Connect-Empower: Older Adult Care Partner


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Boost Your Income & Support Your Parents with Shawn Kaplan
5d ago
Boost Your Income & Support Your Parents with Shawn Kaplan
Forget snoozefests about interest rates and amortization schedules! This episode with our guest Shawn Kaplan is about conquering the mortgage maze with your awesome parents and maybe even scoring them a sweet retirement escape (think palm trees and piña coladas!).We'll crack the code on killer mortgage strategies that benefit both you and your favorite folks. Imagine the epic high-fives when you help them secure a dream home or secure their financial future – all while paving the way for your own financial fortress!Here's your ultimate cheat sheet:Finding Your Mortgage BFF: Ditch the generic recommendations! We'll show you how to find a rockstar mortgage lender like our guest, Shawn Kaplan (aka: KAP), who boasts a legion of happy homeowners (think Google Reviews on steroids!).Down Payment Demolition Crew: We'll bust open the down payment and closing cost mysteries, so you can factor them into your financial game plan with laser focus.Building Wealth Beyond the Bricks: This is bigger than just buying a house – it's about building a secure future for the whole family! We'll explore how real estate, including multifamily properties, can fuel your long-term financial security while taking care of your awesome parents (think passive income streams that work for you, even while you sleep!).So are you ready to ditch the stress and embrace the joy of helping your parents? Remember, you have the power to make a real difference.  Let's turn financial planning into a family bonding Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Eye Spy with My Little Eye: Secrets to Healthy Vision
May 22 2024
Eye Spy with My Little Eye: Secrets to Healthy Vision
Ever wondered why your eyes feel gritty after a night of bad sleep? Or maybe you're curious about the latest tech that can zap away your glasses forever (LASIK, anyone?). This episode, with Dr. Darren Knight, is your one-stop shop for all things eye health! We'll bust some common myths, explore the future of eye care, and give you actionable tips to keep your peepers in tip-top shape.Here's a sneak peek at the eye-opening secrets you'll uncover:Sleep like a baby, see like a hawk: Discover the surprising link between catching those Zzz's and sharp vision.Beat the screen blues: Learn how to combat eye strain in our tech-filled world (spoiler alert: it's not just about taking breaks!).MythBusters: Eye Health Edition: We debunk some of the most common eye care misconceptions.The future is bright (literally): Explore the cutting-edge advancements transforming eye care.See clearly, live fully: We'll share resources for those dealing with vision loss, so no one gets left behind.Your eyes will thank you: Get ready to implement these easy tips into your daily routine for optimal eye health.Ready to take control of your eye health and see the world in a whole new light? Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Making Peace with the End: 5 Tips for a Supported End-of-Life Journey
May 15 2024
Making Peace with the End: 5 Tips for a Supported End-of-Life Journey
Ever Wonder What Happens When the Curtain Closes? (But Not in a Scary Way!)Life is beautiful, chaotic, and...well, it ends eventually. But hear me out, what if we could make that ending a little more peaceful, a little more supported for ourselves and our loved ones? ️That's where the amazing folks called end-of-life doulas come in! They're not doctors (although they work closely with them), they're more like guides on this final journey. Think of them as doulas for your soul's transition. ✨In this episode of "Connect-Empower," we meet Janice Lombardo, a real-life end-of-life doula with a heart of gold. She'll share some incredible stories about the compassionate care she provides during this sensitive time. (Get ready for some serious inspiration!)Plus, we'll uncover 5 key tips to help you navigate end-of-life care with an end-of-life doula by your side. These are the things NO ONE tells you, but can make a world of difference:How to start those tough conversations (without freaking everyone out!)Finding the perfect end-of-life doula (because the right fit matters!)Creating a rock-solid plan (so everyone knows what to expect)Dealing with all the feels (grief, fear, it's all valid!)Having a backup plan B (because life, uh, finds a way!)Listen, this isn't always an easy topic, but it's an IMPORTANT one. By being proactive, we can ensure a smoother transition for ourselves and those we love. ❤️So, hit that play button, grab a tissue (or two!), and let's talk about making the end a little less scary and a whole lot more empowered!P.S. Feeling lost? Don't be! We've got resources galore to help you find the support you need. Reach out, explore your options, and remember: you're not alone!Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Beyond the Prescription: Your Pharmacist as a Healthcare Ally
May 8 2024
Beyond the Prescription: Your Pharmacist as a Healthcare Ally
Is there a secret to finding the right pharmacy? Absolutely! Kevin shares the importance of finding a healthcare team that's truly passionate about your well-being. Personalized service can make a world of difference, and Kevin shares tips on how to find a pharmacy that prioritizes YOU!We also dive into the world of medication management, especially for older adults and caregivers.  Juggling multiple medications can be confusing, but Kevin sheds light on how to streamline your regimen and avoid unnecessary complications.  Technology can be a helpful tool, but we are reminded that human oversight remains essential for accuracy and safety.Key Take Aways:1.  Find a Pharmacist Who Cares: Look for a pharmacist passionate about your care to ensure the best overall patient experience.2.  Medication Management: Keep an active list of medications and ensure they all come from one pharmacy to avoid polypharmacy.3.  Review Medicare Plans: Regularly review your Medicare plan to ensure it aligns with your current medication needs and saves you money.4.  Dispose of Expired Medications: Safely dispose of expired medications to avoid potential harm and misuse.5.  Advocate for Yourself: Don't be afraid to switch healthcare providers or pharmacies if you feel your care is lacking. Your health is your choice.Remember, your health is your greatest asset.  Find the Pharmacist and their team who will care you the way you deserve.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
House Calls: Bringing Healthcare to Your Doorstep
May 1 2024
House Calls: Bringing Healthcare to Your Doorstep
House Calls: Bringing Healthcare to Your DoorstepAre you tired of battling traffic to see the doctor or waiting in crowded waiting rooms? Dr. Candice Adams, a nurse practitioner with over 25 years of experience in the industry, shares insights on the benefits of house calls and the personalized care they offer.Tips:1.    Convenience at Your Doorstep: Discover the ease and comfort of having healthcare providers come to you, eliminating the hassle of traveling to appointments.2.    Personalized Care: Learn how house calls allow for a deeper connection between patients and providers, leading to more comprehensive and tailored healthcare.3.    Medication Management: Explore the benefits of in-home medication reviews and compliance checks, ensuring optimal health outcomes.4.    Family Involvement: Understand the importance of involving family members in the care process, fostering a supportive and collaborative healthcare environment.5.    Planning for the Future: Consider the transition to a house call provider when mobility issues arise, ensuring continued access to quality healthcare without the stress of transportation.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Real Estate Insights: Things to Keep in Mind When Buying or Selling a Home
Apr 24 2024
Real Estate Insights: Things to Keep in Mind When Buying or Selling a Home
Are you considering buying or selling a home? In this episode, real estate expert Jason Andersen shares valuable tips and stories to guide you through the process. From navigating real estate transactions to understanding the importance of home warranties and tax benefits, Jason covers it all.  Discover how to make informed decisions about your housing needs, regardless of your age or financial situation.Tips:Choose the Right Agent: Selecting a real estate agent who is dedicated to your needs and has a long-term relationship approach can make a significant difference in the selling process. Look for an agent who provides ongoing support, advice, and resources even after the sale is complete.Consider Future Needs: When purchasing a home, think about your future needs, especially as you age. Consider factors like health, accessibility, and maintenance requirements that may become more important as you grow older.Financial Planning: If you're on a fixed income and considering buying a home, it's essential to assess your financial situation carefully. Consult with a CPA and look into potential tax benefits, trust options, and programs like the circuit breaker for property tax relief to ensure you can comfortably afford the home in the long run.Home Maintenance: Prioritize home maintenance and repairs before listing your property. Ensuring that your home is in good condition can increase its appeal to potential buyers and help you secure a better deal.Consider Home Warranties: Evaluate the benefits of home warranties, especially if you're buying an older home with potential maintenance issues.Whether you're a first-time homebuyer, looking to downsize, or considering a move, this episode has something for everyone. Jason's expertise and genuine passion for helping people find their dream homes shine through in every conversation.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Sleep Better: Tips and Tricks for a Restful Night
Apr 17 2024
Sleep Better: Tips and Tricks for a Restful Night
Are you struggling with sleep issues or looking to improve your sleep quality? In this episode, sleep specialist Savannah Hypes discusses the importance of sleep, common sleep disorders, and practical tips for better sleep. From understanding insomnia to managing technology use before bed, this episode covers a range of topics to help you conquer your sleep challenges.3-5 Tips for Better Sleep:Establish a Wind-Down Routine: Create a relaxing routine within the hour before bedtime to signal to your body that it's time to unwind.Consider Light Exposure: Ensure you get plenty of daylight during the day and dim the lights in the evening to support your circadian rhythm.Engage in Relaxing Activities: Engage in calming activities before bed, such as meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or gentle exercises like tai chi.Limit Stimulating Technology Use: While technology use before bed is debated, ensure your engagement with devices is not overly stimulating or exciting to promote relaxation.Seek Social Connection: Stay active socially to help regulate your body's internal clock and promote overall well-being. Take a step towards better sleep today by implementing one of the tips discussed in this podcast episode. Whether it's establishing a wind-down routine, engaging in relaxing activities, or seeking social connection, prioritize your sleep health for improved well-being. Tune in to the full episode for more valuable insights and tips on conquering your sleep challenges.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Discovering the Beauty of End-of-Life Care: Insights from Barbara Karnes
Apr 10 2024
Discovering the Beauty of End-of-Life Care: Insights from Barbara Karnes
Are you curious about end-of-life care and the importance of hospice services? In this episode, you'll hear from a seasoned professional, Barbara Karnes, who found her calling in supporting individuals and families during their final journey. From her unique journey into the field to valuable insights on hospice care, this episode is filled with heartfelt stories and practical advice.Tips:Start Researching Early: From the moment of diagnosis, begin researching hospice services to make an informed decision.Utilize Hospice Services: Hospice care provides comprehensive support, including nursing visits, home health aid, social workers, and chaplains, all covered by Medicare or insurance. Take advantage of these services to enhance the quality of life for the patient and their family.Communicate Your Needs: If you're unhappy with your current hospice provider, don't hesitate to voice your concerns and explore other options.Embrace the Moment: Focus on making each day special for your loved one, bringing joy and love into their final moments.If you or a loved one are facing end-of-life decisions, listen to this episode for valuable insights and guidance from Barbara Karnes wealth of experience in hospice care. Gain a deeper understanding of the dying process, learn about the role of hospice, and discover how to provide compassionate support during this challenging time.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
The Gut-Brain Connection: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health
Apr 3 2024
The Gut-Brain Connection: Unlocking the Secrets to Optimal Health
Taylor Knese, a board-certified nurse practitioner specializing in gut health, shares her personal journey and expertise in functional medicine. Discover the importance of gut health and how it impacts overall well-being. Key takeaways include:Importance of Hydration: Learn how staying hydrated can improve gut function and overall health.Magnesium Supplementation: Explore the benefits of magnesium for muscle cramping, sleep, mood, and bowel movements.Choosing Quality Supplements: Understand the significance of selecting high-quality supplements and the impact of storage conditions.Mediterranean Diet: Discover the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for a balanced and diverse approach to nutrition.Whole Foods Diet: Embrace the power of a whole foods diet for nourishing your gut and promoting a healthy microbiome. Are you ready to take control of your gut health and experience the benefits of a balanced microbiome? Start implementing these tips today and watch as your digestive health and overall well-being improve. Don't let gut issues hold you back from living your best life.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Mastering Health Insurance: Your Guide to Navigating Medicare
Mar 27 2024
Mastering Health Insurance: Your Guide to Navigating Medicare
Are you approaching Medicare eligibility and feeling overwhelmed by all the options? Look no further! In this episode of Connect Empower, insurance expert Aaron Flake breaks down the complexities of Medicare and provides valuable insights to help you make informed decisions. Here are 2-3 key takeaways from the episode:1.      Medicare Advantage vs. Medicare Supplement: Understand the difference between these two options. Medicare Advantage plans offer comprehensive coverage through private companies, while Medicare Supplement plans provide additional coverage to fill the gaps in original Medicare. Consult with a broker to determine which option suits your needs best.2.      Stay informed of changes: Medicare plans and costs can change over time, so it's crucial to stay updated. Regularly communicate with your broker, ask questions, and review your plan annually to ensure it still meets your needs.3.      Seek professional guidance: Navigating the world of health insurance can be complex, especially when it comes to Medicare. Don't hesitate to reach out to a knowledgeable broker like Aaron Flake, who can provide personalized advice and help you make the best decisions for your healthcare needs.Ready to conquer the world of health insurance? Take action today by scheduling a consultation with Aaron Flake or another trusted broker. Don't let confusion or feeling overwhelmed hold you back from securing the right coverage for your future.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
The Importance of Exercise and Nutrition for Healthy Aging
Mar 13 2024
The Importance of Exercise and Nutrition for Healthy Aging
Looking to stay active as you age? Sherry Sterling Fernandes, a renowned speaker, teacher, mentor, and author of "Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential."  will guide you through the maze of fitness and provide valuable tips for embracing a new fitness routine. Whether you're a caregiver, someone curious about a healthier lifestyle, or simply seeking personal growth, this episode is a must-listen!Get ready to be inspired as Sherry shares her incredible journey from rags to riches and how she achieved success in all areas of life mastery. Here are 3 key takeaways from this episode: 1️. Start with small steps: Sherry emphasizes the importance of taking one step at a time towards your fitness goals. Don't be discouraged by the distance between where you are now and where you want to be. Consistency is key!2.  Incorporate interval training: Sherry recommends incorporating intervals into your workouts for maximum effectiveness. By alternating between intense bursts of exercise and rest, you can boost your metabolism and achieve better results in less time.3. Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods in your diet and avoid excessive sugar and flour. Focus on nourishing your body with nutrient-dense foods that will support your overall health and well-being.Now it's time to take action! Grab a pen and paper and start tracking your daily habits, whether it's exercise, nutrition, or any other aspect of your life. Remember, consistency is key to achieving your goals.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Researching and Choosing the Right Caregiver for Your Family
Mar 5 2024
Researching and Choosing the Right Caregiver for Your Family
Are you struggling to navigate the complex world of caregiving? Boy you are in for a treat with our guest Nichole Claiborn as she shares her personal journey from studying psychology to working in the field of home care. Her motivation came from witnessing the challenges her family faced when her grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. This experience made her realize the importance of finding the right care at the right time.Nicole emphasizes the crucial role of caregivers in providing assistance with daily tasks and non-medical needs. From helping with medication management to grocery shopping, caregivers play a vital role in ensuring the well-being of aging adults. However, she also highlights the difficulties families face in understanding the available services and making informed decisions.Here are 2-3 tips from the episode:1.      Research and choose a reputable agency: When selecting a caregiver, it's important to research and choose a licensed and bonded agency. Ask about their certifications, background checks, and liability insurance. Ensure that the agency has a nurse on staff and follows proper safety protocols.2.      Communicate openly with the caregiver: Establish clear lines of communication with the caregiver and the agency. Discuss expectations, preferences, and any specific needs or concerns. Regular communication can help address any issues or changes in care.3.      Be aware of financial aspects: Personal care services are not typically covered by insurance, so families often have to pay out-of-pocket. Research options such as long-term care insurance, VA benefits, or Medicaid coverage. Understand the financial requirements and minimum hours of service when hiring a caregiver.Don't navigate the complex world of caregiving alone. Take action today and find a reputable agency that can provide the support and care you deserve. Ask the right questions, ensure proper qualifications, and prioritize safety protocols. Remember, you have the right to choose the best care for your family. Don't settle for anything less. Take control of your caregiving journey and empower yourself with the knowledge and resources to make informed decisions.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
The Essential Roles of Chaplaincy and Advanced Care Planning
Feb 27 2024
The Essential Roles of Chaplaincy and Advanced Care Planning
Are you ready to gain valuable insights into Chaplaincy, Advanced Care Planning, and the importance of open and honest conversations about end-of life preferences?Chaplain Marrisa Click is here to discuss the essential roles of chaplaincy and advanced care planning for aging adults. She also shares her personal journey into chaplaincy (which is very intriguing! Did you know they have Wilderness Chaplains?) and highlights the importance of spiritual and emotional support for individuals in the later stages of life.Some Key Takeaways from our conversation you will hear as you listen to this episode are:1.      Chaplains play a crucial role in providing peace, spiritual clarity, and comfort to individuals in the later stages of life.  They act as guides, helping individuals navigate the transitions and challenges that come with aging and declining health.2.      Advanced Care Planning is a proactive approach to making decisions about future healthcare scenarios.  It involves having conversations with loved ones and choosing a healthcare agent who can make decisions on your behalf when you are unable to do so. 3.      Advanced directives and POST forms are important documents in advanced care planning.  Advanced directives outline future medical decisions, while post forms are doctor’s orders for current healthcare scenarios.  These documents ensure that your wishes are respected and followed, even if you are unable to communicate them yourself.The importance of Advanced Care Planning and the role of Chaplains in healthcare cannot be overstated. These conversations and preparations are not always easy, but they are essential for ensuring that our wishes are respected, and our loved ones are supported during times of crises. Having open and honest discussions with our families, we can alleviate stress and prevent potential conflicts.  It is never too early to start these conversations and make your wishes know.  Take time today to fill out an advance directive and consider discussing a post form with your doctor. Be proactive in our approach and we can empower ourselves and our loved ones to make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Exploring the Healing Power of Acupuncture
Feb 13 2024
Exploring the Healing Power of Acupuncture
You know, as we age, we often face various health issues and pains, and sometimes it feels like we're constantly reaching for medications or undergoing invasive procedures. But what if there was another way? What if we could tap into the ancient wisdom of acupuncture to find relief and healing?Lola, who is a practitioner of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, shares her incredible knowledge and experiences with us. She explains how acupuncture works by stimulating specific points in our bodies to restore balance and flow of energy. It's like a gentle mechanic for our bodies, helping us release tension, reduce pain, and even address emotional and psychological issues.What is fascinating is that acupuncture is not just about treating symptoms, but it's also about listening to our bodies and understanding the deeper messages they're trying to convey. Lola encourages us to slow down, be present, and truly connect with our bodies. By doing so, we can uncover the root causes of our pain and make lifestyle changes that support our overall well-being.Some of us may have reservations or misconceptions about acupuncture, but Lola addresses those concerns too. She assures us that acupuncture is safe, even for those on medications or with specific health conditions. And for those of us who are afraid of needles (like John!), Lola's gentle approach and calming presence can help ease our fears.So, my friends, if you're looking for a natural and holistic approach to healing, we highly recommend giving acupuncture a try. It's not just about the physical benefits, but also about embracing a new way of thinking and being in tune with our bodies. Let's explore this ancient practice together and discover the transformative power of acupuncture and explore how these practices can collaborate with modern medicine.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Nurturing Your Feet: A Journey to Foot Happiness
Feb 6 2024
Nurturing Your Feet: A Journey to Foot Happiness
You won't believe the fascinating conversation we had with Cindy Jorgensen, the owner of Tending Toes, on our latest podcast episode. It was all about foot care and we learned so much about the importance of taking care of our feet as we age.Cindy shared her journey into the medical foot care field and how she discovered her passion for helping people with their foot health. We also discussed the difference between a medical pedicurist and a salon pedicurist, and why it's crucial to see a certified medical pedicurist, especially if you have diabetes or other foot issues.We were blown away by the knowledge Cindy shared about the potential dangers of certain products used in regular salons, like sugar scrubs and sharp-edged foot files. She explained how these can actually harm the feet, especially for diabetics. It was eye-opening to realize that not all pedicures are created equal!We also talked about the importance of asking the right questions when researching for a medical pedicurist. Cindy emphasized the need to inquire about their licensing, training, and experience, as well as their knowledge of specific foot conditions. She even shared a helpful resource, the North American School of Pedology, where you can find certified master pedicurists across the United States.But it wasn't all serious talk! We had some fun discussing Cindy's love for coloring her hair and going on road trips. And can you believe that 70% of Tending Toes' clientele are men? It's true! Cindy has created a comfortable and welcoming environment for everyone, including guys.So, my friend, if you're curious about foot care and want to learn more about how to keep your feet happy and healthy, you won't want to miss this episode. Trust me, you'll come away with a newfound appreciation for the importance of taking care of your feet. Let's put our best foot forward together!Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Embracing the Power of Decluttering and Organizing for Aging Adults
Jan 30 2024
Embracing the Power of Decluttering and Organizing for Aging Adults
Are you feeling overwhelmed with clutter and in need of some guidance on organizing your home? Well, you're in luck because in this episode, we dive into the world of organizing and decluttering with Abigail. We chat about the common challenges aging adults face when it comes to organizing their homes and how to downsize and create a more manageable space. Abigail shares practical tips and tricks to help you get started, including the power of starting with just one item and questioning the meaning and value of your belongings. We also discuss the emotional attachment we often have to sentimental items and ways to preserve those memories without cluttering up our space. Plus, we touch on the importance of creating good habits to maintain an organized home. We hope after you listen to this episode you will feel clearer on how to navigate the world of organizing and empower yourselves to conquer the clutter! Click to play now!Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
A Fascinating Conversation with Teepa Snow: Unveiling the Mysteries of Dementia
Jan 16 2024
A Fascinating Conversation with Teepa Snow: Unveiling the Mysteries of Dementia
Teepa Snow joined John and Erin and they have a heartfelt conversation about dementia. We start off feeling a bit nervous, but our guest, Teepa Snow, immediately puts us at ease with her warmth and knowledge. Teepa shares her personal journey and how she became involved in the world of dementia care. We dive into the concept of GEMS, a unique way of understanding the different stages of dementia, and how families can use this system to provide the best support for their loved ones. Teepa also introduces us to the Positive Approach to Care (PAC), a framework that guides caregivers and helps them navigate the challenges of dementia with compassion and understanding. We discuss the importance of community, friendship, and connection in dementia care, and how technology can be both helpful and harmful. Teepa emphasizes the need for awareness, knowledge, and skill in caring for individuals with dementia, and encourages us to approach dementia with curiosity rather than fear. We also discuss the Snow Approach Foundation, Teepa's nonprofit organization that aims to provide resources and support to communities worldwide. So tune in as we explore the world of dementia and find comfort and guidance in our conversation.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Enhancing Active Aging: The Role of Physical Therapy
Jan 9 2024
Enhancing Active Aging: The Role of Physical Therapy
Grab a seat and let's have a chat about physical therapy. In this episode, we dive into the world of physical therapy with Corey DuPont, a seasoned physical therapist with a passion for helping people recover from injuries, manage chronic pain, and stay active as they age.Corey shares his expertise in orthopedic injury and recovery, chronic pain management, and vestibular rehab. He explains the difference between outpatient and inpatient therapy, highlighting the benefits of receiving physical therapy in the comfort of your own home or preferred environment.We discuss the concept of active aging and how physical therapy plays a crucial role in supporting aging adults to stay active and engaged in their lives. Corey emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong core, shares tips for improving balance, and even reveals a simple exercise you can do at home to stimulate your balance system.We also touch on the common physical challenges that come with aging, such as loss of mobility and arthritis, and Corey provides valuable insights on how to address these issues through physical therapy and lifestyle modifications.Corey’s passion for helping his clients achieve their goals shines through as he shares his knowledge and practical advice. So, if you're looking for ways to stay active, manage pain, and maintain your independence as you age, this episode is a must-listen.Join us as we explore the world of physical therapy and discover how it can empower you to live your best, most active life. Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin
Navigating Mental Health and Aging with Compassion and Understanding
Jan 2 2024
Navigating Mental Health and Aging with Compassion and Understanding
Brian Green from Osprey Counseling is joining us today. Brian is an experienced counselor who has worked with adults aged 25 and up, helping them navigate a wide range of mental health issues. He's all about identifying areas of growth and change, as well as addressing beliefs that may be causing anxiety and depression.We have a conversation on depression and its prevalence, especially during the holidays. But it's not just limited to that time of year. Brian shares that isolation is a major contributing factor for our aging adults, which can lead to feelings of depression. In fact, he mentions that almost all individuals aged 65 and above have at least a few symptoms of depression, even if they don't meet the full diagnostic criteria.We discuss some of the common symptoms, such as lack of motivation, energy, and focus, as well as difficulty with eating and sleep patterns. It's important to recognize these signs and seek help when needed.But here's the hopeful part: Brian also emphasizes the connection between physical health and mental well-being, especially in older adults. He highlights the importance of exercise, diet, and sleep in maintaining good mental health. Even small changes in these areas can make a big difference.So, if you or someone you know is struggling with mental health issues, especially as an aging adult, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for finding hope and improving overall well-being. Join us as we explore the important topic of mental health and discover ways to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.Support the Show.We encourage you to visit our website now at to explore more information on our guest and to access our resources.To ask us your questions or to share your story, email us at Be sure to rate, review and follow the podcast so you don’t miss an episode.CONNECT-EMPOWER WEBSITECONNECT-EMPOWER INSTAGRAMCONNECT-EMPOWER FACEBOOKCONNECT-EMPOWER LINKEDINCONNECT-EMPOWER PINTERESTCONNECT-EMPOWER TWITTERDon't forget to share with your family and friends what inspired you or the tips you've learned!John & Erin