Gordon Medical Forum

Gordon Medical Associates

Drs Gordon and Parpia have a unique and proven approach to healing chronic conditions with over 50 years of clinical experience combined; they created the Gordon Medical Forum Podcast to introduce some of the most overlooked and essential factors for overcoming chronic illness.

Eric Gordon, MD, is the Medical Director of Gordon Medical Associates, and Nafysa Parpia, ND, is the Director of Naturopathic Medicine. Gordon Medical Associates is the premiere Lyme and Environmentally Acquired Illness clinic on the West Coast. To learn more about the team at Gordon Medical Associates, go to gordonmedical.com.

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The Link Between Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Chronic Illness
May 15 2024
The Link Between Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and Chronic Illness
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a complex immunological condition characterized by the abnormal activation of mast cells, which are crucial players in the body's allergic response. Often overlooked or misdiagnosed, MCAS can manifest in various forms, affecting multiple organ systems and presenting symptoms that mimic those of other diseases. Unlike traditional allergies, MCAS may not always involve histamine-related issues, complicating diagnosis and treatment.Dr. Eric Gordon sits down with Dr. Tania Dempsey to discuss the complex nature of MCAS and how to begin understanding the steps toward healing.Episode highlights include:- What happens when mast cells become dysfunctional? - MCAS beyond allergies, histamine, and rashes.- What are the criteria for MCAS? - Symptoms and MCAS-related diseases.- You can have MCAS without histamine problems.- The different mediators that most doctors don’t measure or even realize exist. (there are over 1000 mediators)- A comprehensive approach to testing.Listen in to learn more : (00:03) Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Explained(10:31) Exploring Mast Cell Mediators in Health(16:44) The Role of Mast Cells(29:56) Complexities of Mast Cell Activation SyndromeAbout Tania Dempsey, MDDr. Tania Dempsey, MD, ABIHM is Board-Certified in Internal Medicine and Integrative and Holistic Medicine. She received her MD degree from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and her BS degree from Cornell University. She completed her Internal Medicine Residency at New York University Medical Center.Dr. Dempsey is a leading expert in Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Dysautonomia, ME/CFS, Tick-Borne Infections, and Autoimmunity. She is a newly elected member of the Board of Directors of ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society), a faculty member of the ILADS Vector-Borne Illness Fundamentals course, and a frequent presenter at their annual conferences. She is also a member of the U.S. ME/CFS Clinician Coalition, the American Academy of Ozonotherapy, and the American College of Physicians.She is an accomplished international speaker, writer, and thought leader. She has been well-published in medical literature on topics related to MCAS. She was involved in a research study in collaboration with the TILT team at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio. She is also a co-author of the groundbreaking paper, Diagnosis of mast cell activation syndrome: a global "consensus-2". Learn more about Dr. Dempsey at www.drtaniadempsey.com Send us a Text Message.Interested in Becoming A Patient? Find out if working with Gordon Medical is right for you. Set up a complimentary discovery call with our new patient coordinator at www.gordonmedical.com. ** This information is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your practitioner before making any changes to your treatment.
Is It Lyme, Mold, or Both?
May 8 2024
Is It Lyme, Mold, or Both?
Navigating the uncertainty of potential Lyme disease, mold exposure, or a combination of both can be a challenging and perplexing journey. Symptoms of these conditions often overlap, making it difficult to pinpoint the root cause. The elusive nature of Lyme disease, coupled with the stealthy effects of mold toxicity, can create a complex web of health concerns. Fatigue, headaches, joint pain, and cognitive difficulties may leave individuals grappling with an array of symptoms unsure of the underlying culprit. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals with expertise in both Lyme disease and mold exposure becomes crucial in unraveling this diagnostic puzzle. Dr. Nafysa Parpia sits down with Dr. Ann Shippy to discuss this complex issue and how to begin to understand the steps toward healing.Episode highlights include:- Why do we need to consider BOTH Lyme and mold?- What is chronic Lyme Disease, and what are its symptoms? - Why do Mold/Mycotoxin and chronic Lyme have similar symptomatology, and what is the interplay between them?- Why is it that some people get bit by a tick or have a mold exposure without any symptoms while others can have such exposures, but their entire life is not the same again?- Why does removing the trigger initially not always bring illness resolution?- Dr. Parpia’s methodology of treatment in complex chronic illness.Listen in to learn more : (00:03) Chronic Illness - What it is and What it isn't!(08:43) Testing and Treatment for Chronic Infections(20:45) Comprehensive Testing in Functional Medicine(27:00) Complex Chronic Illness Treatment & Detox(38:21) Grateful Reflections and Wisdom SharingAbout Ann Shippy, MDDr. Ann Shippy is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Certified in Functional Medicine.She operates a successful private practice in Austin, TX, where she is known for her compassionate, attentive, and tireless approach to caring for her patients. She has gained a considerable reputation for successfully diagnosing and treating mold patients and patients with chronic inflammatory response syndromes (CIRS).Her areas of expertise also include autoimmunity, neurology, gastrointestinal disorders, behavioral health, infertility, and toxicity.Learn more about Dr. Shippy at www.annshippymd.com.If you are interested in learning more about gaining access to Dr. Shippy’s complete Mold, Mycotoxins, and Chronic Illness Summit presented by DrTalks, please visit https://drtalks.com/subscriptions/Send us a Text Message.Interested in Becoming A Patient? Find out if working with Gordon Medical is right for you. Set up a complimentary discovery call with our new patient coordinator at www.gordonmedical.com. ** This information is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your practitioner before making any changes to your treatment.
Silent Waves of Healing: Sleep & Your Glymphatic System
Apr 24 2024
Silent Waves of Healing: Sleep & Your Glymphatic System
Unlocking the potential of the glymphatic system unveils a profound avenue for healing complex chronic illness and promotes cognitive vitality and neurological well-being. Operating primarily during sleep, the glymphatic system acts as the brain's self-cleaning mechanism, efficiently clearing metabolic waste and toxins that accumulate during wakefulness. Dr. Nafysa Parpia sits down with Dr. Tom Moorcroft to dive deeply into the newly discovered world of the glymphatic system.Episode highlights include:- How the glymphatic system functions in the brain during sleep.- The role the glymphatic system plays in clearing waste and toxins from the brain.- How disruptions in the glymphatic system contribute to complex chronic illness and neurological disorders. - Ways to enhance or support glymphatic function naturally.- Supporting your nervous system for sleep and healing. - The key role the nose plays in glymphatic health.- How to improve sleep in your everyday life.Listen in to learn more : (10:26 - 12:02) Improving Sleep Quality Incrementally(18:58 - 20:11) Balanced Approach to EMF Exposure(25:23 - 26:07) Patient Trauma and Misdiagnosis Reactions(27:45 - 28:49) Healing and Comfort Zones(30:21 - 32:31) Daily Wins for Personal Growth(37:17 - 38:13) Nasal Colonization and Autoimmune EncephalitisAbout Dr. Tom MoorcroftDr. Tom treats some of the sickest, most sensitive patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease, tick-borne co-infections, and mold illness, as well as children with infection-induced autoimmune encephalitis (PANS/PANDAS). He is the creator of the Thrive With Lyme Blueprint, which assists those suffering from Lyme and related illnesses in tapping into their true source of radiant health and optimizing healing. In his Lyme Disease Practitioner Certification and Mentorship program, he also teaches practitioners how to easily and effortlessly excel at treating patients with complex, chronic illnesses.To learn more about Dr. Tom Moorcroft, visit Origins of Health. Send us a Text Message.Interested in Becoming A Patient? Find out if working with Gordon Medical is right for you. Set up a complimentary discovery call with our new patient coordinator at www.gordonmedical.com. ** This information is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your practitioner before making any changes to your treatment.
Peptides and the Chronic Illness Equation
Apr 11 2024
Peptides and the Chronic Illness Equation
Unlock the secrets of cellular communication with Drs Eric Gordon and Nafysa Parpia. They delve into the microscopic world of peptides—the minuscule proteins wielding monumental influence over your body and mind. Comprising short chains of amino acids, these tiny powerhouses orchestrate specific functions within your cells, playing a pivotal role in the intricate dance of bodily and mental processes. Drs. Eric Gordon and Nafysa Parpia unravel the realm of peptides, exploring their profound impact on overall well-being and demystifying the significance of peptides and their potential therapeutic role in complex chronic illness.Episode highlights include:- Different peptides affect different cells and, therefore, have various functions. This allows for highly tailored and targeted treatment plans that address a wide variety of conditions.- Peptides work synergistically and can be used with many other therapies to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics, antiviral and antiparasitic medications, IV nutrient therapies, hormone therapies, detoxification therapies, herbal remedies, and other peptides. - Peptides we use most often in our practice for Complex Chronic Illness include those that address immune modulation, brain function, hormonal support, sleep support, and libido.Listen in to learn more : (02:19 - 03:29) Understanding Peptide Therapy(07:14 - 09:30) Peptides for Immune Modulation and Inflammation(14:08 - 15:39) Potential Benefits of TB4 FRAG(18:43 - 19:46) Immune System Dysregulation Alignment(23:34 - 24:47) Peptide Therapies for Cognitive FunctionTranscriptThis episode shared so much information that we want to share the link to the transcript of the original webinar presentation.Send us a Text Message.Interested in Becoming A Patient? Find out if working with Gordon Medical is right for you. Set up a complimentary discovery call with our new patient coordinator at www.gordonmedical.com. ** This information is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your practitioner before making any changes to your treatment.
Exploring Sinus-Related Cognitive Connections
Mar 28 2024
Exploring Sinus-Related Cognitive Connections
Join Dr. Parpia in the latest episode of Gordon Medical Forum as she navigates the intricate web of potential causes for cognitive decline with Dr. Josh Helman. From Lyme and co-infections to mold/mycotoxins, high viral loads, and environmental toxicants, discover why the health of our sinuses holds profound significance for brain health and cognitive function, unraveling the connections that underpin this relationship.Episode highlights include:- A review of the myriad of potential causes of cognitive decline, including Lyme and co-infections, Mold/Mycotoxins, high viral loads, environmental toxicants, and more.- Why Dr. Parpia sees dementia and Alzheimer's as “secondary illness states.”- Why the sinuses are so critical to brain health and cognitive function.- Current sinus research and testing options.- The connection between the sinus microbiome and brain health. - How and when to incorporate peptides into sinus and brain support.Listen in to learn more : (12:47 - 13:46) Symptoms and Treatment of Sinusitis(20:47 - 22:15) Antibacterial Theory and Brain Infections(26:27 - 27:24) Timelines of Sinus Treatment Recovery(31:54 - 33:04) Sinus Surgery and Jaw Infections(36:28 - 38:17) Exciting Innovations in Tick-Borne Disease ResearchAbout Dr. Josh HelmanDr. Joshua Helman, MD, is a Harvard-trained Physician. He has two degrees in Biochemistry (bachelor’s from Harvard magna cum laude and master’s from the University of Cambridge, UK). Dr. Josh is board-certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine. His Medical Degree is from Harvard Medical School and MIT. He is the former medical director of Hippocrates Health Institute and has worked at the TrueNorth Health Center, focusing on fasting. To learn more about Dr. Josh Helman, visit DrJosh.com.Send us a Text Message.Interested in Becoming A Patient? Find out if working with Gordon Medical is right for you. Set up a complimentary discovery call with our new patient coordinator at www.gordonmedical.com. ** This information is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your practitioner before making any changes to your treatment.
Healing Really Happens When....
Mar 18 2024
Healing Really Happens When....
Every single day, Dr. Eric Gordon and Dr. Nafysa Parpia navigate the intricate landscape of patients grappling with multifaceted chronic illnesses. Each individual presents a unique puzzle, with an array of symptoms and interwoven medical complexities. Navigating the realm of complex health issues amidst a sea of bewildering information can be a daunting task. The reality is that chronic illness is an intimately personal journey, often marked by solitude. What proves to be a remedy for one individual may offer little relief to another. In this insightful episode, Dr. Tom Moorcroft speaks with Dr. Eric Gordon and Dr. Nafysa Parpia, delving into the intricate nature of chronic illness and exploring the pathways to healing.Episode highlights include:- The nuts and bolts of reigniting self-healing.- Diving into the key aspects of healing, including science + research, clinical aspects, energetics, and the nervous system.- What has to happen first before the body can heal and return to health?- Gordon Medical's unique approach to addressing complex chronic illness.- Triune nature of healing.- Long haul COVID load on chronic illness.- Similarities between tick-borne illness and Long COVID.To learn more, listen in :(00:03) - Healing Chronic Illness Through Love(13:17) - Reframing Chronic Illness and Healing(22:08) - The Healing Journey(30:25) - Navigating Patient Receptiveness in Healing(40:20) - Treatment Approach for Chronic Inflammation(47:43) - Holistic Approach to Healing PatientsAbout Dr. Tom MoorcroftDr. Tom treats some of the sickest, most sensitive patients suffering from chronic Lyme disease, tick-borne co-infections, and mold illness, as well as children with infection-induced autoimmune encephalitis (PANS/PANDAS). He is the creator of the Thrive With Lyme Blueprint, which assists those suffering from Lyme and related illnesses in tapping into the true source of radiant health within them and optimizing healing. He also teaches practitioners how to easily and effortlessly excel at treating patients with complex, chronic illnesses in his Lyme Disease Practitioner Certification and Mentorship program.Send us a Text Message.Interested in Becoming A Patient? Find out if working with Gordon Medical is right for you. Set up a complimentary discovery call with our new patient coordinator at www.gordonmedical.com. ** This information is not to be taken as medical advice. Always consult your practitioner before making any changes to your treatment.