The Swipe Right Effect: The Power to Get Unstuck

C.K. Collins

Welcome to The Swipe Right Effect podcast where we uncover the power in each of us to get unstuck.

Your host, author C.K. Collins, aka Kelly, gets personal with guests sharing stories of getting themselves unstuck with wisdom and guidance.

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S2E10 Beth Binger: The Benefits and Wonder of Solo Roadtrips for Women
Apr 23 2024
S2E10 Beth Binger: The Benefits and Wonder of Solo Roadtrips for Women
C.K. Collins and Beth Binger (Bing) shared their experiences and insights on various topics, including life transitions, self-care, passion-driven transformations, social media promotion, solo travel, and emotional abuse. They emphasized the importance of embracing authenticity, taking risks, and slowing down to appreciate the beauty around them. Both speakers expressed gratitude for being alone and free from emotional hardships, and offered practical tips for achieving a growth mindset in travel and life.Solo travel and midlife renewal with two women.Collins and Bing connect over shared midlife renewal and solo travel experiences.Bing shares their solo road trip story, from feeling lost to writing a book.Bing took a bare-bones road trip to financially recover and find purpose.Solo road trips, self-discovery, and finding wonder through travel.Bing reflects on regaining confidence and creativity through solo road trips, inspired by curiosity and slowing down.Going solo allows for personal growth, self-discovery, and re-identification with oneself.Bing creates a "treasure map" to help women find their passion and confidence through self-discovery.Bing encourages listeners to create a "treasure map" of places that evoke feelings of wonder.There’s Wonder Around the Bend:  An Inspiring Guide to Solo Road Tripping Preorders available from until May 20 for paperback and ebook.Special gift for those who pre-order! You can register for a live Webinar with Beth on Monday, May 20 @7:00 p.m.Use this link to register: You must have your Amazon order number as proof of pre-order.Website: Instagram:
S2E9 Jeanell Green: Strategies for Healing Relationships and Yourself
Mar 26 2024
S2E9 Jeanell Green: Strategies for Healing Relationships and Yourself
C.K. Collins and Relationship Coach, Jeanell Green, discussed the challenges of navigating life's changes and how empowerment practices can help. They emphasized the importance of prioritizing self-care, body, mind, soul, spirit, and relationships for personal growth and well-being. Jeanell added their perspective on the interconnectedness of these aspects, while C.K. Collins shared her experience of writing a book on the subject and interviewing women from around the world for their advice. They also discussed their personal experiences with divorce, infidelity, and trauma, offering practical advice and empowerment strategies for healing and moving forward.C.K. Collins and Jeanell discussed the importance of self-care for women over 40, and the prevalence of shame and guilt when focusing on the desire for personal growth, particularly among women. They offered practical strategies for healing and improving relationships, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and addressing underlying issues to avoid blaming oneself or others.Jeanell is a Life and Relationship coach who's on a mission to save marriages and heal families from generational trauma caused in childhood. She is well known for helping couples return from the brink of separation and ultimately divorce in less than 30 days. Jeanell loves talking about her own marriage of 17 years and how they keep the fire hot! You can visit her website at: www.saveourmarriage.caKelly's Self Care Scorecard: How is Your Self Care Game?
S2E8 Kishar's John Lawyer: Discovering Authentic Connection
Mar 19 2024
S2E8 Kishar's John Lawyer: Discovering Authentic Connection
C.K. Collins and John Lawyer of Kishar Spiritual Community discussed the challenges of balancing spirituality with modern life, emphasizing the importance of self-care and discovering one's higher purpose in midlife transitions. John Lawyer shared his personal experiences with trauma and self-care, and highlighting the significance of prioritizing mental wellness. The speakers emphasized the need for authentic connections in the digital age and offered practical strategies for fostering these connections through online platforms and one-on-one coaching.In deserts of the Middle East and South Asia, John faced moments that would define his life. He encountered not just the external battles but the internal ones within. His walk through the desert and later a swamp of sadness wasn't just a passage through tough terrain, but a profound experience of self-discovery. Similarly, John's wife Stacie and their close friend Duska, who both spent years in Southern Afghanistan, faced their own battles, navigating through the complexities of war and their steps beyond. Each took their own path, and each found moments of clarity amidst the struggle. These journeys, filled with trials, tribulations and understanding, led to the birth of Kishar. A collective vision brought to life by three kindred spirits. At the heart of Kishar lies the Journey. We believe every step, every challenge, and every moment of realization is a crucial part of one's spiritual path. The trek through the desert, the struggle through a swamp of sadness - it's all integral to our evolution and understanding. Learn more about Kishar.orgTry Kelly's Self Care Scorecard: How is Your Self Care Game?
S2E7 Bethany Dodson: How to Heal Trauma and Find Healthy Relationships
Mar 12 2024
S2E7 Bethany Dodson: How to Heal Trauma and Find Healthy Relationships
CK Collins and Bethany Dotson discussed the importance of intuition, community, and forgiveness in navigating inner growth and healing. They emphasized the need to shift focus from superficial appearances to the inner self and to have a supportive community for personal growth. They also discussed the reasons why people tend to repeat patterns in intimate relationships, including early life experiences, subconscious beliefs, and familiarity. Additionally, they highlighted the long-lasting effects of childhood trauma on adult relationships and the importance of healing relational trauma before pursuing healthy dating. CK Collins and Bethany Dotson also emphasized the importance of self-love and mindfulness in healing trauma, including the benefits of somatic therapy such as yoga therapy, breathwork, meditation, and trauma-sensitive yoga.Bethany Dotson is trauma-informed yoga therapist and relationship coach with over a decade of experience helping professional, high-achieving women heal anxiety, C/PTSD, codependency,  find their power and skyrocket their confidence after divorce or toxic relationships, communicate better, navigate conflict and most importantly, co-create healthy relationships. She is a domestic violence and childhood trauma survivor who helps women triumph over trauma, break their cycle of emotionally unavailable men and attract the love they deeply desire. Bethany's website:'s Masterclass:  The 5-Steps Single, Successful Career Women Use to Heal Betrayal Trauma and Attract Healthy Relationships, After Narcissistic Abuse(Without spending years in therapy or dredging up the past)
S2E6 Self Care Challenge - Create a habit of forgiveness
Mar 2 2024
S2E6 Self Care Challenge - Create a habit of forgiveness
​It's day 5 of the Self Care Challenge and I want to talk to you about something that can really change your life for the better. Today’s habit is the act of forgiveness and how it can free you to move on from past hurts and pain.The challenge in forgiveness is that it isn't cut and dry and that it isn't something that you can do one time and it is over. Frequently the act of forgiveness is more like a daily routine such as taking a shower.When there has been a betrayal, a loss of friendship, or the end of a relationship, many people, including me, get stuck in a place of pain.Even when you work through the pain and you begin to feel happy, you can be haunted by the circumstance or by the person who caused you the pain.Pain has this boomerang effect that only you can halt. Until you can fully forgive who or what has hurt you, including yourself, the pain will be your unwanted constant companion.Forgiveness is not about letting someone off the hook for their actions. Instead, it's about freeing yourself from the negative emotions and energy that are holding you back.It's not easy to let go of the hurt and pain caused by someone's actions, especially if it was intentional or repeated. But holding onto anger and resentment can be toxic to our emotional and mental health in the long term.When someone hurts you, a common and understandable reaction is anger. It’s actually part of the grieving process. Anger in and of itself is not a problem – it is what you do with anger that can help or hurt.Anger can be the catalyst for great change if you express your emotions and assert your needs.According to University of California, Berkeley research, “anger helps you cope with the stress by first discharging the tension in your body, and by doing so it calms your “nerves.” That's why you may have an angry reaction and then feel calm afterward.”But chronic anger does begin to negatively affect your daily life.John Hopkins Medicine study showed that People who hang on to grudges are more likely to experience severe depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, as well as other health conditions.They suggest that the act of forgiveness counteracts these negative physical conditions. It is the antidote to the pain that accompanies anger.Dr. Karen Swartz of Johns Hopkins Hospital says, “Forgiveness is not just about saying the words. It is an active process in which you make a conscious decision to let go of negative feelings whether the person deserves it or not,” Swartz says.In the today's episode, I’ll share with you the 3-step process I learned that has really been helping my clients. And I'll share a daily mantra or prayer that brought me peace in a time of struggle.Remember that forgiveness is a process, and it may take time to fully forgive someone. But by taking these steps, you can start to let go of the past and move towards a brighter future.So, I encourage you to take these steps towards forgiveness, and free yourself from the negative emotions and energy that are holding you back.Trust me, you'll feel so much lighter and happier when you do.Thank you for your time today. Watch in the Facebook Group for a link to a masterclass I’ll be doing next Wednesday night.Please book a call if you need to discuss what’s going on in your life. Let’s chat and I’ll share strategies on how you can go forward with more love and joy in your life..Go to website and look for the Book A Call button.
S2E5 Day 4. Self Care Challenge: Create a habit of gratitude
Feb 28 2024
S2E5 Day 4. Self Care Challenge: Create a habit of gratitude
Welcome back to Day 4 of the Self Care Challenge. Today we’re going to talk about a habit that is so powerful and yet sometimes it feels like it is the world’s best kept secret. This habit when practiced daily brings so much energy into your life that it feels like magic! This habit it called gratitude, and it's one of the most powerful emotions we can cultivate. Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.“No duty is more urgent than giving thanks.” St. AmbroseDo you ever feel stuck? Like you can't seem to move forward in life? It's a common feeling that many of us experience at one point or another when we are not practicing good self care. But what if I told you that this simple ingredient can help you get unstuck?When we practice gratitude, we focus on what we have, rather than what we lack. This can help us feel more content and satisfied with our lives.Practicing gratitude can also help us feel more connected to the people around us. By expressing our gratitude to others, we can strengthen our relationships and feel more supported.When we feel appreciated, we feel loved. It’s so simple and yet so important.And when we practice mindfulness, we can appreciate the small things in life and feel more grateful for them. By focusing on the present moment, we can find joy in the simple things, like the taste of our food or the warmth of the sun on our face or how the grocery clerk gave us a sweet smile.Another powerful way to cultivate gratitude is by helping others. When we see the impact we're making in someone else's life, it can help us feel more grateful for the blessings in our own lives.And at the end of the day, taking a few minutes to reflect on what went well and what we're grateful for can help us end our day on a positive note.When we're stuck, it's easy to feel like our lives lack purpose or direction. But by practicing gratitude, we can focus on the things that give our lives meaning, like our relationships, our passions, and our accomplishments.In this podcast, I share with you three easily implemented daily gratitude practices. You won't want to miss the energy this will bring to your life.
S2E4 Day 3 Self Care Challenge - Create Your Safe Space for Your Inner Work
Feb 28 2024
S2E4 Day 3 Self Care Challenge - Create Your Safe Space for Your Inner Work
The podcast episode begins with Kelly warmly welcoming listeners to the third day of a transformative self-care challenge, setting the tone for an insightful discussion ahead. Kelly emphasizes the profound uniqueness of each individual's journey, underscoring the personal nature of healing after significant life events. This sentiment lays the foundation for the episode's focus on a powerful habit that can aid in overcoming adversity.Transitioning into a personal anecdote, Kelly shares a poignant story about meeting a fellow traveler named Alison during a pilgrimage hike in Spain. Alison's wisdom, gleaned from her own life experiences, resonates deeply with Kelly and serves as a catalyst for the episode's central theme. Alison's advice, "This will look different in a year," strikes a chord with Kelly, illustrating the transformative potential of time and perspective in navigating life's challenges.Reflecting on their own journey through divorce, Kelly candidly expresses the feelings of being trapped in a seemingly unending cycle of despair. However, through introspection and the wisdom gained from Alison's words, Kelly experienced a profound shift in perspective, realizing that life's tribulations are not permanent fixtures but rather fluid and transient phases.Kelly delves into the importance of reframing, a powerful cognitive tool that can help individuals navigate through difficult circumstances with resilience and grace. By asking the simple yet profound question, "Have you considered the possibility that...," Kelly highlights the transformative potential of shifting one's perspective, opening up new avenues for understanding and resolution.The concept of realizing that life is happening for you, not to you, emerges as a central theme, empowering individuals to reclaim agency over their narratives and embrace the inherent freedom of choice in shaping their responses to adversity.Introducing the habit of reframing, Kelly offers three actionable techniques for listeners to incorporate into their daily lives. First, acknowledging the impermanence of situations by affirming that "This will look different tomorrow" serves as a powerful reminder of the fluidity of life's circumstances. Second, encouraging individuals to consider alternative perspectives through the lens of "Have you considered the possibility that..." fosters empathy and understanding in conflict resolution.Finally, Kelly underscores the importance of prioritizing relationships over the need to be right, advocating for the use of the phrase "you could be right" as a means of peacefully resolving conflicts. This approach not only diffuses tension but also fosters mutual respect and understanding, laying the groundwork for deeper and more meaningful connections.In conclusion, Kelly invites listeners to embrace the practice of reframing as a transformative tool for personal growth and healing. By reframing their perspectives and embracing the fluidity of life's challenges, individuals can cultivate resilience, empathy, and inner peace. Kelly extends an invitation for further discussion and support, underscoring their commitment to guiding listeners on their journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.
S2E3 Day 2 of 5-Day Self Care Challenge - Create your safe space
Feb 26 2024
S2E3 Day 2 of 5-Day Self Care Challenge - Create your safe space
OutlineSelf-love and self-care habits.Kelly, CK Collins, encourages self-love and self-care through mantras and physical surroundings.Creating a personal workspace for focus and productivity.Kelly’s friend, Caren, has a special workshop/nest in her bedroom for reading, praying, and meditating.Developing a "workshop" or "nest" for focused work can help individuals establish a safety zone and signal to others when they are in work mode.Working from home can be tough so Kelly shared a story of one person who uses a signature baseball cap to signal to his family that he is working. When the cap comes off, he's ready to become dad and husband.Creating a safe space for personal growth.Kelly suggests that you create a safe space in your home by setting up a candle, special water bottle, journal, pen, blanket, and talisman (heart-shaped rocks or seaglass) to signal to your mind, soul, and body that you are there to work and invest in yourself.Kelly believes that all of us need a safe space like this to grow and become better versions of ourselves.Kelly shares her nest is a big comfy white chair where she has an afghan or prayer shawl her mother gave her. She keeps her books there, a blanket and an extra pair of glasses.Creating a safe space for self-reflection and personal growth.If you cannot find a safe space for self-reflection and stillness in your home, consider trying to rent a room in a library or ask your pastor for a safe space at your church.Make it a habit to use this place for these times of reflection and stillness.Self-care, personal growth, and aging.Kelly reflects on her life, highlighting self-care, personal growth, relationships, and finding purpose.C.K. Collins encourages once you are in your safe space to take time to write a letter from 90-year-old self to present day self for self-care and reflection.
S2E2 5-Day Self Care Challenge Kickoff with C.K. Collins
Feb 22 2024
S2E2 5-Day Self Care Challenge Kickoff with C.K. Collins
RESOURCE: Where to register for the 5-Day Self Care ChallengeHow often do you think “Gosh, I love myself”? Can you look in the mirror each day and say, “You’ve got this girl and I love you.”Hi, I'm Kelly, pen name C.K. Collins, and I'm a Life Transformation Coach. I work with women who are seeking to uplevel their daily life and develop a life-changing routine of self care. This is Day 1 of a Five Day Self Care Challenge to revolutionize your routine. I’m going to provide a series of tips on how to care for yourself. Small tips for BIG change.But first, I want to talk about why you don’t put your own self care a priority.It’s tough to put our self care first - especially women - for several reasons. First, society teaches you that you are your looks and that our outward appearance should be our focus. We spend hours trying to look just right subconsciously believing this is the only way to be loved.Second, societal gender norms position you as caretakers, which leads to gender inequality in how roles are distributed at the household level.The reason I’m concerned about this and writing to you today is because I believe we have it all backwards. It is your soul health that allows you to care for others. When you are beating yourself up and not loving yourself, you are tearing down the foundation of your natural inclination to care. If you aren’t healthy within your own soul, how can you truly do a good job of caring for anyone else. It’s just a tough cycle.So I’d love for you to revolutionize your self care routine that includes a focus on 3 things. Today we’ll talk about #1.So let's talk about something close to my heart: how do you practice self love?. Your heart is the center of your emotions and deserves attention and care.My mentor said the other day that we need to live in a State of Grace because that releases us to be curious and creative. I’ll say that again…. Do you give yourself grace? Think about the last time you had a bad hair day or you didn’t get your workout in? What was your thought pattern?When was the last time you looked in the mirror and thought “Hey you are doing great and I’m proud of you”? Do you give yourself grace when you make mistakes or are you beating yourself up?If not, there are so many easy ways to start building up the good energy in your heart. So many of us build up walls instead of breaking down barriers. Which are you doing?I want you, more than anything, to be able to EASILY say “I am more than enough”? So, let’s start there.Here is self care tip #1.Over the next 24 hours, I challenge you to say a simple phrase every time you look in the mirror or see your reflection in a window as you pass by. Every time you see your own image just stop and quickly think “You are enough” and when that gets easier, begin to say “You are MORE than enough”You deserve a life that gets you bouncing out of bed each morning like Tigger. And even on those days when something hard happens, you are ready for it because your heart is whole. That's why I've created a Self Care Checklist, a valuable resource to help you assess your well-being and determine your level of self care. If you aren’t where you want to be right now, this checklist will help you determine what to work on to cultivate healthier habits. You can download it for free from my website at or you can type in care in my DMs and I’ll send it to you right away.. Stay tuned tomorrow as we dive deeper into this topic and explore ways to nurture your heart and live your best life."
Season 2, Episode 1 Lou Redmond: Cultivating Self Care Practices
Feb 19 2024
Season 2, Episode 1 Lou Redmond: Cultivating Self Care Practices
Resource: Download your Self Care Checklist: 10 Essential Questions to Determine Your Level of Self CareKelly - C.K. Collins - and Lou Redmond discussed the significance of self-love in mental health, emphasizing the importance of cultivating self-care practices. Lou shared his personal experience and coaching expertise, while Kelly shared her experience attending a mastermind session focused on self-care and self-love. The group also explored the benefits of meditation and mindfulness practices for mental health, as well as the importance of habits and habit stacking for nurturing creativity and productivity. Consistency and accountability were highlighted as crucial for forming new habits and achieving success.OutlineSelf-love and coaching practices.Lou Redmond discusses his coaching services and ways he helps clients create a different conversation in their head.Identifying and engaging with inner critic parts to create spaciousness and reduce self-criticism.Self-love, coaching, and personal growth.Lou discusses the importance of honoring parts of ourselves that are trying to protect us, even if they're doing it in not great ways.Kelly shares a recent experience in a masterclass learning how finding a state of grace for yourself releases you to be creative and curiousKelly shares a powerful statement about presence and its impact on others, encouraging others to be more authentic and present in their interactions.The conversation continues with a discussion on the idea of holding and integrating past traumas or distortions in the body, using the concept of yoga to describe the process.Inner healing and wholeness.Kelly emphasizes the importance of recognizing that everything we want is already within us, rather than seeking it from external sources.Lou encourages listeners to question what is missing in their lives, rather than focusing on what they lack, in order to access a deeper resource of inner freedom, love, and stability.Lou emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing one's wholeness and completeness, rather than seeking it through external means.Lou shares the concept of expanding capacities, not adding to them.Meditation benefits and tips for beginners.Kelly shares their personal journey with meditation, from long distance running to long distance hiking, and how it helped them find spirituality and peace.Lou offers advice for those who want to start meditating but don't have a practice, suggesting they start with the famous TED Talk and book "Start With Why" to understand the benefits of meditation.Meditation and its effects on mental well-being.Lou shares personal experience about how he came to meditation on a long and winding road with meditation leading to spiritual awakening.Lou meditates to feel connected to something greater, potentially God.He suggest you can start meditating with free apps like Insight Timer or take a 7-day course on the speaker's website.Spiritual experiences and personal growth.Lou and Kelly discuss various meditation practices and resources, including guided meditations and visualization, to cultivate self-love and mindfulness.Lou describes a series of spiritual experiences that led them to quit their job in a dramatic way, with cops showing up at their home thinking their email was a suicide letter.Lou reflects on the consequences of their actions, feeling that they burned bridges at their former company and left people hanging.Lou shares their personal journey of overcoming addiction and finding purpose through self-discovery and spiritual practices.Lou's book "Find Your Truth" is a result of this journey, inspiring readers to ref
S1E23 Jeff Griffin: The Power of Vision: Overcoming Setbacks with Jeffrey Griffin
Oct 18 2023
S1E23 Jeff Griffin: The Power of Vision: Overcoming Setbacks with Jeffrey Griffin
The Power of Vision: Overcoming Setbacks with Jeffrey GriffinIntroduction:Welcome to The Swipe Right Effect podcast, where we explore the extraordinary power of self-empowerment. I'm your host, CK Collins, also known as Kelly. In this episode, we're thrilled to introduce you to a truly inspirational guest, Jeffrey Griffin, affectionately known as Griff. Let's dive into his incredible journey of resilience, unwavering vision, and the transformation of seemingly insurmountable challenges into opportunities for growth and success.A Dream That Transcends the Mundane:Jeffrey Griffin has always been an exceptional individual with a clear and compelling dream – to play college football. From a young age, he was driven by the desire to perform on the grandest stage in the world of sports. His ambitions knew no bounds, but an unforeseen accident nearly shattered his dreams.Close to realizing his dream, a tragic construction accident left Jeffrey paralyzed from the waist down. For many, this could have easily marked the end of the road, but Jeffrey was not one to be defined by his circumstances.Despite this life-altering setback, he refused to accept that this accident would shape his future. Jeffrey's resilience and strength led him on a remarkable journey. He found new avenues to excel, creating a legacy that extended far beyond the football field.Triumph in Adversity:The human spirit's remarkable ability to persevere shines brilliantly in Jeffrey's story. The road to recovery was an arduous one, filled with physical and emotional challenges. But rather than succumbing to despair, he made a life-altering decision that ultimately set him free from the prison of self-pity.Jeffrey Griffin attributes his transformative shift to a chance encounter with a fellow patient in the hospital. This patient, an unlikely mentor, posed a question that would forever alter Jeffrey's perspective on life: "Why are you crying, dude?" These words became a catalyst for his journey of self-discovery.From Pity to Empowerment:At this turning point, Jeffrey decided to focus on what he could do instead of dwelling on his limitations. His unwavering determination to dream new dreams paved the way for his path to recovery and success. As he gradually regained the use of his legs, he chose to visualize a brighter future.He shares a poignant analogy – inch by inch is a cinch, yard by yard is hard. By taking one step at a time, Jeffrey embarked on a remarkable journey of progress and triumph, proving that every achievement begins with a single step forward.The Visionary Mindset:One of the most powerful lessons Jeffrey imparts is that "the problem isn't the problem; it's the lack of vision." When faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, it's not the obstacle itself that defines us but how we choose to perceive it. Jeffrey urges us to reframe our mindset, turning what may seem impossible into new opportunities for personal growth and transformation.In the process, he introduces the concept of "dream weaving." It involves dissecting our desires and dreams to create a clear vision for our future. By shifting our focus from what we don't want to what we desire, we can begin to pave the way for success.Conclusion:Jeffrey Griffin's extraordinary journey serves as a testament to the limitless potential of the human spirit. He teaches us that when we focus on what we want, finish what we start, and celebrate the process, we can transform life's challenges into opportunities for empowerment. Through determination, vision, and resilience, we can all learn to turn our challenges into stepping stones to success and happiness.
S1E22 Allison Morgan: Unleash Your Inner Zen: A Journey of Self-Discovery with Allison Morgan
Sep 25 2023
S1E22 Allison Morgan: Unleash Your Inner Zen: A Journey of Self-Discovery with Allison Morgan
Introduction:Welcome to the Swipe Right Effect blog! I'm CK Collins, also known as Kelly, and today we have an incredible guest, Allison Morgan, the founder and CEO of Sensational Kids. She's a pediatric occupational therapist, author, international public speaker, and educational trainer. Allison is on a mission to empower youth and the adults who care for them by providing essential skills such as self-awareness, emotional management, compassion, and resilience. In this blog post, we'll explore Allison's transformative work and her upcoming involvement in the Momentum Effect retreat.Allison's Journey:Allison's journey into the world of mindfulness and yoga began in 2007 when she integrated these practices into her therapy work. She quickly realized the immense potential they held for creating positive change in both children and adults. These practices helped individuals manage stress, overcome trauma, and foster emotional well-being. Her personal transformation and the profound impact on her clients set her on a path to share these tools with a broader audience.The Momentum Effect Retreat:Allison's expertise in mindfulness and emotional well-being has led her to become a trainer and contributor for the Momentum Effect retreat, happening from November 2nd to 5th in Rhode Island. This retreat is an opportunity for women to come together in person, connect deeply, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. The event promises a supportive community where participants can explore their commonalities, celebrate differences, and share their unique gifts.The Power of Emotion:During the podcast interview, Allison emphasized the importance of understanding our emotions and how they affect our lives. She introduced the concept that "emotion is energy in motion." Each emotion carries a distinct energy, and by learning how to work with this energy, individuals can enhance their emotional well-being.Mindfulness and Motion:Allison believes in the power of using our bodies to change our minds. By incorporating simple practices into our daily routines, we can shift our emotional states. These practices include shaking out tension, dancing to break out of familiar patterns, and using pressure points on our bodies to release emotional energy.The Art of Journaling:Journaling serves as a powerful tool to complement mindfulness and motion. It allows individuals to express their deepest desires, fears, and aspirations. Allison recommends envisioning your "amazing me" and jotting down your thoughts. Journaling helps you create a contract with your future self, making your intentions tangible and grounding them in reality.What Feeds Allison's Soul:As we wrapped up the conversation, we asked Allison what feeds her soul. She shared two key aspects:Morning Ritual: Allison finds solace and inspiration in her morning alone time, where she engages in mindfulness practices, sips coffee, and journals. This daily ritual sets her intentions and prepares her for the day ahead.Transformative Work: The real source of fulfillment for Allison is witnessing the transformation in people she trains and teaches. Seeing individuals shift from stress and tension to a state of softness and self-realization brings her immense joy. Helping others tap into their inner potential is a deeply rewarding experience.Conclusion:Allison Morgan's journey and expertise in mindfulness, motion, and emotional well-being are a testament to the profound impact these practices can have on our lives. Her involvement in the Momentum Effect retreat offers a unique opportunity for individuals to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth. By embracing mindfulness, motion, and journaling, we can all unlock our inner Zen and create positive changes in our lives.
S1E21 Charlene Byars: The Power of Self-Love and Conscious Dating: Insights from Charlene Byers
Sep 13 2023
S1E21 Charlene Byars: The Power of Self-Love and Conscious Dating: Insights from Charlene Byers
Introduction: Welcome to the Swipe Right Effect Podcast, where we explore the transformative journey of finding love and getting unstuck. Hosted by author CK Collins, also known as Kelly, this podcast delves into the wisdom and guidance needed to break free from life's ruts and connect with your true self. In this episode, we have a special guest, Charlene Byers, a relationship expert, dating and love coach, and certified empowerment coach. Charlene specializes in helping single, successful career women attract devoted masculine partners who align with their values. Let's dive into the conversation and explore Charlene's insights on where to find love, what men really want, and why self-love is the key to it all.Where Are All the Good Men?Charlene begins her journey by sharing a personal story of her 23-year marriage that, despite her love, lacked alignment. She realized that leaving was the only way forward. After her divorce, Charlene embarked on a new chapter of her life, looking for a deeper connection and true alignment. However, she faced challenges in the dating world, repeatedly attracting the wrong type of men. Charlene began to doubt the existence of good men.The Importance of Self-ReflectionCharlene's journey led her to self-reflection. She recognized that her past experiences had left her with certain patterns and energies that influenced her dating choices. She highlights the significance of childhood experiences in shaping one's relationship patterns. Charlene explains how the energy she projected, driven by her past, was attracting similar energies in her partners.The Transformation BeginsTo break these patterns and attract healthier relationships, Charlene embarked on a journey of self-discovery and healing. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing limiting beliefs. Charlene shares that this work allowed her to shift her energy, leading to personal growth and self-acceptance.Understanding Female ArchetypesCharlene discusses the role of female archetypes in understanding oneself in relationships. She introduces three archetypes: Woman Energy, Daughter Energy, and Mother Energy. These archetypes help women recognize how they show up in relationships. The goal is to embody the Woman Energy archetype, where self-love, self-leadership, and alignment are central.Breaking Free from Limiting BeliefsCharlene's coaching approach focuses on identifying and reframing limiting beliefs. By questioning the validity of these beliefs, women can replace them with empowering narratives that serve their growth. This process creates space for self-love and acceptance.Healing through Embodiment WorkPhysical release is a vital component of healing. Charlene believes that emotions become trapped in the body and need to be released. She guides women through exercises and meditations to help them physically release emotional tensions.Embracing Conscious DatingCharlene's coaching culminates in what she calls "conscious dating, the fun way." This approach empowers women to approach dating with a sense of self-assuredness and joy. By integrating their newfound self-love and insights, they can navigate the dating world with confidence and authenticity.In conclusion, Charlene Byers' journey from feeling stuck to finding love and alignment highlights the transformative power of self-love and self-awareness. Her coaching approach emphasizes the importance of breaking free from limiting beliefs, understanding archetypal energies, and healing through embodiment work. By embracing these principles, women can embark on a conscious dating journey that leads to more fulfilling and aligned relationships.
S1E20 Susan Jane: Unveiling the Power of Intuition with Susan Jane: A Journey into Flower Readings and More
Sep 6 2023
S1E20 Susan Jane: Unveiling the Power of Intuition with Susan Jane: A Journey into Flower Readings and More
Introduction:Welcome to the Swipe Right Effect podcast, where hosts CK Collins (AKA Kelly) and her guests unlock the power of getting unstuck by swiping right on themselves. In this episode, we delve into the fascinating world of intuition with Susan Jane, all the way from Australia. Susan's mission has been to help people harness the power of intuition to make confident decisions and align with their true selves. She shares her insights, experiences, and unique flower readings that can transform your relationship with intuition.The Marvel of Manifestation and Intuition:At the start of the podcast, Susan and Kelly dive into the intriguing realm of manifestation and intuition. Susan's journey into manifestation began with a visualization experiment on her old farmhouse. She vividly imagined the changes she wanted to make and felt the emotions tied to those changes. Remarkably, her manifestation experiment succeeded, showing the incredible power of visualization and intuition.Susan emphasizes that manifestation is a form of visualization where you see and feel your desires coming to life. Her story of rebuilding her farmhouse underscores how powerful this practice can be when you trust your intuition and act on it. The experience of manifesting her dream home also taught her the importance of following your gut.The Spiritual Being vs. the Physical Human:Susan introduces the concept of the spiritual being versus the physical human, which plays a pivotal role in understanding intuition. She shares her profound experiences of leaving her body during a near-death experience and a traumatic event. These incidents led her to question the relationship between the spiritual and physical aspects of ourselves.Unraveling Flower Readings: A Unique Tool for Intuition:One of the most intriguing aspects of Susan's work is her use of flower readings as a tool to develop intuition. Flower readings, like card readings or pendulum work, help individuals access their intuitive messages. Susan believes that every image of a flower contains over 16 elements that connect with your intuition and reveal messages.Each element of the flower image corresponds to different aspects of your intuition, such as the stem representing your path or journey, the leaves symbolizing your guides, and the petals signifying attraction. Susan stresses that the flower you choose resonates with your intuition, making it a deeply personal experience. It's your intuition, not hers, that guides you to the perfect flower image.How to Choose Your Flower Image:To find your flower image, Susan recommends connecting with the feeling of your goal or desire. Ask yourself how success feels and what it looks like. Once you have a clear feeling, you can search for flower images that match that feeling. Trust your intuition to guide you to the image that resonates the most with your goal.A Special Offer from Susan:As a special treat for readers and listeners, Susan offers to perform a flower reading for you based on your business goal. Simply find a flower image that represents your goal, and Susan will provide a video reading that offers insights into your marketing strategy. This personalized reading, guided by your intuition, could be the key to unlocking your business's full potential.Conclusion:The conversation with Susan Jane in this Swipe Right Effect podcast episode takes us on a remarkable journey into the realm of intuition and manifestation. Susan's insights into the power of visualization, the connection between the spiritual and physical self, and the unique tool of flower readings offer valuable guidance for anyone seeking to harness their intuition. So, embrace the power of intuition, trust your gut, and let your goals bloom like the flowers you choose.
S1E19 Rachel Astarte: Embracing Change and Empowerment: Redefining Mentorship
Aug 31 2023
S1E19 Rachel Astarte: Embracing Change and Empowerment: Redefining Mentorship
Introduction:In today's fast-paced world, where the noise of daily life can drown out our inner voice, finding guidance and self-discovery becomes a transformative journey. Welcome to the Swipe Right Effect Podcast, where we delve into the power of getting unstuck by swiping right on yourself. Your host and author, CK Collins, AKA Kelly, embarks on a personal journey with her guests to share stories of growth, wisdom, and guidance to inspire you. Are you feeling stuck? Are you waiting to embrace a new chapter of your life after a significant change? You've come to the right place. Join us on this enlightening journey as we explore the power of mentorship and self-discovery.Unveiling the Guest and Topic:On a recent episode of the Swipe Right Effect Podcast, host CK Collins introduces Rachel Astarte, an author, educator, holistic psychotherapist, and transformational life coach. The focus of their conversation centers around redefining mentorship and empowering women to navigate midlife transitions with self-assuredness and wisdom.Midlife: A Time of Discernment and Potential:Rachel highlights the significance of midlife as a pivotal moment for women. It's a phase characterized by self-discovery, a period of discernment where women question their roles, choices, and redefine their identities. With newfound time and perspective, this phase becomes an opportunity to tap into untapped potential and recognize the power that women possess.Embracing Solitude: The Path to Self-Discovery:Rachel's book, "Celebrating Solitude: How to Develop and Honor Your Highest Self," delves into the importance of spending time in solitude. Solitude is not isolation; it's a dedicated practice of self-discovery. By nurturing a solitude practice, you connect with your core being, explore who you are, and define your path forward. This practice is a gift you give yourself, allowing you to center and listen to your authentic voice.Overcoming Negative Self-Talk and Setting Boundaries:Negative self-talk and lack of boundaries can hinder personal growth. Rachel provides insightful approaches to deal with negative self-talk, likening it to a barking watchdog. Engaging with these thoughts in a compassionate manner helps you uncover their origins and transform them into allies for growth. When it comes to boundaries, the emphasis is on improving relationships rather than isolating oneself. Boundaries are bridges, not walls.Redefining Mentorship: A Shared Journey:Rachel emphasizes the value of mentorship in midlife transitions. Mentorship is not confined to experts; it's about sharing your unique journey, experiences, and insights with others. As women navigate the challenges of midlife, mentorship becomes a guiding light, helping them realize their potential, cultivate compassion, and embrace their true selves. Through mentorship, women empower each other to step into their power and overcome obstacles.Conclusion:As we journey through the ever-changing landscape of life, embracing mentorship and self-discovery becomes paramount. The Swipe Right Effect Podcast and the Awaken Women Mentors community provide a platform for women to learn, grow, and empower one another. Whether you're navigating midlife transitions, seeking personal growth, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, remember that you're not alone. Through mentorship and embracing solitude, you can uncover your authentic self and create a positive impact on your life and the lives of others.
S1E18 Krista Melanson: Mastering the Art of Dating Over 40: Navigating the Swipe Right Effect
Aug 25 2023
S1E18 Krista Melanson: Mastering the Art of Dating Over 40: Navigating the Swipe Right Effect
Introduction:Welcome to the Swipe Right Effect podcast, where we explore the transformative power of getting unstuck by swiping right on yourself. Hosted by CK Collins, also known as Kelly, this podcast delves into personal stories and insightful conversations to guide you out of life's ruts. If you're ready to revitalize your journey and step into a new chapter, you've come to the right place.Unlocking New Beginnings:In the debut episode of the Swipe Right Effect podcast, your host CK Collins introduces the concept of embracing change and getting unstuck by exploring the world of dating and relationships. Are you feeling trapped in a rut, waiting for life to change after a significant event? The podcast promises to provide you with fresh perspectives and guidance on how to move forward.Meet the Guest - Krista Melanson:Kelly's guest in this episode is Krista Melanson, a seasoned dating expert who shares her journey from feeling destined to be alone to finding her ideal partner. Krista's story is an inspiration for women over 40 who seek lasting love. After a thorough process of research and self-improvement, Krista successfully navigated the dating scene to find her perfect match.Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs:Krista recounts her experiences as a single mom with a demanding schedule, often feeling lonely and unfulfilled. She realized that she wanted more than just fulfilling her maternal responsibilities; she wanted to help others find love as well. This realization led her on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.Embracing Self-Worth:Krista emphasizes the importance of embracing self-worth and adopting a positive mindset when approaching dating. By realizing their own value, women can cultivate the confidence needed to navigate the dating world effectively. She shares the significance of affirmations, meditation, and rewiring negative thought patterns to develop a healthy self-image.Creating an Authentic Profile:When it comes to online dating, authenticity is key. Krista offers insights into crafting a compelling dating profile that showcases your personality without revealing too much. It's essential to strike a balance between sharing interesting details and saving some for meaningful conversations.The Art of Initiating Conversations:In the world of online dating, initial conversations set the tone for potential relationships. Krista suggests engaging conversation starters that encourage responses beyond one-word replies. Keeping the conversation light, flirty, and interesting is crucial to maintaining engagement and moving towards meaningful connections.Overcoming Challenges:Krista acknowledges that women over 40 face unique challenges in the dating world. From embracing their feminine energy to overcoming stigma associated with online dating apps, women can find themselves navigating unfamiliar terrain. Krista's advice centers on being true to oneself, moving past societal judgments, and focusing on what truly matters.Conclusion:The inaugural episode of the Swipe Right Effect podcast introduces listeners to the journey of getting unstuck and finding love, even after 40. Krista Melanson's story provides hope and guidance for those seeking meaningful relationships. With a positive mindset, self-worth, and an authentic approach to online dating, women can overcome obstacles and pave the way to lasting love. So, if you're ready to embrace change and swipe right on yourself, this podcast is your go-to resource.
S1E17 Brielle Cotterman: Cultivating Connection and Impact: Unveiling the Power of Personal Brand
Aug 10 2023
S1E17 Brielle Cotterman: Cultivating Connection and Impact: Unveiling the Power of Personal Brand
Introduction:Welcome back to the Swipe Right Effect, where we explore the empowering journey of breaking free from limitations. I'm CK Collins, also known as Kelly, and today we're diving into the world of personal branding with a captivating guest, Brielle Cotterman. Her presence is truly transformative, having graced the TEDx stage and contributed to Entrepreneur Magazine. But what's even more impressive is her dedication to uplifting women and fostering positive change. In this blog post, we'll unravel the insights shared during this enlightening conversation and explore how personal branding intersects with gratitude, generosity, and making an impact.Meet the Powerhouse: Brielle CottermanAs we welcome Brielle Cotterman to the show, we're introduced to a remarkable woman with a thriving presence in various domains. Brielle is not only a successful businesswoman and owner of multiple businesses, but she's also a passionate advocate for women's empowerment and positive change. Her organization, Braille Cotterman Media, focuses on helping women create a meaningful impact in the world by stepping into the spotlight. As a publicity expert and celebrity maker, Brielle brings stories to life, driving her clients' personal brands to new heights.The Personal Brand's Role in Connection:Brielle emphasizes the importance of a personal brand that goes beyond professional achievements. It's about leaving a lasting impression on people and creating connections that resonate on a personal level. Your personal brand should encompass not just your career, but also how you show up in various areas of life. Whether it's interacting with family, engaging with the community, or participating in activities you're passionate about, your personal brand influences how you're perceived and remembered.Gratitude: A Driving ForceGratitude forms the foundation of Brielle's outlook on life. Surviving an attempted murder and domestic violence shaped her perspective on gratitude. She believes that gratitude can help individuals navigate challenges and empower them to recognize the positive aspects even amid adversity. By embracing gratitude, you not only uplift your own life but also inspire others to see the world through a more appreciative lens.Generosity: The Heart of Personal BrandingGenerosity is a cornerstone of personal branding, and Brielle emphasizes its significance. She encourages individuals to be open and willing to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights. By being generous with your expertise and helping others progress, you create a culture of collaboration and mutual support. This generosity not only contributes to personal growth but also establishes trust and credibility within your network.Creating Impact Through Personal Branding:Brielle's work revolves around making a positive impact. She believes that every individual, regardless of their background, has the potential to create change. Personal branding plays a pivotal role in this process. By crafting a well-thought-out personal brand and sharing authentic stories, you can build connections that transcend boundaries. These connections enable you to elevate causes, advocate for change, and empower others to do the same.Conclusion:In the realm of personal branding, Brielle Cotterman shines as a guiding light, demonstrating that the essence of your personal brand goes beyond your professional achievements. Gratitude and generosity are key ingredients that contribute to a powerful personal brand, driving connections and facilitating positive change. As we journey through life's transitions, embracing personal branding can help us not only redefine ourselves but also leave a legacy that resonates with authenticity, impact, and a heartfelt sense of gratitude and generosity.
S1E16 Julie D'Ann: The Swipe Right Effect: Empowering Lives through Meditation and Mindfulness
Aug 2 2023
S1E16 Julie D'Ann: The Swipe Right Effect: Empowering Lives through Meditation and Mindfulness
The Swipe Right Effect: Empowering Lives through Meditation and MindfulnessIntroduction:Welcome to the Swipe Right Effect podcast, where we explore the power of getting unstuck by swiping right on yourself. In this episode, we sit down with author and host CK Collins, also known as Kelly, as she delves into the world of meditation and mindfulness with her guest, Julie D'Ann. Together, they discuss the transformative benefits of meditation for children and adults, exploring how it can lead to better emotional regulation, improved academic performance, and enhanced overall well-being.The Journey to Becoming an Illumination Guide:Julie D'Ann is a certified life transformation coach and an illumination guide. She shares her unique journey of working with children and the process of applying meditation and breathwork practices to enhance their well-being. Her mission is to help individuals recognize the light within themselves and share it with the world. Julie explains that meditation is not only for adults but is just as beneficial for children.The Impact of Meditation in Schools:Julie reveals the inspiring story of a school that implemented meditation practices over a four-year period. The results were astounding, with a 70% decrease in suspensions, improved attendance, and better academic performance. By introducing meditation in schools, children develop emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and the ability to make better decisions.The Time Within - A Unique Approach:Julie introduces the concept of the "time within," a practice that focuses on guiding children to find their inner light and purpose. This technique empowers children to recognize that they have the power to choose their thoughts and emotions. By using deep breathing and positive affirmations, children can shift their emotions and responses to challenging situations.Making Meditation Fun for Kids and Adults:Making meditation enjoyable is essential, especially for children. Julie and Kelly discuss various ways to make meditation fun, such as guided meditations with themes like the ocean or nature. For adults, finding meditations that resonate with their interests and preferences can also make the practice more engaging and enjoyable.The Power to Choose:Julie emphasizes the importance of recognizing our power to choose our thoughts and emotions. Whether faced with fear or excitement, understanding that we have control over how we label our feelings can empower us to make positive choices. By embracing emotional intelligence, individuals can navigate life's challenges with greater resilience and clarity.Conclusion:Meditation and mindfulness have the power to transform lives, both for children and adults. By teaching children these invaluable practices, we equip them with tools to cope with emotions, make better decisions, and live fulfilling lives. The Swipe Right Effect podcast aims to spread this message, inspiring individuals to embrace their inner light and share it with the world. Remember, we are all capable of choosing our thoughts and emotions, and by doing so, we create a brighter, more harmonious future for ourselves and others.
S1E15 Gretchen Hydo: The Swipe Right Effect Podcast: Embracing Change and Breaking Free from Secrets
Jul 26 2023
S1E15 Gretchen Hydo: The Swipe Right Effect Podcast: Embracing Change and Breaking Free from Secrets
Introduction:Welcome to The Swipe Right Effect Podcast! Hosted by CK Collins (AKA Kelly), this podcast aims to empower listeners to get unstuck by "swiping right" on themselves. CK Collins engages in personal conversations with guests, sharing stories of personal growth and transformation, as they break free from the shackles of secrets and limiting beliefs. In this blog post, we'll explore the themes discussed on the podcast, including the journey of change, the power of shedding secrets, and the importance of trusting one's intuition.Breaking Free from Secrets:One of the central themes of this week's The Swipe Right Effect Podcast is breaking free from the burden of secrets. CK Collins and her guest, Gretchen Hydo, encourage listeners to explore their secrets, no matter how big or small, and understand the impact of their childhood conditioning and self-limiting beliefs. The key to shedding secrets lies in accepting and forgiving oneself, and gradually revealing these secrets to safe individuals who can offer support and understanding. By releasing shame and guilt associated with secrets, individuals can move towards healing and embracing their true selves.Embracing Change and Transformation:The podcast highlights the process of transformation and self-discovery. Gretchen emphasizes the importance of looking beyond the labels we carry and the limiting beliefs that hinder our growth. By challenging and breaking the rules we were conditioned to follow, we can move towards positive change and authenticity. Embracing change involves rediscovering the true self, unburdened by societal expectations or negative self-perceptions.Trusting Intuition:Kelly and Gretchen encourage listeners to reconnect with their intuition and inner wisdom. Many individuals, particularly women, have lost faith in their intuition due to past experiences or external influences. Rediscovering and trusting intuition is a significant step towards gaining clarity and making authentic life choices. Through self-awareness and shedding limiting beliefs, individuals can learn to listen to their instincts and embrace their deepest yearnings.The Power of Storytelling:The podcast emphasizes the power of storytelling as a means of connection and healing. Kelly and Gretchen both share personal stories of struggle, growth, and triumph, inspiring listeners to find common ground and understand that they are not alone in their experiences. Storytelling breaks down the walls of isolation, fostering compassion and empathy towards oneself and others.Conclusion:The Swipe Right Effect Podcast is a transformative journey that empowers listeners to break free from self-imposed limitations and embrace positive change. CK Collins, along with her guests, provides valuable insights into the process of shedding secrets, embracing authenticity, and trusting one's intuition. Through the power of storytelling, the podcast serves as a source of inspiration and encouragement, inviting individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. So, let's swipe right on ourselves and embark on a journey of transformation together!Find out more about Gretchen:'s Book:
S1E14: Frances Baldwin: The Power of Transformation: Embracing Wisdom and Love
Jul 25 2023
S1E14: Frances Baldwin: The Power of Transformation: Embracing Wisdom and Love
Introduction:Welcome back, dear listeners! Today, we embark on an inspiring journey filled with wisdom and transformation. Join us as we delve into the life-changing insights shared by the incredible Frances Baldwin during her appearance on the Swipe Right Effect podcast. Frances, a seasoned consultant and wisdom keeper, discusses her path from being a wife and teacher to becoming an independent consultant. Her life experiences have led her to embrace the momentum effect, where wise women come together to connect and empower one another.Appreciating Ourselves and Embodying Growth:Frances emphasizes the importance of appreciating oneself and embracing the body, mind, and spirit we were given. This self-appreciation fuels the desire to evolve into a better version of ourselves. Having a dream, even if it evolves over time, helps maintain a clear direction toward personal growth and fulfillment.Developing the Mindset of Preparation:Life's journey often includes dark moments, akin to being in a hallway with closed doors. Frances shares wisdom from Natasha Josefowitz's book, a pioneer in women's change, who compared this phase to waiting for a crack of light under a new door. Embracing the mindset of preparation enables us to thrive in the hallway, to do the inner work needed to navigate the transitions in our lives. Natasha's book is "Is This Where I Was Going?",Contemplative Practices and the Power of Silence:To achieve growth and change, Frances encourages the use of contemplative practices like meditation, prayer, deep listening, or writing. These practices provide a much-needed space for reflection and mindfulness. The resulting inner strength and buoyancy allow us to remain resilient in the face of challenges.Setting Boundaries: A Key to Personal Empowerment:Frances shares the importance of setting boundaries to create a healthy and supportive environment. Boundaries help us distinguish what belongs in our lives and what doesn't, shaping our experiences and interactions. While it's crucial to surround ourselves with like-minded people, it's equally important not to outgrow our friends or loved ones as we evolve.The Power of Learning and Seeking Knowledge:Frances emphasizes the value of being a learner and seeker, as knowledge can be transformative. However, she encourages readers to go beyond acquiring knowledge and focus on the essence of what they learn. Extracting the central ideas and integrating them into one's character is what fosters true wisdom.Embracing Love and Its Transformative Nature:Finally, the discussion touches on the importance of love in our lives. Love serves as a driving force, and when integrated into our learning and actions, it manifests as a powerful agent of positive change. When we embody love, we can develop deeper connections, both with ourselves and others, contributing to personal growth and the well-being of the world.Conclusion:Frances Baldwin's journey is a testament to the power of inner work and seeking wisdom. By appreciating ourselves, setting boundaries, and embracing contemplative practices, we can navigate life's transitions with grace. By seeking knowledge and embodying love, we tap into our true potential to effect positive change in our lives and the lives of others. Remember, true transformation lies within, waiting for us to unlock the power of wisdom and love.Find out more about Frances Baldwin on her website: