Are You OK with Correction? Part 2/6

Dr. David Levy - God's Wisdom Freshly Revealed

Nov 18 2022 • 19 mins

In John 10 we read Jesus was in danger of being killed and he left Jerusalem and went away. In John 11, this is where he is when the messenger finds him, a 2 days journey from Lazarus. Strangely we read, "He loved he waited two more days," then starts the long uphill journey from Jericho to Jerusalem.  Doesn't preventing a death take priority?  If you could heal, wouldn't you have gone back with the messenger?

Jesus' disciples are free to speak their mind. They are free to correct Jesus and suggest what they think should be done.

John 11. What Jesus said and what the sisters heard were two different things.

Jesus thinks differently about death. He doesn't see it as significant as we see it. He sees it as one fluid transition.

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