Vetted Conversations

We The Veterans and Military Families

Vetted Conversations is a podcast created by We the Veterans & Military Families to help Americans - especially the veteran community - better understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens and how they can get involved to reinforce our constitutional republic and representative democracy. We are focused on bringing Americans together to help create a more perfect union.

This podcast was formerly titled Vet our Democracy and was rebranded with the launch of Season 2 to reflect our expanded goals.

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Ep. 9: Election reform: systemic changes to improve how we choose our leaders with Todd Connor and Eric Bronner
Mar 20 2024
Ep. 9: Election reform: systemic changes to improve how we choose our leaders with Todd Connor and Eric Bronner
We’ve all heard about how divided America is today. At least that’s what we’re being told. You only need to watch five minutes of cable news and you’ll hear about how one political party is trashing another - calling them the enemy or a grave threat to democracy. Voter enthusiasm for leading candidates is low, and many people we speak with are asking if these two very old male candidates are the best options our country of more than three hundred and thirty million can produce. The last Congress was one of the least productive in terms of legislation passed in decades if not US history history because of partisan infighting and a lack of willingness to compromise. Many times, we feel like both of the major political parties are standing on the opposite ends of the field hurling insults across the 50 yard line at each other. What we don’t see them doing is the hard work of governing. What’s clear is that Washington isn’t going to change itself and it reminds me of what Dr. W. Edwards Demming said: A bad system will beat a good person every time.  This episode is all about making the way we elect our officials better and how, by improving the system, we can improve our nation’s politics. Joining us are two guests that have a few ideas on how to do this - Navy veterans Todd Connor and Eric Bronner. Todd is the founder of the veteran business incubator Bunker Labs, Entrepreneur-in-Residence, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, a Presidential Leadership Scholar, and author of Third Shift Entrepreneur. Eric is the Co-Founder of Show Me Integrity Education Fund, Missouri. He hold s a JD from Washington University in St. Louis, and is a nationally recognized election reform leader. They both have co-founded a group called Veterans for All Americans (formerly called Veterans for Political Innovation) whose mission is To build and mobilize a community of military veterans to advocate for election innovations that unlock competition, make our politics less toxic and our government more effective.For more, check us out at and on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Ep. 7: Challenges facing the 2024 elections, a conversation with Jennifer Morrell and Tina Barton
Feb 21 2024
Ep. 7: Challenges facing the 2024 elections, a conversation with Jennifer Morrell and Tina Barton
No surprise to anyone, 2024 is a big election year where we’ll elect everyone from the President of the United States, one third of the US Senate, all of the US House of Representatives and countless officials right on down to the local county dogcatcher. American politics and elections have always been an energetic affair.For instance, when Candidate George Washington was competing for the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1758, he plied voters with 47 gallons of beer, 35 gallons of wine, 2 gallons of cider, and 70 gallons of rum punch. While the United States is one of the longest running and most stable democracies in the world’s history, we’ve had our moments when it comes to elections. In 1834, Whigs and Democrats duked it out in Philadelphia and burned an entire city block to the ground. In the 1850s, the Know Nothing Party used violence against immigrants and Catholics to prevent them from voting - which led to riots in Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, Washington, DC and more. In 1874, more than five thousand men of opposing parties fought in the city of New Orleans.This episode features three incredible guests who are doing great work to help strengthen our elections and support election officials all across America. As they will tell you: Democracy doesn’t just happen. It relies upon the patriotic work of hundreds of thousands of elections officials and volunteer poll workers - patriotic men and women who ensure the sanctity of the polling place to ensure every qualified American citizen can exercise their fundamental right to vote.Joining us for an important discussion on our vibrant democracy are:U.S. Air Force veteran and CEO of The Elections Group: Jennifer Morrell. Jennifer is a nationally recognized expert on election audits and subject matter expert for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and a member of the National Task Force on election Crises.Tina Barton, also of The Elections Group. Tina spent 32 years as a civil servant from the local to federal levels and has spent the last 16 years dedicated to election administration and safety. She has been the city clerk of Rochester Hills, Michigan and the Senior Advisor at the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.And finally, Justin Smith. Justin is a retired sheriff of Larimer County, Colorado. He has 35 years of law enforcement experience and advises The Elections Group on law enforcement concerns.For more, check us out at and on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Ep.6: Vet The Vote: How veterans teamed up with the NFL to tackle America's Election Poll Worker Crisis + Special interview with former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue and Gen. George Casey, USA (ret.)
Feb 5 2024
Ep.6: Vet The Vote: How veterans teamed up with the NFL to tackle America's Election Poll Worker Crisis + Special interview with former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue and Gen. George Casey, USA (ret.)
In 2022, America had a major problem - we didn't have enough election poll workers. Every election, we need about 1.2 million people to volunteer to set up polling places, check IDs, issue ballots, tally votes, and report the results. The problem was that our country was short about 120,000 volunteers. COVID-19 and threats of political violence to election poll workers dissuaded many election volunteers - many of whom were 65 years old and older - from helping. When We the Veterans and Military Families learned of this crisis, we took action. First we called our friends who led six of the post-9/11 veteran service organizations and secured their commitment to help. Concurrently, Joe had a conversation with former US Army Chief of Staff General George Casey, USA (ret.) who knew former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue, who introduced us to current Commissioner Roger Goodell, who tasked his staff to help. Our team of teams grew from 6 to 30 veteran and civic groups and, together, we recruited more than 63, 500 veterans and family members to be election poll workers. At the heart of it all are our first guests, Anna Isaaacson and Ken Edmonds of the NFL who engaged their mighty marketing and communications assets to help increase public awareness of the crisis. This episode is all about how a team of committed American patriots - veteran and civilian - closed more than HALF of America's need for election poll workers in 2022, and how we are launching Vet The Vote 2024 at the Super Bowl in Las Vegas Nevada the week of February 5, 2024. Our goal this year is to recruit 100,000 election poll workers. Will YOU commit to serve our great nation as an election poll worker this year? Find out more at www.VetThe.VoteFor more, check us out at and on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Ep. 3: Vital to Our National Security: Understanding Civics with former Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera and Secretary of the Navy Sean O'Keefe
Jan 3 2024
Ep. 3: Vital to Our National Security: Understanding Civics with former Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera and Secretary of the Navy Sean O'Keefe
If Americans don't understand how their government works or their roles as citizens, it's impossible for them to function as an adult in a democracy. While it is very important for all citizens to know their rights, it is equally (if not more) important for citizens to understand and act upon their responsibilities as citizens.  When Americans are dissatisfied with the state of affairs, we have important and legal recourses to hold elected officials accountable, change our laws, and insist on sound policies that benefit our society. People who do not understand these processes are at much greater risk of manipulation and even incitement to violence.In this episode, former Secretary of the Army, the Honorable Louis Caldera and former Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable Sean O'Keefe join Joe Plenzler (USMC), Ellen Gustafson, and Jeremy Butler (USN)  for a discussion on how increasing public understanding of civics just might be the thing to help strengthen our democracy and reduce political polarization.A quick reference to our rights and responsibilities as American citizens is below.For more, check us out at www.WeTheVeterans.usRightsFreedom to express yourself.Freedom to worship as you wish.Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.Right to vote in elections for public officials.Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.Right to run for elected office.Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”ResponsibilitiesSupport and defend the Constitution.Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.Participate in the democratic process.Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.Participate in your local community.Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities.Serve on a jury when called upon.Defend the country if the need should arise.For more, check us out at and on LinkedIn and Instagram.
Ep.1: How M'urica Are You? A civics challenge.
Nov 15 2023
Ep.1: How M'urica Are You? A civics challenge.
Hello, and welcome to Vet our Democracy - a podcast created and produced by We the Veterans and Military Families. We are a non-profit, non-partisan, pro-democracy and stridently patriotic organization created by veterans and their family members to promote positive, patriotic civic engagement, counter propaganda targeting the military and veteran community, and help veterans live their best lives as leaders in their communities following military service. In this series, we explore what it means to be a citizen, what veterans and their families can do to defend our Constitution following military service, and provide ways veterans can get involved in helping create a more perfect union. We're all in this democracy thing together, so it's important for every American to know their rights, their responsibilities as citizens, and how their government is supposed to work so we can engage productively to help bring about the best version of America. Oftentimes, members of the veteran community get more credit for knowledge of the Constitution than we deserve. Too many raise their right hands and swear an oath without even having read the Constitution! In this episode, founders Ellen Gustafson, Ben Keiser (USMC), and board members Jeremy Butler (USN) and Joe Plenzler (USMC) test their knowledge against the test questions on the U.S. Government's test for citizenship.Have a listen and see if you can beat them with your knowledge of the United States in this fun and humorous episode.For more, check us out at and on social media.For more, check us out at and on LinkedIn and Instagram.