45. Valentines Day: How to Increase Your Intimacy (Even in the Early Parenting Years)

Sustainable Parenting

Feb 14 2024 • 20 mins

🔥❤️We talk a lot about communication and tools to be effective parents- but what about how to be effective in keeping the ROMANCE alive?

I mean - I personally believe (along with relationship expert and coach- @_lindleygentile_ ), that these early years of parenting can STILL include some fun and pleasure with our partners.

If you’re on the same page - then you are OUR kinda people, and we can’t wait to share Lindley’s top tips for more intimacy during these parenting years.


  • A "bump in the road" that is very common, and can cause some upset in the romance department when you have kids.
  • A clear strategy to give your partner - that he may not have considered would rev you up for romance.
  • 3 steps to increase your intimacy (and it has nothing to do with naughty toys or new positions) ;)

Happy VDay friends!❤❤❤

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