Girlz Just Wanna Tell Stories

Janine Lombardi and Katie Walters

J9 and KT are Gen X'ers who reveal secrets of a life-long friendship - from the lockers of middle school - to high school, college (or flight attendant school!), first jobs, engagements, marriages, raising children, step-parenting, cross-country moves, divorce, starting over, and finally - life in the empty-nest. Join Girlz Just Wanna Tell Stories as they share how their friendship has ebbed and flowed since they met in 1979 - and all the hilarious stories they've collected along the way. Each episode highlights an aspect of "The Value of Friendship" and offers takeaways to inspire listeners to TAKE ACTION - reach out to an old friend, make a new friend, or how to be a "like totally awesome" friend. Take a deep dive and discover everything that does (and doesn't work) to create authentic social connections that support well-being, offer joy, and overall, help make your life more fulfilling. read less
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E13: How Well Do You Know Your BFF?
Jun 5 2021
E13: How Well Do You Know Your BFF?
In honor of National Best Friends Day (June 8th), we are playing a game to see how well we really know each other.   We ask questions and guess how the other person will answer.   You'll hear stories about embarrassing moments, fashion mistakes, favorite songs, who we would invite to a dinner party, and what we'd do if we had $5,000 to spend in an hour.  We also envision what we'll be doing together 30 years in the future.  Play with YOUR BFF! Here's our list of questions: What am I most afraid of?Where can you always find me?What's been my greatest accomplishment?What is my biggest disappointment?Where would we go if we could go on any vacation?Who would I invite to my fantasy dinner party?Back then, did you think we'd be friends for this long?What was my most embarrassing moment?Which fashion decision was my biggest mistake?Name the song I love singing in the car with you most.Who was my biggest crush when we were younger?Which game or reality show would I do best on?What do you do that makes me laugh the hardest?Name three things we completely, 100% agree on.If I became president, what do you think I'd do first?If I were a board game, which would I be?If we were stuck on a desert island, why would I be an asset?Which two fictional BFFs are most like us?What's your favorite memory of us?Am I a cookie, ice cream, or cake person?When were you most impressed by me?What do I order at a bar?What's the first thing I would do if I won the lottery?If I could be an animal, which would I be?What do I put on my pizza?How do I comfort myself after a rough day?We're going to let a celebrity be in our group of friends — who would we ask?I have one hour to spend $5,000. Where would I go?When we're 85 years old, what will be doing together?What are the first two songs on the soundtrack of my life?If I Could Buy One Material Thing, And Money Was Not An Issue, What Would It Be?What’s One Thing I Want To Do Before I Die?What’s My Favorite Beer?Would I Rather Wear A Snow Suit In The Desert Or Be Naked In Antarctica?If I were a Disney villain, who would I be?ABOUT US: J9 and KT are two Gen X’ers who reveal the secrets of a life-long friendship - from the lockers of middle school to high school, college + TWA, first jobs, engagements, marriages, raising children, step-parenting, cross-country moves, divorce, starting over, and finally - life in the empty-nest. Join them as they share how their friendship has ebbed and flowed since they met in 1979 - and all the hilarious stories they've collected along the way. Each episode highlights the value of friendship and offers takeaways to inspire you to reach out to an old friend, make a new friend, or how to be a totally awesome friend and everything that does (and doesn't work) to build real social connections that support well-being, bring you joy and make life better.
E8: Friendship Firsts: From First Secrets to First Fights and Everything in Between
Feb 23 2021
E8: Friendship Firsts: From First Secrets to First Fights and Everything in Between
IN THIS EPISODE: The Girlz share stories of friendship FIRSTS - from first secrets, first fights, to first vacations - and a little bit of everything in between. Discover more fun stories from J9 + KT from their first experience away from home together (cheerleading camp), their first big "adult" vacation (Oahu), and the first time they tried a new sport together (surfing)! By understanding that you are never too old to try something for the first time, you are helping the brain create new pathways and maintaining strong mental acuity.  Committing to trying new "FIRSTS" in your life helps keep friendship bonds strong, adds dimension - and FUN - all while possibly adding more healthy (and memory-filled) days to your life. ABOUT US: J9 and KT are two Gen X’ers who reveal the secrets of a life-long friendship - from the lockers of middle school to high school, college + TWA, first jobs, engagements, marriages, raising children, step-parenting, cross-country moves, divorce, starting over, and finally - life in the empty-nest. Join these life-long friends as they share how their friendship has ebbed and flowed since they met in 1979 - and all the hilarious stories they've collected along the way. Each episode highlights the value of friendship and offers takeaways to inspire you to reach out to an old friend, make a new friend, or how to be a totally awesome friend and everything that does (and doesn't work) to build real social connections that support well-being, bring you joy and make life better.
E4: Circle of Friends - What Do YOUR Friendship Circles Look Like?
Dec 19 2020
E4: Circle of Friends - What Do YOUR Friendship Circles Look Like?
In this episode, we're telling stories about the variety of friends we've made over the years and how these friendships are important on different levels.  It's been said if you can count the number of close friends, on one hand, you should consider yourself lucky.  We've learned it's not the number of friends that matter, it's the quality of those friendships that make the difference.  Think of your friends as circles or rings of a tree – those in the center are the primary “dependable” members – those you hold most dear, share your deepest secrets – or “stories.” As you move further from the center, your friendships may become looser, and random, yet still an extremely important part of your friendship “structure.” ABOUT US: J9 and KT are two Gen X’ers who reveal the secrets of a life-long friendship - from the lockers of middle school to high school, college + TWA, first jobs, engagements, marriages, raising children, step-parenting, cross-country moves, divorce, starting over, and finally - life in the empty-nest. Join them as they share how their friendship has ebbed and flowed since they met in 1979 - and all the hilarious stories they've collected along the way. Each episode highlights the value of friendship and offers takeaways to inspire you to reach out to an old friend, make a new friend, or how to be a totally awesome friend and everything that does (and doesn't work) to build real social connections that support well-being, bring you joy and make life better.
PILOT Episode: Back to the Beginning: How a Lifelong Friendship was Born
Nov 29 2020
PILOT Episode: Back to the Beginning: How a Lifelong Friendship was Born
J9 and KT are two Gen X’ers who reveal the secrets of a life-long friendship - from the lockers of middle school to high school, college + TWA, first jobs, engagements, marriages, raising children, step-parenting, cross-country moves, divorce, starting over, and finally - life in the empty-nest. Join them as they share how their friendship has ebbed and flowed since they met in 1979 - and all the hilarious stories they've collected along the way. Each episode highlights the value of friendship and offers takeaways to inspire you to reach out to an old friend, make a new friend, or how to be a totally awesome friend and everything that does (and doesn't work) to build real social connections that support well-being, bring you joy and make life better.INTRODUCING: Girz Just Wanna Tell Stories! In our pilot episode, we discuss the following topics: How old were you when you can recall your FIRST FRIEND?  How/where we met – Fall of 1979?  What did we think friendship was – or did we even know?  Did we have a role model for what it means to be a friend? Communicated via writing letters! Rarely called “long-distance” was too expensive.  Music – no televisions in our room, no phones, only music.  J9 and KT tell the story of how they first met in the halls of middle school and how they built a friendship that spans over four decades while living 3,000 miles apart.“Recording” from the radio – writing down the words, rewind.  Jack & Diane released in 1982 we were 15 years old– then remember turning 16 and wanting to “hold on as long as you can” – flash forward to Jake Owen’s song I was Jack (You were Diane) released in 2018.