Talk Mode


I am just your average guy, discussing random topics with you the listener or with any guests who I can convince to get on the mic on the Toke & Talk Episodes. My aim is to just help people get through life with my advice where I can with the Dear Diary Episodes and if not then just make people laugh with the occasional Waffle & Gibberish episode.Come have a listen, I hope I can provide some value to you.Thanks for reading this, Wahab read less


Insights from 'The Psychology of Money' by Morgan Housel
Insights from 'The Psychology of Money' by Morgan Housel
Send us a Text Message.Could your financial habits be holding you back? Join us on Talk Mode as we unravel the intriguing principles from Morgan Housel’s "The Psychology of Money." Learn how your emotions, biases, and past experiences influence your financial decisions more than you might think. We promise that by the end of this episode, you'll gain actionable insights into avoiding common pitfalls such as overconfidence, anchoring, and the gambler’s fallacy. This isn't just another finance book; Housel shifts the focus from pure knowledge to the importance of behavior in achieving financial success.Throughout our discussion, we highlight key lessons from the book, including the power of compound interest, the peril of get-rich-quick schemes, and the necessity of accepting financial uncertainty. While Housel’s examples may center on stocks, the core principles are universally applicable, making this a relevant read for anyone serious about improving their financial habits. You'll also hear our thoughts on how the book's American perspective translates to a UK audience and why it's worth a spot on your reading list. Tune in for practical advice that could transform your relationship with money and set you on the path to financial well-being.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
The Hidden Gem of Ian Rankin's Bibliography - Westwind
5d ago
The Hidden Gem of Ian Rankin's Bibliography - Westwind
Send us a Text Message.What if you stumbled upon a gripping spy thriller that not only keeps you on the edge of your seat but also tackles themes that resonate with today's global landscape? Join us as we explore Ian Rankin's early masterpiece, "West Wind," a high-stakes international espionage adventure set during the Cold War. This episode dissects the riveting journey of Martin Hepton, a mission control everyman who finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and lies following a botched space mission and the mysterious disappearance of his friend.Rankin's narrative leads us through a maze of shadowy figures and political intrigue, keeping us guessing with every turn of the page. We break down how this lesser-known work stands apart from his renowned Inspector Rebus series while still delivering a compelling, edge-of-your-seat experience. Whether you're a longtime Rankin aficionado or just in search of a classic spy tale with a modern twist, this episode promises a fresh look at a forgotten gem that's as relevant today as it was in 1990. Tune in and uncover a side of Rankin's storytelling that you won't want to miss.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Securing Your Future with an Effective Emergency Fund Plan
Apr 21 2024
Securing Your Future with an Effective Emergency Fund Plan
Send us a Text Message.Ever found yourself facing an unexpected expense and wishing you had a financial cushion to soften the blow? That's where the elusive emergency fund comes in, and in our latest episode, we unpack the what, why, and how of safeguarding yourself against life's unforeseen mishaps. My own car troubles got me thinking – wouldn't it be grand to have a stash of cash for times like these? Join me as I candidly share my journey toward financial preparedness, from the initial shock of realizing I'm not as money-savvy as I thought, to the small triumphs of squirreling away some extra dough.Navigating the path to building an emergency fund can feel like you're pinching pennies until they scream, but fear not – I've got some practical strategies to share that make the process less of a headache. We'll talk about dissecting your spending habits with surgical precision and discovering those hidden cash leaks in your daily routine. Meanwhile, I'll bust some myths about the amount you "should" have saved and offer reassurance that even a modest fund is a step in the right direction. So whether you're a budgeting pro or your wallet is a free-for-all, tune in for a real talk on getting your finances into shape – because when life throws you a curveball, you'll want to be ready to catch it.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Q1 Goal Review: Did I Slay or Self-Sabotage?
Apr 2 2024
Q1 Goal Review: Did I Slay or Self-Sabotage?
Send us a Text Message.Ever faced the brutal truth that your New Year's resolutions are collecting dust by the time April rolls in? Then this episode is your wake-up call! Join me, Wahab, on a raw and humorous dissection of my own goal-setting journey as I fess up to where I've stumbled and where I've soared during the first quarter of the year. There's no sugarcoating the struggle to drop the tenacious 10 kilos, or the sheer willpower it took to maintain podcast consistency. And let's not forget the ongoing battle with the vape, where my lungs and willpower are duking it out.Hold onto your headphones as I lay bare the lessons learned from each endeavor—because sometimes, life is less about the flawless execution and more about the messy, imperfect pursuit of improvement. Whether it's the unexpected weight gain despite the best-laid plans, the sweet victory of regular podcast episodes, or the half-won fight with nature and nicotine, this episode is packed with real talk and relatable experiences. No guests—just me, you, and the gritty reality that sometimes, setting goals is the easy part; it's the sticking to them that'll test your mettle.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
The "Selfish" Revolution: Putting Yourself First Without Feeling Like a Jerk
Mar 27 2024
The "Selfish" Revolution: Putting Yourself First Without Feeling Like a Jerk
Send us a Text Message.Ever thought the word 'selfishness' could use a rebrand? Well, buckle up, because we're flipping the script on putting yourself first, and trust me, it's not what you think. We're tearing down the stigma and showing you how to rock self-prioritization without feeling like you're hogging all the metaphorical cookies. It's all about striking that sweet balance, where self-care means being able to give your best to everyone around you—including yourself. And no, we're not serving up guilt-trips here; we're dishing out a hefty dose of real talk with a side of practical know-how.Join me on this enlightening trek where we'll unwrap the essentials of saying no with grace, penciling in that sacred 'me time', and throwing a little party for your personal triumphs. No guests on this ride, just you and me navigating the terrain of everyday life with a fresh perspective on being 'selfish'—and why it might just be the kindest thing you can do for you and your squad. So, if you're ready for a life where burnout is busted and self-care is non-negotiable, pop in those earbuds and let's get this jam session of rejuvenation started.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Book Review - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k
Mar 20 2024
Book Review - The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k
Send us a Text Message.Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of shoulds and musts? If you're nodding vigorously, our latest chat with Mark Manson, author of "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck," might just be the life raft you've been searching for. Manson serves up a dose of unfiltered wisdom, cutting through the noise with humor and the kind of blunt truths that most self-help gurus wouldn't dare utter. Join us as we explore the liberating concept of caring less about the trivial and more about what truly fuels your fire. This is not your average, run-of-the-mill pep talk; it's a slap-in-the-face wake-up call you didn't know you needed.We all know life's a circus, but Manson's perspective is like that friend who tells you to stop juggling chainsaws. In this episode, we strip away the fluff and get real about the pressures of societal expectations, personal ambitions, and the fine art of prioritizing our fcks. With anecdotes that'll have you nodding in agreement and practical advice that actually sticks, this episode is your guide to navigating life's chaos with a smirk. Whether you're a sucker for some good ol' profanity-laced truth bombs or just looking for a relatable voice in the self-help wilderness, you'll want to hear where this book lands on my five-point scale—and why it just might deserve a spot on your shelf.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Growing Groceries: Cultivating Your Own Food Independence
Mar 13 2024
Growing Groceries: Cultivating Your Own Food Independence
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt the thrill of biting into a tomato fresh off the vine, grown by your own hands? That's the kind of joy we're cultivating in this episode as we discuss the ins and outs of starting your own edible garden, regardless of the size of your living space. Whether you're a city dweller with just a windowsill to spare or someone with a modest balcony space, I share essential tips from my personal experience to help you grow a lush, nutritious bounty. We'll navigate the UK's planting zones, harness the power of the sun, and learn how a few small pots can lead to big, delicious rewards.Our conversation blooms from practical advice on repurposing household items into planters, to the cost-saving wonders of becoming seed-savvy with heirloom varieties. But it's not just about what you plant; it's about planting yourself within a community of like-minded green thumbs. Join me as I emphasize the importance of exchanging knowledge with fellow urban gardeners, ensuring that your roots in the grow-your-own movement are as strong and supportive as the plants you'll cultivate. Get ready to transform that mere interest in gardening into a flourishing pursuit, and let's raise a toast to the taste of true food independence, one leafy green at a time.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Nurturing Life Skills for a Self-Sufficient Tomorrow
Mar 6 2024
Nurturing Life Skills for a Self-Sufficient Tomorrow
Send us a Text Message.Ever feel like the world is on fast-forward, and you're struggling to keep pace? Join me, Wahab, as we embark on a heartfelt journey to reclaim control through the art of self-reliance. This week, we delve into the transformative power of nurturing essential life skills, discussing everything from the simple joy of cooking with basic ingredients to the wonder of growing your own garden. Not only will you uncover the economic and health rewards of a plate filled with homegrown goodness, but you'll also discover the therapeutic benefits and sense of accomplishment that come from preparing your own meals and tending to the earth.As we navigate these turbulent times, the wisdom of the community becomes our guiding light. That's why I’m extending a personal invitation for you to share your stories, insights, and strategies alongside me. Tune in for our weekly dose of encouragement, as we collectively build a tapestry of knowledge that bolsters our independence and resilience. Remember, the journey towards self-reliance isn't a solo endeavor—it’s about growing together, learning from one another, and caring for our collective well-being. Stay tuned for next Wednesday's episode, where we'll continue to foster our self-sufficiency with new tips and tales of triumph.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
The Psychology of Gaming: Balancing Virtual Thrills with Real-World Wellness
Feb 28 2024
The Psychology of Gaming: Balancing Virtual Thrills with Real-World Wellness
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever wondered what's the real deal behind your gaming obsession? Get ready to unravel the psychological tapestry that keeps our fingers glued to the controller, as we examine the intricate web of desires games satisfy. From the dopamine rush of conquering challenges to the virtual camaraderie of online communities, we're not just escaping reality – we're engaging with a world that rewards and connects us in ways life sometimes falls short. And if you think games are only about zoning out, think again. We shed light on the hidden educational perks lurking behind every strategic move and puzzle solved, proving that your brain is getting a workout every time you're racking up points.Still, it's not all power-ups and victory dances; gaming has its pitfalls. This episode doesn't shy away from the tough talks about addiction, the risk of swapping real human contact for digital interactions, and the spike of adrenaline-fueled aggression that can bleed from the screen into our living rooms. Listen in as we strike a balance, celebrating the virtual victories while keeping it real about the importance of moderation. It's your guide to loving the game without letting it rule your life, ensuring that the only thing you're seriously risking is your high score.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Night Owl to Night Knight: Conquering Insomnia with Good Habits
Feb 21 2024
Night Owl to Night Knight: Conquering Insomnia with Good Habits
Send us a Text Message.Ever find yourself wrestling with the sheets instead of resting in peaceful slumber? Let's face it, Insomnia's the unwanted guest that's overstayed its welcome, and it's time to show it the door. Step into my nighttime nook where I share a treasure trove of snooze-inducing habits that are anything but a snooze-fest. This episode isn't just about catching Z's; it's about crafting that perfect evening routine to send you blissfully into dreamland. So, if you've been on the hunt for a sleep revolution, you're in the right spot. Let's swap out ceiling-staring for star-snoozing with strategies that'll have you waking up feeling like you've won the lottery—of sleep, that is.Join me as I lead you through the twilight maze of setting the perfect sleep scene. We're cutting through the static of late-night snacking myths and shining a dim light on why your phone might be the frenemy of your dreams. We'll explore the zen of a cool, dark room and why your mattress might just be the unsung hero of your health. Plus, get the lowdown on tuning out the world with the simple magic of blackout curtains and earplugs. And if you're thinking this is all standard sleep talk, think again. We're tossing out the rulebook and getting personal—because your ideal evening routine is as unique as your favorite pajamas. No sheep-counting here, just real, laugh-out-loud banter and nuggets of nocturnal wisdom to help you embrace the night and wake up ready to take on the day.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
The Power of a Morning Routine: 10 Minutes to Transform Your Day.
Feb 14 2024
The Power of a Morning Routine: 10 Minutes to Transform Your Day.
Send us a Text Message.Wake up with us to the tune of an invigorating 10-minute morning routine that's about to revolutionize your day. Imagine harnessing the power of purposeful habits that can elevate your mood, kick productivity into high gear, and slice through stress like a hot knife through butter. Our latest episode unpacks the compelling effects of dedicating a mere 600 seconds each morning to activities that fill your sails with the winds of success. From mindfulness practices that center your thoughts to gratitude exercises that warm your heart, we're here to guide you through crafting a morning ritual that's as unique and dynamic as you are.As your host, I'm not just talking the talk; I'm walking the walk alongside you, sharing the joys and flexibilities of morning routines that have personally transformed my sunrise experiences. Whether it's tuning into an inspiring podcast or taking a serene walk to greet the day, I'll show you how to make those crucial first moments count. Join me as we explore the boundless benefits of this simple yet profound daily commitment. Trust me; your future self will thank you for tuning in to this life-enhancing conversation, where every morning becomes a stepping stone to your personal pinnacle of achievement.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Level Up Your Life: Embracing the Awesomeness of Your Mid-30s
Feb 7 2024
Level Up Your Life: Embracing the Awesomeness of Your Mid-30s
Send us a Text Message.Whoever said the mid-30s were a time to fear clearly never tuned into Talk Mode with me, your host Wahab, as I pop the cork on another year of life! Embrace the seasoned age where confidence reigns supreme, relationships are rich, and giving back is non-negotiable. In the latest episode, we crack the code on why this chapter isn't just a number—it's a goldmine of opportunities to amplify your existence. From career acceleration to deepening life's connections, I've got the lowdown on how your mid-30s can be the launchpad to your most epic adventures yet.Forget the crisis chatter; your 30s are where you come into your own, with less concern for the peanut gallery and more focus on what fires you up. This episode isn't about mulling over what could have been—it's about celebrating what is and strategizing for what's to come. Whether it's planning those bucket-list expeditions, enriching your skillset, or fortifying bonds with those who've weathered the storm alongside you, this is your behind-the-scenes pass to living large in the prime of life. Strap in and join me as we toast to the years that bring wisdom to our wild and intention to our actions.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Book Review: How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
Jan 31 2024
Book Review: How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie
Send us a Text Message.Embark on a journey through the pages of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People," we discuss Carnegie's four-part framework for handling people, making friends, persuading others, and leading with grace. This isn't just storytelling; it's an exploration of concrete strategies used by icons like Abraham Lincoln that remain surprisingly applicable in today's world.Strap in for a candid discussion on how to apply Carnegie's principles, as I reflect on my own experiences with empathy and its pivotal role in connecting with others. This episode isn't simply a trip down memory lane with historical anecdotes; it's a contemporary twist on proven advice, earning a near-perfect score on my personal book scale. Join me for an episode that will not only challenge you to think differently about your interactions but empower you to leave a lasting impact on everyone you meet. No guest required when the content is this engaging—prepare to give your interpersonal skills the upgrade they've been waiting for.The Review Scale5 - Earns a Permanent Spot in my Library!4 - Great book!3- Its a Good One2- Its alright, but not for me.1- Trust me, Don't Waste Your TIME!Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
The Big Cull Part 2: Tidying Up the Virtual Spaces of Your Life & What to Turn Your Attention to
Jan 24 2024
The Big Cull Part 2: Tidying Up the Virtual Spaces of Your Life & What to Turn Your Attention to
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt the weight of a cluttered inbox or a chaotic digital life? That's the beast I'm wrestling in this engaging session. As your guide on this journey of simplification, I reveal the sweet victory in hitting 'unsubscribe' on endless promotional emails. Imagine opening your inbox to find only the messages that matter, the ones that deserve your attention amidst the frenetic buzz of the digital age. This week, we're zooming in on not just tidying up those unruly emails but also refining our virtual spaces—favorites, watchlists, and more—to align with our evolving interests and passions.Join us as we transform overwhelming digital clutter into an oasis of order. I share my personal experiences, the pitfalls and peaks, of cutting through the noise, and how these small, intentional actions can lead to a larger landscape of lifestyle optimization. It's not just about email management; it's about creating an environment that echoes our current selves, free from the remnants of past priorities. If you're ready to reclaim your digital domain and foster a serene space that's truly reflective of you, let's embark on this adventure together, one uncluttered click at a time.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
The Big Cull: Curating Your Online World for Personal Growth and Clarity
Jan 17 2024
The Big Cull: Curating Your Online World for Personal Growth and Clarity
Send us a Text Message.Ever feel like your digital world is cluttered with content you no longer care about? I sure did, and that's why I took on the challenge of decluttering my digital life, starting with YouTube. Imagine cutting your subscriptions from 200 to 60, keeping only the ones that truly resonate with you. This episode is all about that journey and the lessons learned along the way. From trimming my Twitter following to taking on the Herculean task of organizing Instagram, I share the strategies and motivations that guided me through this process.As Gary Vee puts it, attention is our most valuable asset, and it's high time we treated it that way. Join me as I share the insights and methods that helped me regain control over where my attention goes, especially online. If you're looking to create a more intentional and focused presence on your platforms, this conversation is packed with personal anecdotes and actionable advice that can help you manage your digital landscape. Let's face it, the 'doom scroll' is real, but it doesn't have to be your reality. Tune in, get inspired, and start investing your attention in the things that truly matter to you.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Book Review: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Jan 10 2024
Book Review: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever wondered how minute, seemingly insignificant adjustments in your daily routine could drastically change your life? That's what we're breaking down in our latest chat about "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, a book that's shifted the way we approach personal development. We delve into the science of habit formation, sharing how the smallest actions, when repeated consistently, can compound into life-altering transformations. Let's take the concept of 'Atomic Habits' for a spin and see how tiny tweaks in our behaviors can unlock productivity, motivation, and happiness levels we never thought possible.Join us as we swap stories from our own lives, illustrating the book's impact on our habits and, subsequently, our goals. Discover habit stacking and the two-minute rule, ingenious strategies we've adopted to seamlessly incorporate new, beneficial behaviors into our everyday lives. If you've ever felt stuck in a rut or are looking for that spark to ignite change, this conversation will equip you with practical tools to begin your journey towards a more disciplined and fulfilling life. Remember, it's not about overhauling your life in one swoop—it's about starting small.The Review Scale5 - Earns a Permanent Spot in my Library!4 - Great book!3- Its a Good One2- Its alright, but not for me.1- Trust me, Don't Waste Your TIME!Tune in and have a listen.Support the showThis Review is simply based on my opinion.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Setting Goals for 2024 - Achieving Yearly Goals Through Daily Actions
Jan 3 2024
Setting Goals for 2024 - Achieving Yearly Goals Through Daily Actions
Send us a Text Message.Ever felt like your New Year's resolutions dissolve faster than sugar in hot coffee? Join us as we transform those ephemeral promises into concrete victories. This isn't your run-of-the-mill pep talk; it's a tactical playbook for owning 2024, one SMART goal at a time. From chiseling down a daunting 10-kilo weight loss goal to daily manageable tasks, learn how specific, incremental actions can lead to your ultimate triumph. By embracing a business-like strategy, including quarterly progress reviews, we're not just chasing dreams—we're systematically catching them.In our latest episode, the journey is just as crucial as the destination when it comes to achieving your goals. We discuss the power of focusing on the everyday steps that create the pathway to long-term success. Sure, aim for the stars, but don't forget it's the small, daily efforts that launch you into orbit. And because we're all about community, we invite you to join the conversation with @wahaboriginalz on Twitter and Instagram. Let's rally around these practical, motivating methods for goal-setting, proving that every step, no matter how small, is a leap towards our aspirations.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch:
Using a Digital or Analogue Calendar to Schedule Life
Jan 1 2024
Using a Digital or Analogue Calendar to Schedule Life
Send us a Text Message.Discover the transformative power of a well-organized life as I take you through my personal journey from a jumbled mess to laser-focused clarity with a splash of color-coded calendars. From the sweet triumph of checking off a completed task, to the trials of establishing a morning walk routine that sticks, I lay bare the ups and downs of creating schedules that lead to achieving your goals. As we navigate through the crucial yet often overlooked skill of time management, you'll see how simple strategies can have profound impacts on your work commitments, personal projects, and those precious plans with your nearest and dearest.Tune in and get ready to find your own path to discipline and organization as I candidly discuss the merits of both analog and digital tools in our quest for the perfect planning system. Whether you're a devotee of structure or a free spirit looking for a little more control over your to-dos, this episode promises insights and tips to level up your day-to-day. And for those eager to join the conversation with their own organizational wizardry, our social media channels are open for your stories and hacks. Let's conquer those daunting projects and carve out productive routines, with digital calendars as our trusty allies.Support the Show.Hit me up on socials with any comments or suggestions, @wahaboriginalz Twitter: at Support the Podcast: Buy Some Merch: