Moms Talk Autism

Modern Mom Probs

Apr 30 2024 • 42 mins

Hosts of the Moms Talk Autism podcast, Jean Mayer, Shannon Korza, Tash Dillmon, and Brittney Crabtree, discuss their journey as mothers of neurodivergent children and the importance of connection and support. They share how they met online during the pandemic and formed a close-knit community through Marco Polo. The hosts emphasize the need for authentic connections and the power of peer-to-peer support in navigating the challenges of raising neurodiverse children. They also highlight the significance of having a diverse network of friends, both neurotypical and neurodiverse, to provide different perspectives and support. Their podcast aims to provide a platform for parents to feel seen, heard, and understood.

The hosts share their experiences of dealing with people who misunderstand their situations. They discuss different approaches to handling these situations, including educating others and setting boundaries. The conversation also touches on the challenges of being a modern mom, such as the mental load and the pressure to be perfect.
