
Amy Radunz

Rise above your fears. Rise above your challenges. Rise above the unexpected in life and in business. Discover from leaders and everyday people the tools and resources accessible to all of us, so you are able to lead a life of abundance, flow and harmony. read less


Ep. 11 - The magic of medicinal mushrooms & tonics bringing intentions to life - Mason Taylor
Aug 7 2022
Ep. 11 - The magic of medicinal mushrooms & tonics bringing intentions to life - Mason Taylor
Mason Taylor is the founder and CEO of SuperFeast. In this episode of The Rise podcast Amy and Mason discuss how his premium grown and harvested mushrooms and tonics have the power to support those bringing high vibration intentions to life. He shares the process of how his mushrooms and tonics are grown and sourced and the sustainability processes he is going through to ensure the longevity of his business and also the longevity of the industry as a whole. You will hear how passionate Mason is about this industry and the wealth of knowledge he has on Toasit tonic herbs, and from just hearing and feeling his passion you won't help but be inspired to create your own legacy vision and business. Mason was first exposed to the ideas of potentiating the human experience through his mum Janesse (who was a big inspiration for founding SuperFeast and is still an inspiration to Mason and his team due to her ongoing resilience in the face of disability). After traveling South America for a year, Mason found himself struggling with his health - he was worn out, carried fungal infections, and was only 22. He realised that he had the power to take control of his health. Mason redirected his attention from his business degree and night work in a bar to begin what was to become more than a decade of health research, courses, education, and mentorship from some of the leaders in personal development, wellness, and tonic herbalism. Inspired by the own changes to his health and wellbeing through his journey (which also included Yoga teacher training and raw foodism!), he started SuperFeast in 2010. Initially offering a selection of superfoods, herbs, and supplements to support detox, immune function, and general wellbeing. Mason offered education programs around Australia, and it was on one of these trips that he met Tahnee, who is now his wife and helps run SuperFeast. ---- You can find more information about Mason and Superfeast below. Mason's Instagram Superfeast Instagram Superfeast website To gain 10% off any Superfeast products use the code RISE in checkout. ---- Resources Amy's Fear to Flow 30 day Challenge  ---- More about Amy Radunz Amy's Website Amy's Instagram Amy's Facebook ----
Ep. 10 - From a girl with no boundaries to a millionaire single mother - Arabelle Yee
Jul 13 2022
Ep. 10 - From a girl with no boundaries to a millionaire single mother - Arabelle Yee
This inspiring podcast with Entrepreneur and Coach, Arabelle Yee, shares her journey from being a girl in her 30s with no boundaries in all her relationships, to experiencing a traumatic period during her pregnancy and birth of her child, which flicked a switch inside of her where she finally started listening to that internal voice that was saying 'things aren't right'. Step by step, in a short period of time, her decisions towards saying no to things she would no longer tolerate - took her down the path of becoming a single mother and towards building a multi million dollar business in the space of a couple of years.  Her journey is inspiring and filled with many insightful wisdoms of how we can step up in our life. She shares how we can step up and accept and hold space for more - both the positive and the negative of all that life has to offer. Tune into this podcast now to hear her insights on how you can rise above your challenges, to no longer tolerate the things you aren't happy with in your life. How you can start manifesting your desires. And hear how she navigates business and motherhood. And must listen for any mother in business or thinking about starting a business. Enjoy listening. -----   More information on Arabelle Yee Arabelle's website Arabelle's Instagram   ---- Resources Amy's Fear to Flow 30 day Challenge  ---- More about Amy Radunz Amy's Website Amy's Instagram Amy's Facebook ----
Ep. 6 - Is your reality really your reality? - Michelle Masters
Jun 9 2022
Ep. 6 - Is your reality really your reality? - Michelle Masters
In this episode of the Rise Podcast Amy speaks with Internationally bestselling author and Personal Development Trainer and Coach, Michelle Masters. Michelle’s work is an innovative use of Neuro-Science based change techniques, Family Constellation work, and quantum healing modalities, combined with profound understandings of what creates transformation and lasting change for people.  Her hugely popular Money Magic workshop has helped people all over the world to transform their lives and money. Her book Money Magic: Clearing Your Path to Money, Time and Happiness became a bestseller in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the U.K. Industry leaders have nicknamed her 'The Coaches' Coach' because so many of the top coaches and speakers in the world have been trained and worked with her.   In this episode Amy and Michelle deep dive into how our subconscious beliefs form our reality and why Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is so effective in changing our habits and patterns to produce different results in any area of our life.    They also explore some woo woo topics which will get you to question what is possible for you to achieve, and also for you to question what is reality. They talk on bending and moving time, how to easily move through space and other concepts related to quantum physics. Come to this episode with an open mind and heart and you will walk away with some potentially powerful insights.  -----   More information on Michelle Masters Michelle's website Michelle's Facebook Michelle's Youtube   ---- Resources Amy's free 10 minute morning meditation  ---- More about Amy Radunz Amy's Website Amy's Instagram Amy's Facebook ----
Ep. 2 - The miracle hopes and healings of homeopathy - Eugenie Kruger
May 1 2022
Ep. 2 - The miracle hopes and healings of homeopathy - Eugenie Kruger
In the current times, with fear hanging in the air, many of us have felt a sense of losing control or disempowerment in terms of our health and wellbeing.  In this episode Amy speaks with Homeopath Eugenie Kruger who is on a mission to make dramatic shifts in society around reclaiming our sense of empowerment around our health. Eugenie is making a huge impact in the community by working specifically with mums and carers by giving them the knowledge in how to treat their families. The mothers she has been working with have been able to lift feelings of anxiety, fear and uncertainty when it comes to their children's health, and now so many of these individuals are in an empowered state when making health decisions for their families, which in turn is overflowing into them raising children who are of a healthy mind and body. Eugenie shares stories of what we perceive as miracles by homeopathy treatment, and how we have come to understand how homeopathy works. She also speaks to the history of homeopathy and how leaders across the world, including the Royal Family have used homeopathy for decades... yet strangely especially here in Australia it is so disregarded and ignored. Amy also shares stories about the magic of homeopathy in her own home life and how it has saved her eldest son's life on numerous occasions, and also the backlash she has seen and heard regarding the stance of homeopathy within western medicine within Australia and some other parts of the world. ---- More about Eugenie Kruger Eugenie Kruger websiteInstagramFacebookHomeopathy free courseHomeopathy Hangout Podcast ---- Resources Amy's free 10 minute morning meditation  ---- More about Amy Radunz Amy's Website Amy's Instagram Amy's Facebook ----