Living Our Values and Bringing Our Humanity to Our Work


Oct 26 2021 • 54 mins

As deeply committed professionals, we often see our willingness to take extraordinary measures as our badge of honor. However, constantly leaning in, striving forward, and sacrificing for others can cause stress, increase anxiety, and deplete the energy that we need to be fully present to our students, colleagues, and loved ones. Dr. Bheda interviews Libby Smith, an organizational healing facilitator, about the mindset changes and daily actions that we can adopt to take self-care as seriously as our other responsibilities.

Join us to learn how you can gain time by making time for yourself.

  • How can “pouring ourselves into our work” be a form of unhealthy distraction?
  • How can self-awareness help us cope with stressful times and situations?
  • How do we draw boundaries and focus our energy?
  • Why is self-care an ongoing process and an everyday practice?
  • How do we stop others—and ourselves—from sabotaging our self-care?
  • How can healing ourselves enable us to help others?
  • How can academic and business leaders create space for self-care?