The Bible Says Podcast

The Bible Says Podcast

Welcome to "The Bible Says Podcast" Join us on a journey through deep theological discussions grounded in the Word of God.  In a world filled with varying belief systems and ideologies, it's crucial for Christians to anchor their faith in the truth of Scripture. The Bible Says Podcast will explore a variety of biblical doctrines, shedding light on topics like salvation, prophecy, creation, and hitting hot-button topics like eternal security.

We want to know what the Bible says about these various topics because we believe that “If you can't defend it clearly from the Bible then you shouldn't believe it vehemently”

Each episode of "The Bible Says Podcast" delves into key biblical teachings, addressing misconceptions and providing clarity through an examination of scripture. From discussions on the nature of salvation to interpretations of prophetic events, the goal is to equip believers with a deeper understanding of their faith and a deeper love for Christ.

This podcast is all about digging into the Word, challenging assumptions, and aligning our beliefs with the timeless wisdom found in the Bible. Whether you're a seasoned theologian or a newcomer to the faith, join us as we journey together in pursuit of truth.

Tune in weekly for insightful conversations, thought-provoking discussions, and a deeper dive into what "The Bible Says."

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E7 - Unwrapping the Rapture - Part 2: Biblical Views, End-Times Studies, and Timing Theories
E7 - Unwrapping the Rapture - Part 2: Biblical Views, End-Times Studies, and Timing Theories
Are you ready to uncover the mysteries of the rapture and its various interpretations? In our latest episode of the **Bible Says Podcast**, we delve into the fascinating world of rapture beliefs. Have you ever wondered why some people believe in a pre-tribulation rapture? Is there more to it than just "my preacher said so"? We'll explore pre-tribulationism, post-tribulationism, mid-tribulationism, and pre-wrath rapture perspectives. Our discussion breaks down the intricate scriptural foundations and theological arguments, aiming to provide clarity and a deeper understanding for all listeners.Join us as we investigate the purpose of the tribulation, particularly its significance for Israel, through the lens of Daniel 9's prophetic timeline. Have you ever considered how figures like Elijah and Enoch might hint at a secret catching away? We'll examine how this concept aligns with Paul's teachings in the New Testament, highlighting that pre-tribulation belief doesn't mean exemption from all suffering, but rather distinguishes between general tribulation and the specific seven-year period defined in the Bible.We'll analyze the wrath of God as outlined in Revelation and how believers are spared through Christ. From the opening of the first seal to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, we map out the tribulation timeline and its implications for pre-tribulation and pre-wrath viewpoints. We'll also delve into Paul's teachings on the revealing of the Antichrist and the role of the Holy Spirit as the restrainer.Tune in for a spiritually enriching discussion with a little southern charm that equips you for thoughtful theological reflection. We extend our heartfelt blessings, encouraging you to deepen your spiritual journey and share your insights.
E6 - Unwrapping the Rapture - Part 1: Biblical Views, End-Times Studies, and Timing Theories
Jun 15 2024
E6 - Unwrapping the Rapture - Part 1: Biblical Views, End-Times Studies, and Timing Theories
Join us as we unravel the controversial question: Can the church escape tribulation? In this episode of "The Bible Says Podcast," we explore the concept of the rapture and its deep biblical roots. We'll debunk misconceptions surrounding the term "rapture," tracing its origins from the Latin "rapturo" to the Greek "harpazo." Drawing insights from the stories of Elijah, Enoch, and Jesus' ascension, we establish its scriptural foundation, highlighting key passages such as 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-53.Delving into centuries-old debates, we examine various timing theories—post-tribulation, pre-wrath, and mid-tribulation—(Check out Next Week Pretrib and some others), unpacking their scriptural basis and historical context. We confront whether the church is promised exemption from suffering, reflecting on contemporary persecution in regions like China and the Middle East. Our discussion extends to the second coming of Christ and significant end-time events from Revelation, including the marriage supper of the Lamb We invite you to engage with us and challenge our perspectives. Explore the nuances of the pre-wrath interpretation and its contrasts with pre- and mid-tribulation theories within Revelation's prophetic timeline. Connect with us on social media at "The Bible Says Podcast" to share your thoughts and questions. Whether you're a seasoned prophecy enthusiast or new to eschatological discussions, this episode promises to offer fresh insights and provoke thought in a dynamic exchange of ideas. Don’t miss Next week for Part 2
E5 - The Holy Spirit: Understanding His Presence and Power
May 29 2024
E5 - The Holy Spirit: Understanding His Presence and Power
What happens on a podcast about the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit shows up?  It gets really good that's what.  What if the Holy Spirit isn't just an abstract concept, but an essential presence in your life, guiding and shaping your spiritual journey? Join us on the Bible Says Podcast as we unravel the profound role of the Holy Spirit, often overshadowed in discussions about the Trinity. We kick off by exploring His vital functions such as guiding, reminding, and sealing believers, while clearing up any confusion around terms like "Holy Ghost" and "Holy Spirit" found across different Bible translations. Get ready to deepen your understanding of why the Holy Spirit's presence is indispensable for every believer.Ever wondered what it truly means to be spirit-filled, beyond the common association with speaking in tongues? We'll address those misconceptions head-on and highlight the Holy Spirit's roles as a friend, comforter, and teacher from the moment of salvation. We dive into the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, using biblical narratives like the events in Acts chapters 1 and 2 and Saul's conversion to Paul, to illustrate His convicting and guiding presence. By examining Ephesians 1:13-14, we emphasize the Holy Spirit's role in sealing believers, offering a metaphor of protection and promise that is both theologically rich and practically relatable.Picture the Holy Spirit as the earnest money in a real estate deal or a seal securing high-value freight—this is how God guarantees our heavenly inheritance. In this episode, we draw powerful analogies to bring these theological concepts to life. From the fruits of the Spirit versus the works of the flesh in Galatians 5, to the critical importance of being knowledgeable in your faith for effective evangelism, our conversation is packed with insights and practical applications. We wrap up with our heartfelt prayers and aspirations for the podcast, inviting you to join us in this faith journey, engage with us, and help spread the gospel far and wide.  Check out the website and give us a follow on all of our social channels, just scroll to the bottom of the page.
E4 - Unlocking Precious Promises: Navigating Faith, Forgiveness, and Access to God
May 22 2024
E4 - Unlocking Precious Promises: Navigating Faith, Forgiveness, and Access to God
Join us for Episode 4 of The Bible Says Podcast as Brandon and Matt dig into the powerful Great and Precious Promises of God.  We hope you enjoy the episode as much as we enjoyed creating it. In this episode, we:- Share a short list of several promises of God from the Bible as we sprinkle in a little wisdom, compassion, and a touch of Southern charm along the way. - Discuss the divine nature poured into you at salvation and how embracing this truth can steer you away from spiritual blindness and toward a life rich with purpose and connection.- Explore the comforting bond faith forges with God and the Holy Spirit offering solace to the lonely soul.We'll unpack the liberating promises of forgiveness and justification through scriptures like Galatians 3:26 and Romans 5:1. Unshackled from our past, we call you to leave behind the shadows of yesterday and step into the light of a renewed commitment to your spiritual journey.Imagine approaching the throne of the Almighty with the confidence of a child stepping into a parent's embrace—this episode exposes that as one of the great and precious promises. We'll dive into Hebrews 4 and Romans 8, unraveling the gift of direct access to God and highlighting the independence of your faith journey from human intermediaries. Embrace the profound truth that in Jesus Christ, you possess a personal hotline to heaven, untethered by doctrine or human authority.Get set for a journey into the very heart of eternal promises and a changed life, as we explore the truths around just how eternally saved you really are.Tune in and let's grow together! 🌟📖 #TheBibleSaysPodcast #FaithJourney #BibleStudy #SpiritualGrowth #DivinePromises
E3 - Unlocking Divine Potential: Embracing God's Promises Through Scripture
May 17 2024
E3 - Unlocking Divine Potential: Embracing God's Promises Through Scripture
7b894Cdvgh92q6qEdBPu  Join hosts Brandon and Matt as they delve into the transformative power of 2 Peter 1 in the 3rd installment of The Bible Says Podcast. This passage reveals that through God's divine power, we have everything needed for life and godliness. This profound truth highlights that righteousness comes from God, not our efforts, and likens this divine power to a vast deposit of raw materials within us—potential that needs to be diligently mined and refined to manifest its full value in our lives. This discussion goes beyond personal spiritual development, carrying an urgent call to action. As Christians, we’re encouraged to step into the fullness of our divine nature by embracing the 'exceeding great and precious promises' of the Bible. By doing so, we become partakers of the divine nature, transforming our lives from within and moving from passive faith to active engagement with Scripture's transformative power.One common struggle among believers is the approach to Bible study. Many lean heavily on devotionals, which, while beneficial, can limit engagement with the depth of Scripture. This episode emphasizes the need for direct Bible study, inviting the Holy Spirit into our sessions for deeper revelation. A disciplined approach to reading the Bible, exploring various translations, and engaging multiple senses by reading aloud is encouraged.We also discuss the importance of understanding and applying God's promises to our daily lives, highlighting the role of spiritual leaders in guiding their congregations toward these truths. It’s about building a faith that is not only knowledgeable but also resilient and dynamic in the face of life's challenges. There's a call for a return to doctrinal teaching that solidifies the foundations of our faith, ensuring believers are well-equipped to unleash the divine power and godliness within.In conclusion, the journey through soteriology to the realization of God's promises is an invitation to experience the full spectrum of divine salvation. It’s a journey marked by growth, challenges, and profound joy as we discover the limitless potential within us, unlocked through the wisdom of Scripture. Join us as we continue to explore these transformative truths and apply
E2 - Exploring the Depths of Salvation: Body, Soul, and Spirit
May 8 2024
E2 - Exploring the Depths of Salvation: Body, Soul, and Spirit
We hope you will tune in as Brandon and Matt navigate the complexities of Christian doctrine with wisdom, compassion, and a touch of Southern charm.  This week we are digging deeper into the mysteries of salvation and your spiritual identity.  We've got some great conversations around one of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith that will leave you with a greater understanding of what it truly means to be saved. This episode peels back the layers of justification, sanctification, and glorification—a triathlon of grace with a past, present, and a future victory. We also look into the complex makeup of body, soul, and spirit, so get set to explore how each aspect intertwines with the transformative power of belief. Dive deep into the cornerstone of Christian belief—being 'born again'. It's time to clarify this often-misunderstood concept and dispel the myths surrounding it. Hear why the 'water' Jesus referred to might not be about baptism but something more elemental. In a candid discussion, we confront the misconceptions about instant perfection post-salvation, and walk alongside the Apostle Paul as he shares his honest struggles, showing that even giants of faith know what it's like to battle sin. Join us as we cultivate the seedlings of faith, reminding new believers and the seasoned alike that spiritual growth is a journey, not a sprint. Learn how the renewing of the mind is as crucial to your spiritual health as water is to a plant. We also wade into the waters of baptism, clarifying its symbolic importance and the spiritual rebirth it represents. We hope you enjoy this episode and pray it nurtures your understanding of salvation's transformative process.  We would love to hear your thoughts, questions, comments, and we appreciate all of the follows, likes and reviews. May you have a blessed day.
E1 - Understanding The Main Thing - Salvation and the Bible
May 1 2024
E1 - Understanding The Main Thing - Salvation and the Bible
Join us on this enlightening episode of "The Bible Says Podcast" as we take a hard look at salvation according to Scripture. Salvation is one of the most important concepts taught in the Bible and is often misunderstood or misrepresented.We'll begin by unraveling the concept of justification—the moment when we are declared righteous before God through faith in Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be justified by grace through faith? How does this transformative act shape our relationship with God and our understanding of ourselves?Moving forward, we'll delve into the process of sanctification—a continuous journey of growth and transformation in Christlikeness. As believers, we are called to be set apart for God's purposes, undergoing a lifelong process of renewal and refinement. Next a brief look at the final step of Salvation, our Glorification when we will be fully conformed to his image and called home to to be with Jesus Christ forever.  Really understanding justification, sanctification, and glorification as integral components of God's redemptive plan for humanity can be a game changing revelation. Whether you're seeking a deeper understanding of salvation or simply longing to draw closer to the heart of God, join us as we journey together in pursuit of truth and transformation.Tune in to "The Bible Says Podcast" for a thought-provoking discussion on the journey of salvation—revealing the beauty, depth, and significance of God's saving work in our lives.