The Dream Hub Podcast


Hey there, dream seekers! Welcome to ”The Dream Hub Podcast,” where we dive deep into the world of dreams and personal growth. I’m Melissa, your host and dream guide on this incredible journey. Imagine a space where your dreams hold the key to unlocking your best life—where every night’s adventure carries a message meant just for you. In this podcast, I’m all about tapping into the wisdom of dreams to help you find your purpose, heal your soul, and live your fullest life. I’ll share captivating stories from my own dream journeys and sit down with dream experts who’ll open up a world of possibilities. From decoding dream symbols to chatting about those ”I can’t believe I dreamed that!” moments, it’s all covered. Whether you’re a seasoned dream explorer or just starting out, ”The Dream Hub Podcast” is your sanctuary for self-discovery. Together, we’ll embrace the beauty of dreams and uncover the secrets they hold for you. So, if you’re ready to awaken your inner dreamer, hit that subscribe button and join me on ”The Dream Hub Podcast.” Dreams really do come true, and it all starts right here. Sweet Dreams, Mel read less
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The Night is Jung Dream Guide: Melissa Grace Chianta on The Dream Hub Podcast
May 5 2024
The Night is Jung Dream Guide: Melissa Grace Chianta on The Dream Hub Podcast
Melissa Grace, a renowned Jungian life coach, dream interpreter, and co-creator of the Dreaming Oracle deck is the guest on this episode.  With over 25 years of experience in the healing arts, Melissa masterfully combines Jungian analysis, intuitive readings, and energy work to help individuals unlock their authentic potential. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of dreams, exploring the significance of the Self and the conscious feminine in dream interpretation, and unravel the profound connection between divination and dreaming. Throughout our conversation, Melissa shares her unique insights, revealing the wisdom behind some of the most memorable dreams she's interpreted. She offers guidance on understanding Jungian concepts and highlights common misconceptions about dream interpretation. Plus, we get an exclusive glimpse into the creation of the Dreaming Oracle deck, her collaborative project with artist Cara Roxanne. Whether you're a seasoned dream explorer or just beginning your journey, this episode promises to inspire and empower you to unlock the hidden messages within your dreams. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of your subconscious and embark on a transformative path of self-discovery. 🎧 Key Highlights: Melissa's journey into Jungian life coaching and dream interpretationMemorable dream insights and their revelationsThe significance of the Self and the conscious feminine in dreamsExploring the link between divination and dreamingThe story behind the Dreaming Oracle deckGuidance for beginners in dream interpretation and Jungian conceptsCommon misconceptions about dreams and how to address them Stay connected for more episodes and remember to keep dreaming and embracing the journey to self-discovery. 🌙   Melissa Grace:   insta:   Melissa Johnson: GOLD COAST DREAM CIRCLE  Monday 13th May 2024: Edens Loft 6pm  Tickets here:   IASD Conference:
Dreamscapes and Destinies: Chelsey Turpening Coxsey's Journey to Personal Awakening
Apr 16 2024
Dreamscapes and Destinies: Chelsey Turpening Coxsey's Journey to Personal Awakening
This episode is featuring Chelsey Turpening Coxsey, an accomplished dream coach and author of the enlightening book series 'Living Life Metaphorically: A Journey to Waking Up.' Join us as Chelsey recounts her incredible journey, which was profoundly shaped by her dreams, guiding her all the way from the United States to Australia, and transforming her mental health and reality perception. In this episode, Chelsey opens up about her battles with severe depression and how dream analysis facilitated a deep emotional and spiritual awakening.  Listeners will gain insight into Chelsey's methods for working with clients to interpret and utilise their dreams for personal growth. She shares a particularly memorable paranormal alien dream that highlighted themes of reality control, and she explains the common dream motif of an ex-partner, signifying feelings of rejection. Chelsey also delves into how she balances the feminine and masculine within herself, and how dream work has enabled her to connect with her higher self, inner child, and spiritual guides. She describes a mystic vision of a large, pillar-filled white room—akin to a spiritual courtroom—where profound life evaluations and discussions on soul contracts occur. This discussion not only explores Chelsey’s personal narrative and professional expertise but also encourages listeners to consider how they can harness their dreams to navigate life's challenges and uncover deeper truths about themselves. Tune in to uncover how you can start utilising your dreams as a tool for guidance and transformation, just as Chelsey has. Engage with us and share your experiences or insights at Whether you're a longtime dream explorer or just starting to pay attention to your nocturnal journeys, this episode offers valuable perspectives on living life guided by the soul and not just the mind. Connect with Chelsey or buy her books:    Her Jewellery, Phiiish London:   Connect with Melissa:
'The Night Field' Unearthed: Dreams, Ecology, and Storytelling with Donna Glee Williams
Apr 11 2024
'The Night Field' Unearthed: Dreams, Ecology, and Storytelling with Donna Glee Williams
This episode is a treasure trove for anyone eager to explore how dreams can influence storytelling, shape our understanding of heroism, and inspire action towards a more sustainable world. Let Donna Glee Williams take you on a journey through the forests of the mind and the meadows of imagination, leaving you with a heart full of stories and songs that dreams can inspire. Uncover the rich tapestry behind "The Night Field" and how dreams helped sculpt its narrative. Peek behind the curtain of Donna Glee's unique dream circles, revealing surprising outcomes that fuse dreamwork with creativity in unexpected ways. Dive deeper into the essence of storytelling as Donna Glee challenges the traditional Hero’s Journey, advocating for a narrative revolution that embraces community heroism over individual conquests in response to global shifts and climate crises. Discover how her eclectic background from environmental activism to nursing has infused her writing and dreamwork with unparalleled depth and empathy. The episode also tunes into the harmonious intersection of dreams and music through her collaboration on "Songs for The Night Field," illustrating the profound link between nocturnal visions and melodic storytelling.   If you want to support the movement, inside the night field there is a list of questions for discussion by Dr Gerald Martin on Ecotipping points theory   Ask your local library to buy the book!   ORDER THE NIGHT FIELD -  LISTEN TO ITS ALBUM  - I encourage you to buy the music if you can; things have become difficult for musicians in this time of free streaming.   CONNECT WITH DONNA GLEE -   CONNECT WITH MELISSA -   Donna Glee also wrote a story called Reflections, which was shared on Psychological Perspectives. Someone else dreamed the dream and she wrote the story based off their dream. This link should get you around the paywall to the story “Reflections:” ((Thank you Donna Glee!!)   If you enjoyed the episode please give this podcast a 5 star rating and share it with a friend!
Exploring Feelings and Dreams Through Natural Dreamwork with Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Apr 3 2024
Exploring Feelings and Dreams Through Natural Dreamwork with Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
This episode sheds light on how Natural Dreamwork leverages the power of dreams and feelings to facilitate deep emotional healing and personal growth. Jen Sonstein Maidenberg, a revered dream researcher and practitioner, shares her invaluable insights on the importance of engaging deeply with our dreams to explore the feelings they evoke, aiding in the healing of generational trauma and enabling us to release uncomfortable emotions.   We discuss practical methods for connecting with our past and future selves through dreams, emphasising the unique techniques Jen employs, such as journaling and using music to evoke emotions and memories.   Furthermore, Jen challenges societal perceptions of the paranormal within dream experiences, advocating for a more open-minded approach to understanding the messages our dreams convey.   This episode is packed with actionable advice for those curious about starting their journey in dreamwork, including tips on remembering and interpreting dreams.   Whether you're interested in the healing aspects of dreams, seeking to understand the deeper layers of your subconscious, or simply fascinated by the intersection of dreams with paranormal experiences, this discussion offers valuable insights into navigating and embracing the world of dreams.   Here are links to Jen's dream-related articles on her website, as well as a new audio episode of "Dreaming Out Loud" on Patreon.   Also, please learn more here about a new introductory offer for Natural Dreamwork one-on-one dreamwork sessions with Jen. If you have questions about whether Natural Dreamwork is right for you, please feel free to be in touch.   What If I Don't Dream? Why You Can't Stop Thinking About That Dream  Do You Daydream or Overthink? How Dreamwork Restores Our Ability to Feel Dreaming Out Loud episode: Are Some Dreams Messages From Our Future Self?   Melissa's Links -
Mind Possible: Harnessing Psychic Abilities with Sean McNamara on The Dream Hub Podcast
Mar 25 2024
Mind Possible: Harnessing Psychic Abilities with Sean McNamara on The Dream Hub Podcast
Join Melissa as she delves into the enigmatic world where mind expansion meets the mysteries of consciousness with our distinguished guest, Sean McNamara. Broadcasting from Denver, Colorado, Sean is a multi-faceted researcher, author, and mentor in the realms of psychic abilities, meditation, and mental health counselling. Our journey today takes us through the fascinating intersection of psychedelics, psychic abilities, and beyond. Sean shares his captivating journey from curiosity to mastery in consciousness exploration, highlighting his experiences with telepathy, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, and telekinesis. We’ll dive into the transformative power of the subconscious and its interaction with our dream states, shedding light on how to harness our dreams to amplify psychic potential. Discover the groundbreaking "The Puharich Project," where Sean explores the intriguing effects of psychedelics on enhancing psychic abilities. Listen as he details the meticulous experiments conducted, the impact of microdosing vs. larger doses on ESP tests, and the surprising findings that suggest everyone has innate psychic abilities waiting to be unlocked. We’ll also touch upon the integration of dreamwork into meditation for psychic development, intriguing phenomena encountered during research, and Sean's personal evolution in the spiritual realm. Plus, Sean provides structured steps to develop your psychic abilities, underscoring that while psychedelics can open doors, the true journey lies within meditation and self-exploration. Sean's insights are not only profound but also practical, offering listeners a pathway to expand their consciousness and explore the vast potential of the human mind. Whether you're a seasoned psychic explorer or just starting your spiritual journey, this episode is a treasure trove of knowledge, experiences, and inspiration. Join us as Sean McNamara takes us on a thought-provoking adventure into the depths of psychic exploration and the transformative potential of the mind. Discover how to navigate the "space behind what is in front of us" and how to access your innate psychic abilities for a deeper connection with the universe. To connect further with Sean please visit: Email him at:   To connect further with Melissa please visit: If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 star review and share it with a friend.
PTSDreams and Ancestral Dreaming - Linda Yael Schiller on The Dream Hub Podcast
Mar 16 2024
PTSDreams and Ancestral Dreaming - Linda Yael Schiller on The Dream Hub Podcast
Melissa welcomes Linda Yael Schiller, a renowned dream expert, trauma therapist, and author with an extraordinary four-decade career. As Professor Emeritus at Boston University School of Social Work and a distinguished member of the IASD, Linda brings a wealth of knowledge and an innovative approach to healing through dreamwork. Together, they delve into the depths of how dreams can be a transformative tool in treating trauma, specifically PTSD, and the unique methodologies Linda employs to unlock their healing potential. The discussion opens up about the nature of PTSD, its impacts, and the intriguing concept of "PTSDreams" as a pathway to recovery. Linda sheds light on the therapeutic power of dreamwork, emphasising the significance of addressing and transforming nightmares to facilitate healing. She explains how somatic therapies like EMDR and body tapping can integrate with dreamwork to desensitise and reprocess traumatic memories, offering a holistic approach to recovery. Listeners will gain insights into common themes in the dreams of those suffering from PTSD and receive practical advice on reducing nightmares. Linda also explores the mystical dimension of dreams, discussing ancestral dreaming and the ways our ancestors might reach out to us through our dreamscapes. The episode includes a sneak peek into Linda's upcoming book, "Ancestral Dreaming," and covers a broad range of topics from intergenerational trauma to the layered meanings within our dreams. Linda's personal experiences and professional insights offer a rich resource for anyone looking to explore the healing potential of their dreams. Questions for Linda cover a spectrum from her personal journey into dreamwork, the principles behind her transformative approach, and practical advice for listeners dealing with nightmares and trauma. The conversation also touches on common misconceptions about dreamwork and foundational steps for those new to exploring the therapeutic potential of their dreams. In closing, Linda's profound insights and heartfelt advice offer listeners a beacon of hope and a new perspective on using dreamwork for personal growth and healing. The episode encourages everyone to embrace the wisdom of their dreams and embark on a journey of self-discovery and recovery. Linda's expertise and compassionate approach to dreamwork and trauma healing leave us with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the mystical world of dreams. For those looking to explore further, visit her websites for a treasure trove of resources and insights. We thank Linda Yael Schiller for joining us and sharing her invaluable wisdom. To our listeners, may this episode inspire you to explore your dreams with a new lens and find the healing and wisdom within. For those intrigued by Linda's work and eager to dive deeper, be sure to visit her websites at and   Find Melissa at:    Until next time, continue dreaming, exploring, and embracing the journey to your inner self. Sweet dreams, everyone.
Science Meets Spirituality: Unpacking Dreams with Jeff Lampton's Four-Stage Method
Mar 6 2024
Science Meets Spirituality: Unpacking Dreams with Jeff Lampton's Four-Stage Method
Since the age of 5, Jeff Lampton has been fascinated by the enigmatic world of dreams. With over 30 years of experience, he's here to share his insights and help us decode the language of our dreams. Jeff introduces us to his revolutionary 4-stage evolutionary theory to understanding dreams, encompassing environmental, physiological, psychological, and pre-cognitive aspects. He explains how this comprehensive framework can put an end to the cycle of repetitive dreams and unlock deeper meanings hidden within our subconscious. Our guest also shares a deeply personal and spiritual experience, revealing how a dream allowed him to witness his grandmother's passing from her perspective. This event challenged his scientific mindset and opened the doors to a world where science and spirituality converge. During our conversation, Jeff dissects how various factors, including our environment and physical state, shape the narratives of our dreams. He also addresses the intriguing concepts of "threat simulation theory," "social simulation theory," and the notion of "google brain," which he believes can aid in dream interpretation. A highlight of our discussion is when Jeff applies his expertise to decode a repetitive dream I've had since childhood, offering insights that resonate deeply. He also touches upon the idea of "dream lag" and how our brains process life's events, reflecting them in our dreams. For anyone curious about the language of dreams and how to interpret them, this episode is a treasure trove of knowledge. Join us as Jeff answers pressing questions and guides us through the fascinating landscape of our dreamscapes.
Red Flags & Secrets, Decoding Relationship Dreams with Kristen Kadi
Feb 28 2024
Red Flags & Secrets, Decoding Relationship Dreams with Kristen Kadi
In this episode, Kristen & Melissa both share their personal experiences with vivid and sometimes forewarning dreams that have navigated their way through the complexities of relationships. 🌹❤️ Join them for a profound conversation on the enigmatic blend of dreams, love, and psychic insights. What you'll discover: How dreams can signal red flags and offer guidance in love and life.The meaning behind common relationship-related dream symbols.Insights into how our nocturnal visions can serve as a spiritual compass in our search for genuine connections.Kristen's journey of self-discovery and how attentive dream interpretation led her to a path of true alignment. This episode is a deep dive into the symbiotic relationship between our dreams and our emotional world, offering listeners a unique perspective on how to interpret the secret messages of the night regarding matters of the heart. 💔🔍 Whether you're navigating the dating world, reflecting on past relationships, or simply fascinated by the psychic dimensions of dreaming, "Red Flags and Secrets" with Kristen Kadi is your guide to understanding the profound impact dreams can have on our love lives. 👉 Listen now and start decoding the secrets of your dreams today. Let's discover the truths hidden in our sleep and what they reveal about our relationships! To contact Kristen you can email her at:  For all things Melissa check out this link:     #TheDreamHubPodcast #RedFlagsAndSecrets #KristenKadi #DreamInterpretation #LoveAndDreams #PsychicIntuition #SpiritualGuidance #DreamDecoding
The Power of Lucid Dreaming: Techniques and Insights with Jamie Basner-Churches
Feb 28 2024
The Power of Lucid Dreaming: Techniques and Insights with Jamie Basner-Churches
Discover the transformative power of dreams as Melissa and Jamie explore the vast realms of lucid dreaming, discussing its impact on our waking lives, and unveiling the potential for personal growth and healing.  Melissa Johnson delves into the intriguing world of lucid dreaming with the esteemed Jamie Basner-Churches, a seasoned lucid dream coach with a rich background in psychology and counselling. In this enlightening conversation, Jamie answers pressing questions on the nature of lucid dreaming, differentiates it from astral travel, and addresses common misconceptions. Listeners will learn about techniques for beginners, the extraordinary possibilities within the lucid dreaming state, and practical advice for integrating these lessons into daily life. Additionally, Jamie provides insights into the role of mindfulness in lucid dreaming and the concept of reality as a reflection of the mind. As we journey through the depths of the dreaming mind, Jamie shares transformative experiences and profound insights gained from years of guiding individuals on their lucid dreaming paths. Whether you're a seasoned dream explorer or new to the concept, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you navigate the landscape of your dreams. I extend my deepest thanks to Jamie Basner-Churches for his invaluable insights into lucid dreaming. It's been an absolute pleasure exploring the depths of the dreaming mind together. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO COME TO OUR EVENT PLEASE REGISTER HERE: To learn more about Jamie's work or to begin your own lucid dreaming journey, check out Mind Made Lucid on Instagram Remember, whether you're awake or dreaming, the limitless potential of your mind is always within reach. Thank you for tuning into the Dream Hub Podcast, where we illuminate the mysteries of sleep and consciousness. Until next time, keep dreaming, exploring, and growing.
Unlocking Creativity: Tzivia Gover on Dream-Inspired Writing - The Dream Hub Podcast
Feb 16 2024
Unlocking Creativity: Tzivia Gover on Dream-Inspired Writing - The Dream Hub Podcast
As an acclaimed author and dreamwork professional, Tzivia shares her unique insights into how the mysterious world of dreams can fuel creative writing and personal growth.   Her book, 'Dreaming on the Page: Tap into Your Midnight Mind to Supercharge Your Writing,' serves as a guide for writers seeking to harness their dreams as a source of endless inspiration.   Join us as Tzivia elucidates techniques for accessing the 'midnight mind' and integrating dreamwork into the writing process, enhancing storytelling and deepening narratives.   From interpreting dreams to enrich writing craft to discovering 'aha' moments in workshops, Tzivia's expertise offers writers a transformative toolkit. We also explore the broader implications of dreams on collective consciousness and global healing, highlighting the profound impact of dream-inspired creativity.   Whether you're a seasoned writer or just curious about the untapped potential of your dreaming mind, this episode promises to inspire and transform your creative journey.   Tune in to discover how to bring the wisdom of your dreams onto the page and into your life. Tzivia Gover is the author of several books including Dreaming on the Page: Tap into Your Midnight Mind to Supercharge Your Writing. She is a writer, educator, and certified dreamwork professional. Gover has led numerous workshops and panels about dreams, mindfulness, and writing domestically and abroad, and she holds an MFA in writing from Columbia University. She is on the board of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and the founder of 350 Dreamers, an international network of people who dream together for global healing. Find out more at Books by Tzivia Substack Newsletter on Dreams, Writing, and Everyday Joy:     If you enjoyed this episode please give it a 5 star rating - subscribe - share it with a friend!    If you want to know more about Dream Hub here are Melissa's Links:
Sharing The Secrets Of My Dreams - Melissa Johnson from The Dream Hub Podcast
Feb 4 2024
Sharing The Secrets Of My Dreams - Melissa Johnson from The Dream Hub Podcast
Hosted by Mel, your personal dream therapist and guide, this episode promises an insightful journey into understanding how dreams serve as a compass, guiding us toward discovering our true selves and the life paths we're meant to follow. Episode Highlights: The Tapestry of Dreams: Explore the intricate weave of symbols and narratives that our dreams present, and how they reflect our deepest desires, fears, and untapped potential.Decoding the Dream Compass: Learn to interpret the unique language of your dreams, discovering how personal symbols serve as guides pointing toward inner truths and life directions.Mirrors of Our Life Path: Understand how dreams reflect our satisfaction or dissatisfaction with our current life trajectory, offering clues and solutions to our most pressing challenges.Taking Inspired Action: Be inspired to translate dream insights into actionable steps in your waking life, turning dream guidance into real-world change and self-discovery.Mel's Personal Dream Journeys: Mel shares two of her own deeply personal dreams, illustrating how some dreams demand interpretation while others are meant to be experienced for their emotional and transformative impact. What to Expect: This episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to deepen their connection with their subconscious mind. Listeners will gain valuable tools and insights for interpreting their dreams, understanding the symbolic language of the subconscious, and learning how to apply dream wisdom to navigate life's complexities. Through Mel's personal dream sharing, listeners will see the power of dreams in revealing inner truths and guiding personal transformation. Whether you're new to dreamwork or a seasoned dream explorer, this episode offers a rich exploration of how dreams can illuminate our paths, challenge us to grow, and inspire us to live more authentically. Join Mel on this journey of discovery, transformation, and empowerment, as we unlock the secrets held within our dreams and learn how to use them as a guiding light in our journey through life. Tune in to this episode of The Dream Hub Podcast and embark on a journey that promises not just to explore the mysteries of the dream world but also to transform the way you view yourself and your life. Get ready to be inspired, enlightened, and moved as we dive into the world of dreams together. The links from the episode:
Exploring The Dream World: A Journey of Healing and Discovery with Amina Mara - Dream Hub Podcast Hosted by Melissa Johnson
Jan 8 2024
Exploring The Dream World: A Journey of Healing and Discovery with Amina Mara - Dream Hub Podcast Hosted by Melissa Johnson
Hey there, Dreamers! It's Melissa Johnson here, your go-to dream therapist, interpreter, and proud Aussie mum, welcoming you back to another engaging episode of the Dream Hub Podcast.   Today, we're revisiting the enthralling world of lucid dreaming with the return of Amina Mara, the celebrated host of The Dream World Podcast. Amina's journey, from her childhood experiences with lucid dreaming to her extensive studies in psychology and neuroscience, makes her a treasure trove of knowledge on dream interpretation and consciousness exploration.   She's not just a lucid dreaming coach but a guiding light for dream enthusiasts and explorers worldwide.   In this episode, we dive deep into the evolving landscape of lucid dreaming, uncovering the latest trends and scientific developments in dream research. Amina shares her unique insights into the Dream World, lucid dreaming techniques, shared dreaming, and how these experiences transcend time and space.   We also chat about the powerful impact of meditation on dream clarity and control.   Don't miss Amina's updates on her innovative Dream World University – a comprehensive online course packed with dreamwork strategies, meditation guides, and personal growth tools. Plus, hear about her upcoming interactive monthly meetups that promise to connect dreamers across the globe.   Join us for a conversation that's all about harnessing the power of your dreams, enhancing mental and spiritual health, and tapping into the creative inspiration hidden in our subconscious. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in dream therapy, personal development, and the mysteries of the mind.   Tune in to the Dream Hub Podcast for this enlightening chat with Amina Mara – it's a journey into the heart of dreaming you won't want to miss!   Get in contact with Amina - -   Get in contact with Mel -   And here's something exciting – we'd be over the moon if anyone wants to sponsor our trip to the IASD (International Association for the Study of Dreams) conference! It's a fantastic opportunity for us to connect, learn, and share more incredible dream insights with you all.   DONATE HERE: Every dollar is greatly appreciated. Please help make our dream come true!! Please share this with your friends and family.  Read the newest LDE magazine here! In this issue, Robert interviews podcaster and lucid dreamer, Amina Mara.
Jack Delamater’s Dream Symphony: Oneirogens and Music Synergy Explored l The Dream Hub Podcast
Dec 19 2023
Jack Delamater’s Dream Symphony: Oneirogens and Music Synergy Explored l The Dream Hub Podcast
Join us on the Dream Hub Podcast for an enthralling episode with this special guest, Jack Delamater, as we delve into the fascinating interplay between dreams, music, and natural dream enhancement through herbs. In this episode, Jack shares his personal journey of lucid dreaming since childhood and how it profoundly influences his music. Discover how Jack's unique approach to songwriting draws inspiration directly from his vivid dream experiences, translating ethereal concepts into tangible lyrics that resonate deeply. We also explore the intriguing world of oneirogens - plants that uniquely affect dreams. Jack enlightens us on how different herbs like Mugwort, Calea Zacatechichi, Blue Lotus, and the African Dream Root can modulate various aspects of our dreams, from enhancing vividness to inducing prophetic-like experiences. Dive into a discussion about the cultural history and significance of these dream herbs and learn why respecting their origins and ensuring ethical sourcing is crucial. Plus, Jack shares his cherished lucid dreams of visitations from passed loved ones, bringing a personal touch to the conversation. As s a personal endeavour, I'll be immersing myself in Jack's music and trying out the African Dream Root to share my experiences with you. Jacks website "The Dream Joint" Use Discount Code: DREAMHUB  Etsy "LucidTeas"   Jack Delamater's MUSIC on Spotify: Band Camp: Get in touch with Melissa from Dream Hub: Follow Melissa on Instagram: Shout out to Amina from The Dream World podcast -
Exploring Psychedelic Healing and Dream Therapy with Dr. Katherine Lawson I The Dream Hub Podcast
Nov 28 2023
Exploring Psychedelic Healing and Dream Therapy with Dr. Katherine Lawson I The Dream Hub Podcast
Tune into the latest episode of the Dream Hub Podcast where host Melissa Johnson engages in an insightful conversation with Dr. Katherine Lawson, a renowned expert in integrative mental health. Discover the innovative blend of dreamwork and psychedelic medicine in Dr. Lawson's acclaimed program, 'Awake in the Dream'. This episode offers a unique look into how dreams and psychedelics interact, shaping our understanding of mental health and consciousness. Learn about the Embodied Imagination® method from Dr. Lawson herself, and how it revolutionises dreamwork and psychedelic integration for therapeutic breakthroughs. Ideal for mental health professionals, dream enthusiasts, and those curious about the mind's capabilities, this discussion is both enlightening and thought-provoking. It challenges established ideas and showcases the therapeutic power of combining dreams with psychedelic experiences. Get ready for a captivating and educational session on the Dream Hub Podcast. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the intersection of dream therapy and psychedelic healing with Dr. Katherine Lawson. Awake in the Dream School - Dr. Katherine Lawsons Links - Buy Katherines Book -   FREE E-Book - How to remember more dreams - Connect with Melissa - If you enjoyed this episode please give a 5 star rating and share it with a friend!!  You can watch the video on youtube - search for @DreamHubClub
Astral Projection & Spiritual Awakening with Gene Hart | Dream Hub Podcast
Nov 19 2023
Astral Projection & Spiritual Awakening with Gene Hart | Dream Hub Podcast
Join us on a transformative journey in this latest Dream Hub Podcast episode, featuring the esteemed spiritual guide and astral projection expert, Gene Hart. Dive into the profound realms of spirituality, mindfulness, and higher consciousness in a riveting discussion that's perfect for enthusiasts of meditation, spiritual awakening, and personal growth. In this enlightening conversation, we explore the fascinating world of astral projection, out-of-body experiences, and the power of the mind. Gene, a celebrated author and the creative force behind the popular Astral Doorway YouTube channel, shares his deep insights and experiences in spirituality, offering valuable guidance for both beginners and seasoned practitioners. Discover how astral projection can enhance your mental health, emotional balance, and physical wellness. Learn about the critical differences between dreaming and astral travel, and uncover the secrets to successful meditation techniques and spiritual practices. Gene's approach, focusing on intention and consciousness, provides a fresh perspective on mindfulness and personal development. This episode is a treasure trove for those interested in self-discovery, spiritual healing, and the exploration of the astral realm. We also delve into the role of AI and technology in spirituality, addressing common myths and offering practical tips for staying grounded in the vast astral plane. Whether you're on a quest for spiritual enlightenment, interested in mindfulness meditation, or simply curious about the mysteries of the astral world, this podcast is your gateway to a deeper understanding. Join us for a thought-provoking session that's sure to inspire and empower your spiritual journey. If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe & give a 5 star rating! It's appreciated!!    Listen to Astral Doorway on Spotify: Check out Gene's book 'Beyond Dreaming' and his Astral Doorway YouTube channel for more insights.  Follow Astral Doorway on YouTube: (over 207k subscribers!!) Gene's Book - Beyond Dreaming: As mentioned this video, this is probably the best one for beginners to Astral Doorways channel who are most interested in astral projection:   This is the best explanation of difference between lucid dreaming and astral projection:    Recommended book: The power of NOW by Eckhart Tolle   Get in contact with Melissa:
The Art of Dream Tracking: Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer’s Guide | Dream Hub Podcast
Nov 10 2023
The Art of Dream Tracking: Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer’s Guide | Dream Hub Podcast
🌌 The Dream Hub Podcast: Episode Featuring Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer 🔮 Hosted by Melissa Johnson   Welcome to a journey through the mystical landscapes of dreams! In this enlightening episode of the Dream Hub Podcast, our host Melissa Johnson invites you to delve into the fascinating world of dream interpretation and personal growth with the esteemed Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer.   Bambi, a renowned Dream Expert, Law of Attraction Certified Coach, and author, shares her profound insights into the transformative power of dreams. Having been enchanted by the mysteries of life from a young age, she brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective on how dreams can guide us in our waking lives.   In This Episode: Early Beginnings: Bambi recounts her journey of dream tracking since age 15, exploring her formative years and her evolving relationship with dreams.Bridging Worlds: The significance of dreams as a connection between the material and spiritual realms, and their relevance in contemporary society.Authentic Living: How understanding our dreams leads us closer to our true selves.Dream Documentation: The importance of dream recall and journaling, along with Bambi's personal techniques.Emotional Echoes: Interpreting the emotions in our dreams and their relation to our waking life and the Law of Attraction.Cultural Perspectives: The impact of various cultural interpretations on modern dreamwork.Dreamwork for Beginners: Practical tips for incorporating dreamwork into daily routines for personal growth.Life-Altering Dreams: Bambi shares a pivotal dream that transformed her life direction.Coaching Through Dreams: Integrating dreamwork in life coaching and the transformations observed in clients.Creativity and Dreams: Stories of dreams inspiring significant creative breakthroughs.The 'Tracks' of Dreams: A deeper look into the concept of dream images leaving 'tracks' and their importance in dream analysis.Dream Incubation: A guide to this sleep exercise for problem-solving and its benefits.Dreams and Synchronicities: Exploring the connection between dreams and synchronicities, with personal anecdotes.The Future of Dreamwork: Envisioning the role of dreamwork in advancing individual and societal mental well-being.  Join us as Bambi Corso-Steinmeyer unveils the magic and wisdom of dreams, offering a unique lens through which we can view our lives and our innermost selves. Whether you're a long-time dream tracker or just beginning your journey, this episode promises to be a deep dive into the heart of dream exploration.   🌟 Tune in to be inspired, enlightened, and transformed.   🎧 Listen on Spotify | Watch on YouTube SPECIAL GIFT FOR THE LISTENERS: Bambi's bed time meditation:   Thank You  Buy Bambi's book here:   Bambi on Insta:   Website:  If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe, share & give a 5 star rating. Much love and happy dreaming!!    #DreamHubPodcast #BambiCorsoSteinmeyer #DreamInterpretation #PersonalGrowth #Spirituality #SubconsciousMind #DreamWork #LawOfAttraction #LifeCoaching #DreamTracking