Episode 1: Who Is Mike Donahue

Talking To Brick Walls

Dec 5 2022 • 24 mins

There is a vast difference between a scholastic researcher and an experienced practitioner.  Would you want to be operated on by a surgeon who has studied your condition thoroughly but never done a surgery before?  Or would you want to put your body in the hands of a skilled surgeon who has successfully done over 300 procedures like yours?  While both are extremely important -- experience trumps research every time.

You can study bananas for 50 years and know everything about their seeds, their color, their growth patterns, and their culture -- but if you have never tasted a banana, you don’t know bananas!  You simply know things about bananas.

Mike Donahue is an experienced practitioner who has also done his research thoroughly.  With over 25 years of constant exposure to young people in school assemblies and trainings he has provided a listening ear to hundreds of thousands of students who have shared things with him that they have never shared with their closest friends or family.

With uncompromising, “no holds barred” honesty, through this podcast,  Mike addresses the issues head-on, with experienced counsel that is a game changer.