In this episode. Ampleforth Community Members discuss the launch of SPOT (a inflation resistant store of value)
Reference the SPOT whitepaper at
Highlights from the call:
- AMPL as an atomic clock, reference to the federal reserve
- Buttonwood (liquidation free) Tranches and how they work in the SPOT system. AMPL tranches remove supply volatility SPOT system only uses SAFE tranches. Button Finance
- SPOT is simply a claim to underlying collateral & is NOT runnable
- SPOT could be etched in stone for eternity and the prices would never change
- Unlike Terra/Luna SPOT doesn't try to ever hold a price peg, it oscillates around a target price (2019 USD). Additionally SPOT does not require an Oracle, it uses the supply values of its AMPL collateral for instant updates
- SPOTs risk is upfront, and doesn't require borrowers/lenders of last resort to operate.
- Discussion around if SPOT could be used as underlying collateral for other stablecoins (i.e Maker DAI) all of DEFI. (SPOT is the holy grail? or is the holy grail unattainable?)
- G-Yes Gives us an update on Hourglass Protocol