The Benefits of Bliss on Your Nervous System with Dawson Church

Fearless Presence

Jul 10 2023 • 56 mins

  • Melanie’s introduction. 0:01
    Introduction of Dawson Church, phd, award-winning science writer.
    Being on the leading edge of the craziness.
    Bliss is feeling really good.
  • How do you measure happiness? 3:42
    How to measure happiness on a scale.
    The highest frequency wave, gamma.
    The 10,000 hour process to create the EFT system.
    A pivotal experience in a hotel.
  • Training people to acquire the brain states of zen. 8:24
    Training people to acquire brain waves really fast.
    How to get there in 10 minutes.
    Transformation in one session or a few simple exercises.
    The short path, the direct path.
  • How neurotransmitters are like drugs. 14:02
    How neurotransmitters are like drugs, similar to pharmaceuticals and recreational drugs.
    Psilocybin and morphine.
    Why Dawson meditates every day.
  • The importance of coming back to the here and now. 18:30
    Two minutes of grounding at the end of each eco-meditation.
    Why feeling bad is so important.
    Happiness is not necessary for evolutionary survival.
    The importance of being on high alert.
    Modern day society and the threat of the pandemic.
    The benefits of bliss.
  • Different types of meditation and their benefits. 24:59
    Stroke patients can still gain improvement 20 years later.
    The seven distinct schools of meditation.
    Seven different kinds of meditations in tibetan buddhism.
    Using a visual cue in Tibetan Buddhism.
  • Loving kindness and compassion in meditation. 30:44
    Loving kindness and compassion are the most powerful components of meditation.
    Compassion fatigue.
    Compassion in meditation produces quicker wiring and suppression of self-absorption.
    Tibetan monk's moment of greatest danger.
  • Compassion. 35:34
    Compassion is not just for others.
    The power of self-compassion in 2017.
    Wildfire racing down the hillside toward them.
    The next morning they woke up to devastation.
    Emergency meditation during the pandemic.
    The importance of being blissfully happy every day.
  • How meditation and immunity work together. 43:23
    Resilience is not a psychological trait, only a volume of tissue.
    Meditation and mindfulness.
    Immunity and meditation in the thick of the coronavirus pandemic.
    EFT acupressure and meditation.
    The power of energy consciousness.
    The vision for basic public health.
  • Innovation in health care. 49:26
    Innovation in healthcare is bleak.
    The medical system is highly resistant to innovation.
    Acupuncture is a quantum leap for mental health and pain.
    The resistance to EFT.
    Get a copy of bliss brain.