Unfiltered with Matt Farnsworth

Matt Farnsworth

Welcome to Unfiltered, the podcast that delivers raw conversations and actionable insights, hosted by Matt Farnsworth. Matt is a high-level marketing and sales expert focusing on the financial market. He is the Director of the Digital Experience at Transamerica and CEO of Rev8lation Media. Forget about generic interviews; this is where we dive deep into life’s most intricate matters—from mental health and addiction to career peaks and valleys, all through the lens of self-mastery. Our curated guest list features thought leaders, industry experts, and real-life warriors, each contributing their own unique wisdom and perspective. Whether we’re dissecting the complexities of psychology, sobriety, fitness, wellness, or business, every episode aims to arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to master yourself and live a more successful and fulfilling life. Join us on ’Unfiltered’ for conversations that challenge your thinking and expand your understanding of what it truly means to live unfiltered and master yourself. read less
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How To Avoid Pain and Overcome Tough Times
Apr 8 2024
How To Avoid Pain and Overcome Tough Times
Pain is unavoidable. It's a part of the human experience, and at some point, all of us will be in pain. We're not going to be able to avoid that. We're going to face trials in our lives. That's the question, and today I want to share with you the keys to resilience and how to bring yourself back from those dark valleys, unfiltered, with Matt Farnsworth.   As I sat with the weight of my own grief, I realized that within my darkest moments lay the seeds of resilience. This episode is a testament to that journey, an intimate exploration of how pain is not just an inevitable part of life, but a profound teacher. Join us as we traverse the challenging yet transformative terrains of suffering and growth, where empathy, sympathy, and faith become our guiding lights. Through personal anecdotes and vulnerable reflections, we unravel the essential roles these virtues play in not just enduring life’s storms, but in thriving amidst them. We'll also delve into the transformative power of faith during times when the light at the end of the tunnel seems but a distant flicker. Drawing from the poetic cries of the Psalms and the strength found in daily practices like prayer and scripture reading, I share how these acts of devotion have brought profound comfort and a reminder that we are never truly alone. This conversation is an invitation to anyone grappling with their own battles, offering perspective on how our trials can shape us into more compassionate, resilient beings and revealing the divine purpose that pain, though unwelcome, can serve in our lives.
At Your Lowest Point There Is Always HOPE
Feb 21 2024
At Your Lowest Point There Is Always HOPE
I once stood on the precipice of despair, my life teetering on the brink of ruin—homelessness, addiction, and a crippling car crash were my grim companions. Yet, in the heart of darkness, I found a spark that ignited the will to rise again. Today's episode is nothing short of a raw and inspiring journey through the valleys of hardship to the peaks of personal triumph. Our special guest shares an incredible story of resilience, providing a beacon of hope for anyone who feels overwhelmed by life's merciless twists. Discover the unwavering strength that comes from self-belief, the incremental changes that forge a path to recovery, and the profound realization that happiness is not only a possibility but a certainty when we focus on reshaping our actions, health, and mindset. There comes a moment in the struggle with addiction when the world seems to spin out of control, and the only option left is to let go. Embracing this truth, our guest recounts the life-altering experience of accepting a higher power and the beautiful surrender that followed. This episode peels back the layers of recovery, revealing the peace that flourishes when we acknowledge the limits of our control. It's a candid conversation about finding serenity amidst chaos and how viewing life through the lens of grace can transform relationships and restore well-being. If you're searching for solace or inspiration to face your own challenges, join us for a testament to the human spirit's capacity to find peace and build a meaningful, sober life.
Craziest Story Ever Told! Cheated on.
Feb 19 2024
Craziest Story Ever Told! Cheated on.
The sting of betrayal cuts deep, and in the wake of infidelity, the fragments of a broken marriage can seem beyond repair. As I lay bare the agony of my own experience, grappling with the aftermath of a cheating spouse, I invite listeners into a raw and vulnerable space. From the influence of my conservative roots to the sway of social media's double-edged sword, this episode unpacks the complexities of shattered trust and the painstaking journey toward healing. Amidst a world where our lives are intertwined with digital threads, the discovery of a partner's affair can feel like a narrative torn from a modern tragedy. I recount the unraveling of my relationship, chasing down the clues left behind on social media and facing the ultimate confrontation that confirmed my worst fears. This episode isn't just about the pain of deceit—it's about confronting the truth, no matter how harsh, and reclaiming one's dignity in the process. As the dust settles on a union dissolved by unfaithfulness, the path to recovery beckons with the promise of personal growth and spiritual renewal. Sharing insights from this transformative chapter of my life, I discuss the significance of spirituality and the fortitude it provides in moving forward. The episode closes on an empowering note, extending an invitation to join me on my second podcast, the Gospel of Christ, where together with John Henry, we explore the resilience of faith in the face of life's storms.
From Chaos to Clarity: Matt Farnsworth's Powerful Road to Emotional Sobriety
Feb 7 2024
From Chaos to Clarity: Matt Farnsworth's Powerful Road to Emotional Sobriety
In this raw and inspiring episode of "From Chaos to Clarity: The Power of Emotional Sobriety," host Matt Farnsworth takes you on a journey through the depths of addiction to the heights of recovery and success. Delve into Matt's personal story, from his struggles with uncontrolled emotions and addiction to his transformative path towards emotional sobriety. Discover how overcoming addiction isn't just about abstaining from substances—it's about gaining control over your emotions, understanding your true self, and unlocking a life filled with passion, success, and serenity. Matt doesn't just share his story; he peels back the layers on societal norms and industries that fuel addiction, offering a critical view of the world around us. With a blend of personal anecdotes, psychological insights, and actionable advice, this episode is a powerful guide for anyone seeking to break free from the chains of addiction and embrace a life of emotional wellness. Whether you're battling addiction yourself, know someone who is, or simply crave a deeper understanding of emotional sobriety and its impact on success and happiness, this podcast is a must-listen. Join Matt as he reveals the secrets to transforming pain and struggle into strength and success, proving that with courage, awareness, and the right mindset, anyone can achieve emotional sobriety and live a fulfilling life. Stay Connected Website | https://www.mattfarnsworth.net/ Tiktok | https://www.tiktok.com/@mattfarnsworth Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/mattfarnsworth/ LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-farnsworth/ Twitter | https://twitter.com/MattFarnsworth Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/iamfarnsworth/