Your Authentic Self

Mark and Lee

Your Authentic Self is a podcast designed to guide you toward a deeper, more rewarding life by nurturing your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

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Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth.
Apr 12 2024
Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth.
Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth.Welcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast dedicated to exploring emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. In today's episode, titled "Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth," Lee and Mark delve deep into the concept of caring for and nurturing the soul. They share personal experiences and philosophical reflections on the soul's purpose and the power of intuition in decision-making. As they discuss the importance of trusting instincts, questioning beliefs, and tapping into mindfulness and self-development, they emphasise the transformative impact of aligning one's life with the soul's path. Join us as we explore the profound wisdom and guidance that our souls provide, and how it can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic existence.00:00 Exploring soul intuition and defining the soul.03:31 Soul's purpose and existence beyond chaos theory.06:56 Various soul purposes emerge during personal journeys.12:15 Innate energy and awareness of self and others.15:25 Soul speak through symptoms like depression, stress.15:59 Unable to return to work due to stress.25:16 Soul understands life's impact, doesn't judge.27:55 Soul urged to stop, avoided costly mistake.32:11 Challenge beliefs, embrace intention, soul exploration crucial.34:02 School lacked fuel for my unique passions.36:23 Childhood dreams and passions become adult aspirations.41:36 Music and nature are soul-feeding experiences.43:16 Soul needs recognition and its soul food.46:37 Trusting inner feelings is important in relationships.soul intuition, gut feeling, soul nourishment, caring for the soul, self-care, compassion, nature, alone time, personal fulfillment, mind vs soul, decision-making, inner feelings, soul's guidance, spiritual beliefs, energy connection, authenticity, trust, compassion, visualization, life purpose, alignment, fulfillment, soul's role, soul energy, intuition, left brain, right brain, self-reflection, self-development, societal norms #FeedYourSoul #SoulGuidance #AuthenticSelf #SoulIntuition #TrustYourGutFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Revisiting Understanding Emotional Well-being: The Journey to Your Authentic Self
Mar 29 2024
Revisiting Understanding Emotional Well-being: The Journey to Your Authentic Self
Understanding Emotional Well-being: The Journey to Your Authentic SelfWelcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast that explores the depths of emotional well-being. In this episode, we delve into the practice of self-inquiry and the importance of reconnecting with our feelings. Join us as we discuss the natural aspect of emotions, dispel the myth of toxic positivity, and emphasise the benefits of embracing all emotions. We also explore the impact of suppressing emotions, the link between emotions and health, and the significance of authentic communication in relationships. We share personal experiences and insights, offering valuable guidance for those seeking to reconnect with their authentic selves and navigate the complexities of human emotions. Tune in to discover the power of vulnerability, compassionate communication, and the journey toward emotional connection and well-being.00:19 Podcast explores emotional connection and vulnerability. Stress the importance of emotional well-being.03:08 Positive psychology can cause problems by encouraging constant happiness and optimism.08:56 Disconnecting from emotion is difficult and can lead to addictive behaviors.10:17 Escape from pain through gaming and other distractions.13:21 Some people struggle with emotions due to past trauma.18:58 Considering reasons for disconnecting as a survival strategy.22:21 Workaholism starts innocently and spirals into addiction, overwhelming and causing illness.24:58 Therapist investigates addiction origins and needs.27:25 Discussion about varied types of addiction and how everyone has a coping mechanism.29:20 Changing how we view emotions is natural and important.34:23 People don't die from sadness or loneliness.36:30 Encouragement to validate and communicate inner feelings.40:17 Podcast discusses finding authentic self and coping mechanisms.41:47 Risks and benefits of relationships, communication, and reconnecting with oneself.46:42 Reconnecting to emotions helps recognize needs and avoid workaholism.48:38 The speaker expresses emotional loneliness and a need for reconnection.52:00 Disconnecting from emotions hinders valuable guidance.For more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community: more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Revisiting Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of Masks and Personas We Use for Protection
Mar 15 2024
Revisiting Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of Masks and Personas We Use for Protection
Revisiting Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of Masks and Personas We Use for Protection Today we are going back to one of the most popular episodes for a replay. Enjoy!Welcome back to Your Authentic Self, the podcast that explores the journey to self-discovery and embracing our truest selves. In today's episode, titled "Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of  Masks and Personas We Use for Protection," we delve into the intriguing concept of how we protect ourselves from the outside world. Join us as we discuss the metaphorical weight we carry, the masks we wear, and the false personas we create to shield ourselves from vulnerability and hurt. Through personal experiences, anecdotes, and thought-provoking analysis, we unravel the complexities of armouring, masks, and personas, and their significance in our quest for authenticity. So, get ready to embark on an introspective journey with us as we navigate the fascinating realms of self-protection and peel back the layers to reveal our true selves. This is Your Authentic Self.00:01:06 Primary school memory: fear of teacher's correction and developing armor for protection.00:03:35 Armoring is about effectively protecting oneself like a suit of armor.00:08:22 Wearing a mask is sometimes necessary for privacy.00:12:11 Recognizing compassion in discussing mask-wearing and personal growth.00:12:54 It is important to communicate compassionately and encourage self-reflection to remove masks and embrace authenticity.00:18:46 Early coping strategies hinder adult connections. It's like two people in armor struggling to connect. Difficult to be intimate.00:21:46 Discontentment in relationship, lack of communication, loneliness, disconnect from emotions.00:24:36 People wear armor to hide vulnerability and often communicate inauthentically.00:28:07 The child raised him up and he learned to accept change.00:29:46 Exploring vulnerability as an adult and how it differs from the past.00:32:49 The mind creates a perceived risk, cautioning against vulnerability.00:36:54 Feeling unsafe due to inauthenticity.00:40:55 Don't judge others for their appearances or masks.00:42:01 View, follow, subscribe, and contact for more info.physical armor, weight gain, weight loss, protective layer, individual circumstances, interesting concept, accuracy questioned, not doing something anymore, something deeper going on, discontentment in relationship, lack of communication, isolation, loneliness, disappointment, disconnecting, going to the mind, wearing a mask, daily interactions, pretending to be fine, masks necessary, education, intelligence, learning activities, discomfort, brain growth, repetition, muscle growth, coping strategies, barriers in relationships, metal face covering, intimate connections, defense mechanisms, physical appearances, armoring, compassion, vulnerability, authentic selfFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community: more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Ep. 11 - Embracing Authentic Emotions: Detoxing from Toxic Positivity
Mar 1 2024
Ep. 11 - Embracing Authentic Emotions: Detoxing from Toxic Positivity
Ep. 11 - Embracing Authentic Emotions: Detoxing from Toxic PositivityWelcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast where we explore the multifaceted aspects of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. In today's episode Lee and Mark engage in a deep conversation about the impact of toxic positivity on mental health and the importance of recognising and accepting difficult emotions. They share personal experiences, insights, and tools to navigate challenges while embracing all emotions as valid. Join us as we delve into the differences between toxic positivity and positive psychology, and discover the significance of emotional authenticity for a healthier and more fulfilling life.00:00 People experience both negative and positive emotions.06:03 Toxic positivity cliches fuel depression and toxicity.07:27 Seeking validation from toxic positive self-help books.11:28 Therapists understand the impact of toxic positivity.14:46 Meaning of life is found in positivity.19:24 British culture has toxic positivity, lacks authenticity.22:06 Encouraging positive thinking can improve mood.24:49 Giving voice to mental health experiences empowers.28:48 Journaling helps, toxic positivity can hinder expression.30:38 Manifest pain in healthy way, avoid toxicity.35:10 Expressing gratitude boosts mood and authenticity.37:56 Toxic positivity impacts mental health and authenticity.42:32 Developing understanding, implementing tools, and managing emotions.45:44 Overcoming depression and anxiety through simple actions.46:33 Acknowledging and acting on mental health support.51:28 Join our Facebook group for positive psychology.toxic positivity, positive psychology, depression, anxiety, mental health, emotional well-being, authentic self, emotional processing, social connections, emotional support, vulnerability, grief, authentic emotions, compassionate acceptance, mental and physical health, self-help, self-talk, emotional awareness, empathy, positive thinking, denial of emotions, human experience, validation of emotions, personal growth, emotional healing, cultural norms, self-doubt, shame, self-awareness, empathy and supportFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Ep 10 - Tera-Sundri Kaur - Kundalini and Tantra: Connecting with Self and Others for Deeper Relationships and Intimacy
Feb 16 2024
Ep 10 - Tera-Sundri Kaur - Kundalini and Tantra: Connecting with Self and Others for Deeper Relationships and Intimacy
Ep 10 - Tera-Sundri Kaur - Kundalini and Tantra: Connecting with Self and Others for Deeper Relationships and Intimacy Welcome to this episode of, Your Authentic Self! In today's episode, our hosts, Lee and Mark, are joined by the insightful and inspiring Tera-Sundri Kaur. Tera, shares her expertise as a life coach, writer, Kundalini yoga teacher, and more. Together, they delve into the profound concepts of intimacy, vulnerability, and the impact of trauma on relationships. Tera's approach to fostering intimacy in relationships, her unique perspective on fertility treatments, and the power of compassion and self-healing set the stage for a rich and enlightening conversation. Join us as we explore the depths of Kundalini, Tantra, vulnerability, and the role of intimacy in relationships in this thought-provoking episode.Find out more about Tera here: Utilised monochord to raise body frequency. Medication-free.11:38 Believing in love's power to heal illness.16:35 Avoided surgery through intimate dialogues with gallbladder.19:13 Building and balancing relationships in various contexts.23:10 Understanding personal responsibility and compassion in relationships.25:19 Holistic approach for couples struggling with infertility.28:31 Vedic and Yogic philosophy changes intimate approach.31:53 Condensing insights on self-awareness, relationships, and love.35:48 Desire, Tantra, connection, misunderstanding, vulnerability, sexualization38:41 Kundalini and tantra: potent, creative, transformative energy.41:26 Discussion about vulnerability in tantra work continues.47:12 Changing mindset, emotional vulnerability takes courage.48:06 Individual and group work brings beautiful connections.52:27 Famous medium sought intimacy amidst public adoration.55:43 Limited online access due to remote location.57:47 Online connections are real, surprising and beautiful.This episode we cover the following topics:- Importance of Intimacy and Connection    - Manifestation of intimacy beyond sexual intimacy    - Human connection, being heard, validated, and receiving heart-centered love    - Intimacy through energy and nonverbal communication - Challenges of Vulnerability and Intimacy    - Struggles of successful and famous individuals    - Loneliness resulting from seeking intimacy through work    - Impact of trauma on vulnerability and intimacy    - Importance of responsibility, self-compassion, and understanding in relationships - Healing and Self-Compassion    - Utilising high vibrational frequency, love, and support for healing    - Healing through self-compassion and unconditionally loving oneself    - Managing anxiety and difficulties through self-compassion and love - Holistic Approach to Wellness    - Incorporating emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being    - Utilising unconventional treatments and beliefs in healing - The Power of Tantra and Kundalini Yoga    - Detailed explanation of Kundalini as an energy linked to creativity and sexuality    - The concept of connecting with the self through tantra    - Discussion on the connection between desire and tantric connection in couples - Working with Couples    - Addressing fertility issues through Vedic and Yogic philosophy    - Impact of stress on intimacy and connection in relationships    - Resolving emotional componFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Understanding and Overcoming Projection: Your Authentic Self Episode 9
Feb 2 2024
Understanding and Overcoming Projection: Your Authentic Self Episode 9
Understanding and Overcoming Projection: Your Authentic Self Episode 9.Welcome to episode 9 of "Your Authentic Self," with hosts Lee and Mark.In this episode, they delve into the concept of projection, discussing its impact on relationships, personal well-being, and communication. They reveal the pitfalls of defensiveness and blame, emphasising the importance of self-awareness and open-hearted communication. Join us as they share personal anecdotes, insights, and practical techniques for taking ownership of emotions and fostering authentic connections. Tune in to discover how embracing your authentic self can lead to greater harmony and understanding in your relationships.03:41 Discussion on empathy and difficulty understanding others.07:55 Differentiating between reacting and responding in a situation.10:58 Acknowledging disowned emotions and projections.13:09 Understanding and accepting both positive and negative attributes in ourselves and others.16:12 Questioning projection and self-awareness in assessments of others.19:07 Avoid conflicts by recognizing and addressing projection of beliefs and experiences onto others.23:54 Discussing childhood experiences to find compromises in parenting.27:33 Forming a relationship involves pleasure and pain, leading to bonds and vulnerability.28:32 It's easy to project fantasy onto a partner.32:35 Therapists notice projection in clients' reluctance to discuss feelings or assumptions about others' thoughts and reactions.37:13 Effectively communicating requires genuine curiosity and dialogue.39:07 Importance of awareness and recognition for personal development.41:04 Questioning strong reactions to others being projection of past experiences.44:10 Getting annoyed by others reflects one's own traits.48:35 Text describes childhood trauma and its impact on perception of COVID lockdowns.52:51 Encourage audience to like, subscribe, and share podcast. Express gratitude.For more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Ep. 8 Nurturing Your Authentic Self: Overcoming Negative Beliefs
Jan 19 2024
Ep. 8 Nurturing Your Authentic Self: Overcoming Negative Beliefs
Ep. 8 Nurturing Your Authentic Self: Overcoming Negative Beliefs.Welcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast dedicated to helping you lead a deeper and more rewarding life by nurturing your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. In today's episode, we delve into the impact of long-held patterns and behaviors with your hosts, Lee and Mark. Together, they share their personal experiences and insights on overcoming feelings of not being good enough and the impact it had on their daily lives and personal growth.Throughout the conversation, they emphasise the importance of self-awareness, acknowledging negative thought patterns, and addressing core beliefs to challenge and change them. Join us as we explore the concept of the "mental crunch," the role of reality-checking and seeking reassurance, and the power of daily practice and self-exploration in challenging negative core beliefs. This episode invites you to uncover your own core beliefs, recognise negative thought patterns, and harness the courage to make changes in pursuit of your authentic self.00:00 Exploring core beliefs and managing negative thoughts.04:42 Questioning core beliefs and their impact on thoughts.08:17 Encountered one person with strong positive core.09:51 Moms worry about judgment, fueled by insecurity.13:40 Realising self-doubt, finding awareness, and making choices.16:26 Questioning self-worth, overcoming limiting beliefs, seeking validation.21:04 Thoughts are like hiccups, need continuous awareness.24:35 Challenged by difficult tasks, found authentic self.26:55 Continuing to use tools and techniques regularly.29:23 Feeling lonely, suggesting test to confirm theory.32:40 Beliefs shape perception, leading to skewed views.36:57 Focusing on core beliefs, aware of negativity.38:31 Checking beliefs, seeking evidence, and teaching workshops.41:34 Expressing uncertainty and seeking validation in conversation.core beliefs, negative automatic thoughts, challenging negative thoughts, self-awareness, personal growth, subconscious beliefs, inherited beliefs, cognitive distortions, reality checking, seeking reassurance, not feeling good enough, skewed perceptions, mental crunch, not being good enough, daily practice, therapy, self-exploration, evidence-based thinking, affirmations, self-reflection, self-discovery, emotional well-being, nurturing, authenticity, soul message, positive beliefs, listening to the soul, reprogramming, vulnerability, defense mechanisms, compassionFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth
Jan 5 2024
Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth
Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth.Welcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast dedicated to exploring emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. In today's episode, titled "Authentic Soul Connection: Embracing Intuition for Personal Fulfillment and Growth," Lee and Mark delve deep into the concept of caring for and nurturing the soul. They share personal experiences and philosophical reflections on the soul's purpose and the power of intuition in decision-making. As they discuss the importance of trusting instincts, questioning beliefs, and tapping into mindfulness and self-development, they emphasise the transformative impact of aligning one's life with the soul's path. Join us as we explore the profound wisdom and guidance that our souls provide, and how it can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic existence.00:00 Exploring soul intuition and defining the soul.03:31 Soul's purpose and existence beyond chaos theory.06:56 Various soul purposes emerge during personal journeys.12:15 Innate energy and awareness of self and others.15:25 Soul speak through symptoms like depression, stress.15:59 Unable to return to work due to stress.25:16 Soul understands life's impact, doesn't judge.27:55 Soul urged to stop, avoided costly mistake.32:11 Challenge beliefs, embrace intention, soul exploration crucial.34:02 School lacked fuel for my unique passions.36:23 Childhood dreams and passions become adult aspirations.41:36 Music and nature are soul-feeding experiences.43:16 Soul needs recognition and its soul food.46:37 Trusting inner feelings is important in relationships.soul intuition, gut feeling, soul nourishment, caring for the soul, self-care, compassion, nature, alone time, personal fulfillment, mind vs soul, decision-making, inner feelings, soul's guidance, spiritual beliefs, energy connection, authenticity, trust, compassion, visualization, life purpose, alignment, fulfillment, soul's role, soul energy, intuition, left brain, right brain, self-reflection, self-development, societal normsFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Nurturing Your Authentic Self: NLP, Gratitude, and Overcoming Challenges for Personal Transformation - Conversations with Joanne McGee
Dec 22 2023
Nurturing Your Authentic Self: NLP, Gratitude, and Overcoming Challenges for Personal Transformation - Conversations with Joanne McGee
Nurturing Your Authentic Self: NLP, Gratitude, and Overcoming Challenges for Personal Transformation - Conversations with Joanne McGee.Welcome to Your Authentic Self, where we explore the transformative power of embracing our true selves. In this episode, we dive into an inspiring conversation with Joanne McGee, a remarkable woman who turned her experiences of trauma and pain into a journey of empowerment and healing. Joanne shares her powerful story of self-discovery, from overcoming a challenging upbringing to finding strength through exercise, network marketing, and ultimately becoming a bestselling author with her book "From the Ashes." Join us as Joanne and our hosts, Lee and Mark, delve into the importance of self-care, gratitude, and the impactful role of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) techniques in reshaping our mindset and creating new positive pathways in our lives. Discover the resilience of the human spirit and the strategies for turning personal struggles into sources of power and growth. This episode promises to uplift, inspire, and guide you toward your journey of self-discovery.Get Joanne's book here: Exercise empowered and improved my mental health.03:08 Encouraging others to step out of comfort.08:55 Soul's influence on healing and empowerment.12:36 Coaching clients to uncover subconscious issues.13:56 Techniques to address confidence and conflicts.17:38 Overcoming negative emotions using NLP techniques.22:33 Embracing authenticity and vulnerability on social media.23:17 Therapists are human too, self-aware in work.29:17 Gratitude for little things, like sight.31:16 Simplicity of profound thoughts and brain flexibility.33:27 Reverting to old habits without daily rituals.39:18 Gratitude expressed for inspiring guest's impactful story.39:47 Encouraging you to like, subscribe, and engage.Your Authentic Self podcast, Joanne McGee, From the Ashes, trauma, depression, anxiety, toxic relationships, exercise, powerlifting, network marketing, self-development, turning pain into power, therapist well-being, meditation, gratitude practices, positive self-talk, coaching, subconscious issues, NLP therapy, soul healing, law of attraction, reticular activating system, personal goals, flexibility, habits, therapy, Power Queen, self-awareness, living in the present moment, face-to-face counseling, healing techniquesFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Balancing Hormones and Gut Health: Nutrition Insights for Perimenopause and Inflammation - Episode 5
Dec 8 2023
Balancing Hormones and Gut Health: Nutrition Insights for Perimenopause and Inflammation - Episode 5
Balancing Hormones and Gut Health: Nutrition Insights for Perimenopause and Inflammation - Episode 5Welcome to Episode 5 of "Your Authentic Self"! In this episode, our guest Nikki Harris, a seasoned nutritional therapist specialising in women's hormonal imbalances, perimenopause, menopause, and gut health, shares valuable insights that can empower you to take charge of your well-being. From discussing the impact of diet on gut inflammation and hormonal symptoms to uncovering the interconnectedness of hormonal imbalances with lifestyle factors, Nikki's expertise and personalized approach shed light on the road to holistic health. Alongside Mark and Lee, the conversation delves into topics such as perimenopause, the importance of natural, minimally processed foods, the role of a nutritional therapist, and the significance of addressing gut health for overall wellness. Join us as we explore the intricate relationship between nutrition, hormonal health, and emotional, mental, and physical well-being.00:00 Importance of inclusivity in menopause support. Collaboration.05:18 Became nutritional therapist, specialising in women's health.07:29 Discussing diet and health with nutritional therapist.10:12 Thyroid testing, blood markers, immune system, lifestyle.14:45 Importance of proper digestion and nutrient absorption.18:34 Gut conditions can cause reflux and bloating.22:28 Eating fiber reduces inflammation, improves gut health.26:04 Estrogen and progesterone affect women's menstrual cycles.28:35 Certain supplements and HRT to boost progesterone.33:58 Taking care of ourselves for a smooth menopause.35:39 Supporting gut health and smooth menstrual cycles.39:46 Choose Plenish soy milk for health.43:05 Choose organic, GMO-free plant-based options, avoid additives.47:23 Manage hot flashes with sage, diet, and moderation.48:24 Estrogen affects body's thermostat, causing hot flashes.52:20 Mindful of food choices for health reasons.55:59 Ensure therapist is accredited with governing bodies.Find out more about Nikki Harris at inflammation, Hormonal symptoms, Diet, Fiber, Short-chain fatty acids, Inflammatory bowel disease, Perimenopause, Sleep, Weight gain, Mood swings, Heavy periods, Anxiety, Progesterone, HRT, Bioidentical progesterone, Women's health, Soy products, Plant-based oils, Low-calorie processed spreads, Saturated fats, Organic tofu, Night sweats, Hot flushes, Nutritional therapist, Stool testing, Hormone testing, Adrenal testing, Thyroid testing, Menopause symptoms, Estrogen pessary, Weight gain, Self-care.For more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Child, Teen, Adult: Discovering Your Authentic Self amidst Life's Challenges
Nov 24 2023
Child, Teen, Adult: Discovering Your Authentic Self amidst Life's Challenges
Welcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast where we explore the different parts of ourselves and how they shape our lives. In today's episode, titled "Child, Teen, Adult: Discovering Your Authentic Self amidst Life's Challenges,"  Lee and Mark, will be diving deep into the topic of the importance of cultivating an adult mindset to drive our choices and decisions, rather than being controlled by our child or teenage selves. They explore how childhood needs for love and affection can still influence us in our adult relationships, and the potential dysfunction that can arise from expecting our partners to fulfill those needs.Throughout the episode, Lee and Mark stress the significance of self-awareness and self-regulation, and the powerful role it plays in fostering understanding and support within our relationships. They share personal experiences and insights, shedding light on how traumatic experiences in childhood can have lasting effects on our adult lives.Join us in this thought-provoking conversation as we explore the concept of emotional muscle and the journey towards greater self-compassion, self-soothing, and emotional regulation. Discover how the teenage self emerges as a protector of our vulnerable inner child, and how bringing awareness to these different parts of ourselves can positively influence our present-day experiences.Through their candid revelations and powerful tools for personal growth, Lee and Mark remind us of the importance of building trust, vulnerability, and communication not only with our partners, but also with ourselves. They share strategies for effectively managing triggers and emotional states, and guide us towards redefining our relationship with challenging aspects of ourselves.So, grab a cup of tea, find a cozy spot, and join us for this insightful episode where we learn about the power of self-compassion, the impact of our internal dialogue, and the transformative nature of embracing our authentic selves. Don't forget to like, share, and follow our podcast for more episodes like this. Stay tuned!02:50 Teenage years bring rebelliousness and independence. Teen protects younger self from harm.03:38 Connection to adult self impacted by past.07:21 Worked hard to look after everyone, dysfunctional family.13:20 Caregivers help us regulate emotions during trauma.15:39 Teenager's rebelliousness and child's vulnerability observed.17:24 Teenage self advises against trusting relationships.21:57 Adult relationships can meet child's needs.24:00 Explaining adult responsibility, communicating, and owning actions.27:08 Teen self rejected therapy to protect child self. Adult self feels vulnerable, demands accountability.32:17 Disconnect emotionally due to childhood trauma.35:35 Identifying child, teenage, and adult emotions.36:54 Hated it, but found comfort at grandparents'.41:48 Attention diverted to children, teenager rebels, adult helps.45:25 Parenting struggle during imperfect and busy week.47:24 Compassion and love are essential.50:30 End of episode, like, share, follow. Contact us.self-talk, internal dialogue, adult mindset, childlike behaviors, self-awareness, self-regulation, childhood needs, dysfunction, understanding and support, Your Authentic Self, child, teen, adult, traumatic experiences, frozen child self, teenage protector, emotional muscle, disconnecting emotionally, emotional capacity, not good enough, people-pleasing tendencies, validation and affirmation, childhood neglect, lack of love and attention, violence, therapy, emotional vulnerability, emotional regulation, isolation and loneliness, self-soothing, triggers and emotional For more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Understanding Emotional Well-being: The Journey to Your Authentic Self
Nov 10 2023
Understanding Emotional Well-being: The Journey to Your Authentic Self
Understanding Emotional Well-being: The Journey to Your Authentic SelfWelcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast that explores the depths of emotional well-being. In this episode, we delve into the practice of self-inquiry and the importance of reconnecting with our feelings. Join us as we discuss the natural aspect of emotions, dispel the myth of toxic positivity, and emphasise the benefits of embracing all emotions. We also explore the impact of suppressing emotions, the link between emotions and health, and the significance of authentic communication in relationships. We share personal experiences and insights, offering valuable guidance for those seeking to reconnect with their authentic selves and navigate the complexities of human emotions. Tune in to discover the power of vulnerability, compassionate communication, and the journey toward emotional connection and well-being.00:19 Podcast explores emotional connection and vulnerability. Stress the importance of emotional well-being.03:08 Positive psychology can cause problems by encouraging constant happiness and optimism.08:56 Disconnecting from emotion is difficult and can lead to addictive behaviors.10:17 Escape from pain through gaming and other distractions.13:21 Some people struggle with emotions due to past trauma.18:58 Considering reasons for disconnecting as a survival strategy.22:21 Workaholism starts innocently and spirals into addiction, overwhelming and causing illness.24:58 Therapist investigates addiction origins and needs.27:25 Discussion about varied types of addiction and how everyone has a coping mechanism.29:20 Changing how we view emotions is natural and important.34:23 People don't die from sadness or loneliness.36:30 Encouragement to validate and communicate inner feelings.40:17 Podcast discusses finding authentic self and coping mechanisms.41:47 Risks and benefits of relationships, communication, and reconnecting with oneself.46:42 Reconnecting to emotions helps recognize needs and avoid workaholism.48:38 The speaker expresses emotional loneliness and a need for reconnection.52:00 Disconnecting from emotions hinders valuable guidance.Self-inquiryReconnecting with emotions Authenticity Emotional well-being VulnerabilityToxic positivity EscapismSuppressing emotionsEmotional connection Childhood trauma Emotional disconnectionCoping mechanismsEmotional communicationEmotional literacyEmotional wavesCompassion IntentionalityConflict resolutionAddictionWorkaholismVulnerable communicationSocietal messagesEmotional suppressionEmotional needsEmotional healthIntimate relationshipsEmbracing emotionsChildren and emotionsTrauma recoveryVulnerability acceptanceFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of  Masks and Personas We Use for Protection - Your Authentic Self Ep. 2
Oct 27 2023
Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of Masks and Personas We Use for Protection - Your Authentic Self Ep. 2
Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of  Masks and Personas We Use for Protection Ep.2Welcome back to Your Authentic Self, the podcast that explores the journey to self-discovery and embracing our truest selves. In today's episode, titled "Shedding the Armour: Unraveling the Layers of  Masks and Personas We Use for Protection," we delve into the intriguing concept of how we protect ourselves from the outside world. Join us as we discuss the metaphorical weight we carry, the masks we wear, and the false personas we create to shield ourselves from vulnerability and hurt. Through personal experiences, anecdotes, and thought-provoking analysis, we unravel the complexities of armouring, masks, and personas, and their significance in our quest for authenticity. So, get ready to embark on an introspective journey with us as we navigate the fascinating realms of self-protection and peel back the layers to reveal our true selves. This is Your Authentic Self.00:01:06 Primary school memory: fear of teacher's correction and developing armor for protection.00:03:35 Armoring is about effectively protecting oneself like a suit of armor.00:08:22 Wearing a mask is sometimes necessary for privacy.00:12:11 Recognizing compassion in discussing mask-wearing and personal growth.00:12:54 It is important to communicate compassionately and encourage self-reflection to remove masks and embrace authenticity.00:18:46 Early coping strategies hinder adult connections. It's like two people in armor struggling to connect. Difficult to be intimate.00:21:46 Discontentment in relationship, lack of communication, loneliness, disconnect from emotions.00:24:36 People wear armor to hide vulnerability and often communicate inauthentically.00:28:07 The child raised him up and he learned to accept change.00:29:46 Exploring vulnerability as an adult and how it differs from the past.00:32:49 The mind creates a perceived risk, cautioning against vulnerability.00:36:54 Feeling unsafe due to inauthenticity.00:40:55 Don't judge others for their appearances or masks.00:42:01 View, follow, subscribe, and contact for more info.physical armor, weight gain, weight loss, protective layer, individual circumstances, interesting concept, accuracy questioned, not doing something anymore, something deeper going on, discontentment in relationship, lack of communication, isolation, loneliness, disappointment, disconnecting, going to the mind, wearing a mask, daily interactions, pretending to be fine, masks necessary, education, intelligence, learning activities, discomfort, brain growth, repetition, muscle growth, coping strategies, barriers in relationships, metal face covering, intimate connections, defense mechanisms, physical appearances, armoring, compassion, vulnerability, authentic selfFor more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community:
Embracing Authenticity in a Masked World - Your Authentic Self - Ep.1
Oct 12 2023
Embracing Authenticity in a Masked World - Your Authentic Self - Ep.1
Welcome to "Your Authentic Self," the podcast that explores the power of embracing your true essence and living a life that aligns with your authentic self. For more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community: today's episode, titled Embracing Authenticity in a Masked World, we delve into the concept of authenticity and the impact that restricting our natural tendencies can have on our emotional connection and inner guidance. We discuss how societal expectations can hinder our ability to express ourselves fully and the importance of nurturing our own and our children's authentic selves. We  share our personal and professional journies of reconnecting with our self and navigating the challenges of caregiving, while also shedding light on the significance of emotional expression and the therapeutic process. Join us as we unravel the layers of authenticity and discover the profound impact it can have on our lives. So sit back, relax, and let's embark on this enriching journey to discover and embrace our true, authentic selves. Welcome to "Your Authentic Self."[00:00:19] Introduction to Authentic Self podcast, defining "authentic"[00:03:16] People claim authenticity, but we all fake it.[00:08:16] Question authenticity to prevent perpetuating generational beliefs.[00:10:45] Belief systems can be downloaded and accepted.[00:14:50] Became my mother's carer, like a parent.[00:19:00] Disconnection from emotions denies our authenticity.[00:21:05] Supporting perpetrators to become their authentic self.[00:25:42] Connecting with the soul: authenticity, passion, uniqueness.[00:26:21] Suppressing extroverted children stifles intuition and autonomy.[00:32:03] Authenticity in human reactions, despite imperfections.[00:34:01] Emotions change, learn to embrace them.[00:36:28] Can't show emotion, can't cry, not okay.[00:39:28] Therapy: a safe space to be yourself.[00:43:35] Mind can distort thoughts, creating vulnerability.[00:45:38] Embracing vulnerability, facing fear, and overcoming judgment.Restricting child's nature, expressive nature, disconnection from soul, lost inner guidance, doing things they don't want to do, being authentic, being genuine, fake, taking offense, pretending, not expressing emotions, grieving, rules about showing emotions, Authentic Self podcast, Authentic You podcast, nurturing authentic self, developing personality traits, extrovert performer, guilt, questioning authenticity, generational beliefs, disconnection, mind, heart, soul, body, emotion, hindering purpose and fulfillment, being soul-led, working with perpetrators and domestic violence survivors, trauma-informed approach, supporting individuals, caregiver role, lack of direction, lack of fulfillment, closed heart, therapy, self-discovery, authentic relationships, fear of upsetting clients, crying during therapy, emotional issues, trauma impact, reconnecting emotionally, compassion towards oneself.For more help or to contact us use these our free Facebook community: