Let's Talk Psychology Podcast

Daniel Ellis

Welcome to Let's Talk Psychology, the podcast where we dive into the fascinating world of human behaviour and cognition. I'm your host, Daniel Ellis, a passionate psychology student based in Australia.

Join me on this journey as I explore the depths of psychology, seeking to foster a more objective understanding of the complexities of the human mind. While I may not yet be a clinical psychologist, my enthusiasm for the subject knows no bounds, and I'm dedicated to expanding my knowledge base and contributing to the field.

For this podcast, we'll unpack various psychological theories, research findings, and practical applications. But remember, as we navigate through these topics, it's important to approach the content critically. My aim is to share my quest for understanding, not professional expertise.

Whether you're a fellow psychology enthusiast, a student eager to learn, or simply curious about what makes us tick, Let's Talk Psychology is your go-to podcast for thought-provoking conversations and valuable insights into the human mind. Tune in and let's explore the fascinating world of psychology together!

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Episode 3 - Various Approaches to the Science of Psychology
Apr 2 2024
Episode 3 - Various Approaches to the Science of Psychology
Welcome to Episode 3 of the Let’s Talk Psychology Podcast! Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of psychology and explore the diverse approaches that shape our understanding of human behavior and mental processes. Here we will navigate through the realms of the biological, evolutionary, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic approaches to psychology.Discover how the biological approach examines the role of genetics and neurobiology in shaping human functioning, while the evolutionary approach sheds light on adaptive behaviors honed over generations. Explore Freud's psychodynamic perspective, which delves into the interplay between the conscious and unconscious mind, and unravel the mysteries of learned behaviors through the behavioral approach.As we journey further, we uncover the cognitive approach, which explores the intricate workings of the mind in processing information and shaping behavior, and embrace the humanistic approach, which celebrates human potential for growth and self-actualization.But how are these approaches applied in today's world? From cutting-edge neuroimaging techniques informed by the biological approach to empathetic counseling sessions grounded in humanistic principles, contemporary psychology integrates these diverse perspectives to address the multifaceted needs of individuals and promote holistic well-being.Join us as we embark on an enlightening journey through the varying approaches to the science of psychology, where empathy, understanding, and growth await. Thank you for tuning in to the Let’s Talk Psychology Podcast—we're excited to have you on board!
Episode 2 - Brief History on Psychology
Mar 21 2024
Episode 2 - Brief History on Psychology
Welcome back to the Let’s Talk Psychology Podcast! In this episode, we embark on a journey through time to explore the fascinating history of psychology, from its ancient philosophical roots to its modern-day applications.Join us as we delve into the rich tapestry of psychological thought, tracing its origins to the philosophical debates of ancient Greece. Discover how luminaries like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle pondered profound questions about the nature of the mind and its relationship to the body.We'll then fast forward to the 17th century, a pivotal era marked by the rise of empirical thought. Explore how thinkers like John Locke, George Berkely, and David Hume challenged prevailing notions of innate knowledge, laying the groundwork for a more empirical approach to understanding the human mind.Our journey continues with the birth of psychology as a scientific discipline, spearheaded by the pioneering work of Wilhelm Wundt. Learn how Wundt's establishment of the first psychology research laboratory in 1879 paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries about human consciousness and perception.But Wundt was not alone in shaping the landscape of psychology. Meet Edward Titchener, a disciple of Wundt who championed the concept of structuralism, seeking to unravel the intricate architecture of consciousness.Yet, as we explore the early schools of psychology, we encounter dissenting voices. Enter the Gestalt psychologists, who challenged the reductionist approach of structuralism, advocating for a holistic understanding of perception and cognition.And no discussion of psychology's history would be complete without a nod to Sigmund Freud and the advent of psychoanalysis. Journey into the depths of the unconscious mind as we explore Freud's revolutionary theories about the hidden forces that shape human behavior.But psychology did not stop evolving with Freud. Meet William James, the father of functionalism, who emphasized the adaptive functions of consciousness and behavior in shaping human evolution.And let's not forget the behaviorists, led by John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner, who shifted the focus of psychology to observable behaviors and the principles of learning.Finally, we bring our historical journey full circle to the present day, where psychology has blossomed into a diverse and dynamic field. Explore the ways in which modern psychologists integrate theory with practice to address real-world issues and promote positive change in society.So join us as we unravel the historical threads of psychology, illuminating the path from ancient philosophy to contemporary practice. Tune in to Episode 2 of the Let’s Talk Psychology Podcast, and let the exploration begin!