strong kids.  And here is the handout from Jane on phrases of Kindness and Firmness.✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
58. How to Be Kind & Firm (part 2) with Jane Nelsen: Empowering Families
May 15 2024
58. How to Be Kind & Firm (part 2) with Jane Nelsen: Empowering Families
Send us a Text Message.Are you ready to rethink consequences, punishment and time outs?  This week we explore the transformational power of positive discipline with our guest, author and parenting expert - Jane Nelsen. By the time you finish listening, you'll know:🌟 Why it's important to drop punishments and even some consequences🌟 How to use "Positive Time Outs"🌟 The 4 key Mistaken Goals listed in THIS CHART, and how to use them to outsmart misbehavior.🌟 What to do when children back-talkIn this discussion we unravel the concepts of kindness and firmness in discipline, moving away from punitive measures and towards enduring solutions that boost children's self-worth and autonomy.  Discover how to handle common disciplinary scenarios with grace, all while fostering good character and respectful communication within the family unit.RESOURCES  mentioned in today's episode:🌟 Jared's Cool-Off Book, by Jane Nelsen🌟Flora's handout on how to SUPPORT, rather than fix/rescue🌟The 4 key Mistaken Goals listed in THIS CHART, and how to use them to outsmart misbehavior.✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
57. How to be Kind & Firm  (Part 1), with Jane Nelsen: Co-Founder of Positive Discipline
May 8 2024
57. How to be Kind & Firm (Part 1), with Jane Nelsen: Co-Founder of Positive Discipline
Send us a Text Message.Struggling to find the right way to guide your kids?Join us on a journey with parenting expert Jane Nelsen as we uncover the secrets of positive discipline!✨ She'll offer gentle guidance on striking the perfect balance between kindness and firmness when it comes to raising our little ones.Over the next three weeks, Jane will share a treasure trove of tips for moms and dads who want to boost their kids' confidence, strength, and skills.Together, we'll explore the wisdom of Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs to learn how to navigate the challenges of modern parenting. Sometimes, we might find ourselves being too lenient with our kids, unintentionally spoiling them instead of helping them grow like butterflies emerging from their cocoons.But fret not, Jane reminds us that punishment isn't the answer to misbehavior. It just leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU'LL KNOW:The long-term benefits of positive discipline over the temporary fix of punishment or permissive parenting. Key phrases that help you to get better cooperation from kids.How to teach and guide your child to better behavior, rather than trigger your child's rebellion, revenge or retreat. You can learn more about Positive Discipline HERE, and access Jane's powerful tools and books here.Click here to register for the Positive Discipline In Person Conference in Atlanta:✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
56. Rethink Mother's Day: How to Get What You're Really Looking For
May 1 2024
56. Rethink Mother's Day: How to Get What You're Really Looking For
Send us a Text Message.Have you had a less-than-wonderful Mother's Day in the past?Looking to this year with a bit of dread, because you feel you might be:Taking care of others (your MIL, making your own card with the kids, etc),Overlooked, or Under-appreciated /Not celebrated as you would like to be celebrated?❤️We've got a 3 part recipe to reinvent the Mother's Day you really want. ❤️My first Mother's Day was far from the idyllic scene I had pictured — imagine a hungover husband, me changing all the diapers, being told the shoes I bought myself the week before were my "gift", and feeling completely unappreciated.  But I've learned a lot since then, and in this heartfelt episode, I'm spilling the tea on transforming Mother's Day from a potential letdown into a celebration that truly honors our motherhood journey. By the time you finish listening, you'll know:The common traps we fall into - like expecting our partners to be mind-readers or grappling with guilt when it comes to expressing our wishes. How to end our guilt, "should'ing" or other unhelpful thinking patterns.How to look inward and speak outward, to be clear with our loved ones and honor the celebration moment we totally deserve.  Join me, knee-to-knee, mom-to-mom, as we explore the art of communicating our needs and shaping a Mother's Day that leaves us feeling cherished and rejuvenated.And if you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION, join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat."And lastly, I wanna offer you a discount to the Sustainable Parenting Transformation 🌟Accelerator Package🌟  (exclusive 10% DISCOUNT). This Parent Coaching Wrap-around support for 5 sessions (over 2 months of time) is regularly $997  - ON SALE UNTIL MOTHER's DAY ($878)!✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
54. Uniting a House Divided by Parenting Differences
Apr 17 2024
54. Uniting a House Divided by Parenting Differences
Send us a Text Message.Are you tired of power struggles with your spouse over who is being “too soft” or “too strict”?Are your kids getting caught in the crossfire of your battling parenting styles?I’m guessing you are deeply craving more ✔partnership✔teamwork✔having each other’s backs. Today’s episode unveils 2 key questions that help you make a profound shift into a cohesive unit characterized by both kindness and firmness. By the time you finish listening, you’ll know:⭐How to maintain a loving connection with your children without sacrificing clear boundaries.⭐How to build respectful relationships without an iron fist. And if you’re willing to out in the work, I  promise this delicate balance can truly enrich your family's happiness, and move you towards becoming that power couple you always wanted to be. ✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
53. How to Get Kids off Screens (Ages 5-12), and WHY it's so important
Apr 10 2024
53. How to Get Kids off Screens (Ages 5-12), and WHY it's so important
Send us a Text Message.Are your kids glued to their screens?  Do you feel like your in frequent debates over whether they can watch “ONE more show” or play a video game “JUST a few more minutes”?...I know this battle all too well, and this episode is focused on giving you the exact steps to set tech limits (and keep them), and the valuable statistics on WHY it's so important.  The numbers are really alarming, when we really take a look.  Overuse of screens has directly correlated to increasing rates of depression and anxiety among the 5-12 age group, and beyond.  So this is no small matter. But armed with our discussed strategies for age-appropriate screen time and realistic kind/firm rules for tech use, you'll be empowered to get your kids back into real-world connections and healthier habits. Expect to walk away with tools that ensure your new family guidelines stick.By the time you finish listening, you will know:✨Why kids need to have less screen time (what's the cost of being addicted to tech)?✨How to SET and MAINTAIN technology boundaries with love and consistency. ✨A game plan that tackles resistance head-on, affectionately dubbed the 'extinction burst.' ✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
51. 5 Self-Care Essentials - Doable for Even the Busiest Mamas
Mar 27 2024
51. 5 Self-Care Essentials - Doable for Even the Busiest Mamas
Send us a Text Message.Are you struggling to balance everything on your to-do list while also taking care of your kids? You are not alone. Lots of parents find it hard to take care of themselves, when it seems like EVERYONE else's needs come first.In this episode, I'm thrilled to be joined by Marie Kueny, founder of Goddess of Light Retreats and School Counselor - to talk about five self-care tips that even the busiest moms can try. Tune in to learn some simple ways to focus on yourself without feeling guilty. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU’LL KNOW:⭐How to communicate when you need help⭐Why spending time for your passion is important⭐How small things matter Join us as we talk about how little changes can make a big difference in your life as a mom. Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish—it's essential for being the best mom you can be. ✨Bonus✨Sustainable Parenting Glamping Retreat - Overnight optionSustainable Parenting Glamping Retreat - Day optionMarie's FREE virtual mini-retreat gift for listeners:Goddess Activation Hour: ✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
46. When a child says, "You're mean!", say THIS.
Feb 21 2024
46. When a child says, "You're mean!", say THIS.
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever experienced your child telling you, 'You're mean. I don't like you!' or saying a friend/brother is mean, when she doesn't get what she wants?It hurts, and you start wondering if you are failing as a mom. I get it. I've been there, friend. We can often end up in long lectures about how that kind of language, “isn’t nice” - which really just focuses on what NOT to do. Do you ever notice your kids glaze over, or tune you out?  Maybe they even just respond with a goofy response that is completely unrelated to the situation.  These are all super common responses because the child doesn’t know what he CAN do, instead. This week’s episode at the Sustainable Parenting Podcast is decoding this situation, so you can easily understand it better, and respond effectively. BY THE TIME YOU'RE DONE LISTENING, YOU'LL KNOW:What not to say when your child says, "You're mean or someone's mean."A simple, clear recipe for how to effectively respond.A simple, clear script to rephrase your child's immature words and guide her into a more mature way to express her feelings.✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
45. Valentines Day: How to Increase Your Intimacy (Even in the Early Parenting Years)
Feb 14 2024
45. Valentines Day: How to Increase Your Intimacy (Even in the Early Parenting Years)
Send us a Text Message.🔥❤️We talk a lot about communication and tools to be effective parents- but what about how to be effective in keeping the ROMANCE alive?I mean - I personally believe (along with relationship expert and coach- @_lindleygentile_ ), that these early years of parenting can STILL include some fun and pleasure with our partners.If you’re on the same page - then you are OUR kinda people, and we can’t wait to share Lindley’s top tips for more intimacy during these parenting years.BY THE TIME YOU FINISHING LISTENING, You'll know:A "bump in the road" that is very common, and can cause some upset in the romance department when you have kids.A clear strategy to give your partner - that he may not have considered would rev you up for romance.3 steps to increase your intimacy (and it has nothing to do with naughty toys or new positions) ;)Happy VDay friends!❤❤❤✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.
43. What Every Parent Needs to Know (from an 18 year old)
Jan 31 2024
43. What Every Parent Needs to Know (from an 18 year old)
Send us a Text Message.Wouldn't it be cool to fast-forward 10-13 years, and be able to interview your child at age 18, and know what mattered MOST to them in the early you can use that wisdom NOW?!   That's exactly why I've chosen to interview Isabel Minor today.  Isabel is a thriving 18-year-old, who has overcome challenges with anxiety and has a relationship with her parents that she calls "super positive."  HOW did her parents manage to raise a successful young lady, who likes to bring problems to them, and asks for their advice on relationships, school, and more?! BY THE TIME YOU'RE DONE LISTENING, YOU'll KNOW:Why many teens feel distant from their parentsWhat key qualities teens most appreciate in their parentsHow to have less power-struggles and a closer relationship with your child.✨Want more?1) If you are in a space where you REALLY DESIRE SPACE FOR REJUVENATION,join me on the DAY OPTION, or OVERNIGHT option of the "Rooted and Reaching - Sustainable Parenting Glamping Women's Retreat." 2) Take a deeper dive in our Sustainable Parenting Courses and Coaching: 3) If you’ve connected with this episode, leave a review and SHARE this episode with a friend.:)4) And while you've got your phone out, make sure to follow me on Instagram @Sustainable_Parent_Coach and join our Facebook Community!5) Also -use this link for a FREE 20 min clarity call with Flora.