The Sacred Being

The Sacred Being

Sheetal Rajan is an international personal transformation coach, researcher and corporate consultant who has conducted events in Portugal, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Turkey, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Dubai, India and more. She is a certified Reiki master, Theta Practitioner and Quantum Healer. Her research in Sacred Geometry and its connection to human consciousness helps activate seekers in raising their vibration and unlocking abundance in their lives. As a trusted professional and personal transformation coach, Sheetal puts emphasis on practicality and real-world applications. Combining her knowledge of psychological and spiritual concepts with her experience as a corporate consultant, she delivers practical solutions and action plans that you can use to reprogramme your perceptions, reengineer your energy field, unlock your true potential and successfully achieve your goals. read less


Your Sacred Garden: Dealing with negativity and taking control of your life
Oct 1 2023
Your Sacred Garden: Dealing with negativity and taking control of your life
Your reaction in any negative situation affects more than just the result of that situation. It becomes coded in your DNA and resonates across your energy field to create future karmas in your next lives as well the lives of your children and their children. We keep living in a linear state of mind where we think we can simply have an outburst or put our entire life on hold because we have failed or have been hurt in one areas of our lives. Unfortunately, the way we deal with our problems in life shape the way future problems show up in our life too!   In this podcast, Transformation Coach and Sacred Geometry Philosopher Sheetal Rajan talks about your life like it is a sacred garden, where you are the gardener. A fun analogy to remind you of the power you have to deal with negative situations with clarity and compassion. Listen in to help reprogramme your perspective of dealing with negative situation in your life.   Listen to this Podcast on Podbean, Spotify or YouTube   Follow, Like and Share:  Instagram: @the.sacred.being Facebook: thesacredbeing7 TikTok: @thesacredbeing Website:    Attend Events & Workshops:   Sign up for Coaching Sessions:   THE SACRED BEING, SHEETAL RAJAN, SACRED GEOMETRY, QUANTUM HEALING, YOU, I LOVE YOU, BEING YOU, TRANSFORMATION COACH, ENERGY COACH, PRECIOUS, POWERFUL, FEELING LOST, EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY, TRANSMUTE, TRAUMAS, ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCES, UNIVERSE, HIGHEST AND BEST, NEGATIVITY, BEAUTIFUL GARDEN, TEND TO YOURSELF, NEGLECT, QUARANTINE, POWER, PRUNE, CREATION, HOPE, COMMUNITY, ANALAGY, SACRED GARDEN, PROBLEM, CONTAIN, EMOTIONS, EXPERTS, SUBCONCIOUS, LOVE, SUPPORT, SHOW UP, LIFE, LOVED ONES, SELF SABOTAGE, MIND, BODY, SOUL, INSPIRED ACTION, CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY, NURTURE, SELF CARE, SELF DISCIPLINE, SELF LOVE, PRIORITY, ALLOW, COMPASSION, VIBRATE HIGHER, HARMONIC RESONANCE, JOY, REMEMBER, YOU HAVE THE POWER, I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU.
Two worlds, one you: Every choice you make shapes your reality
Sep 17 2023
Two worlds, one you: Every choice you make shapes your reality
Quantum physics has now begun to prove what ancient spiritual texts have been espousing for thousands of years. The reality you live in is created by you. It is created by the daily choices you make. Every word you speak, every thought you allow to occur in your mind, every emotion you express is producing vibrations that shift and shape your reality.    This podcast helps you remember the true power you hold within you. A cosmic gift granted to you as a sentient being. What is this power? That’s right, it’s your free will! Exercising self-governance in every aspect of your life helps you shape the reality you want to live in. Yes, it is truly possible. Find out how with Transformation Coach and Sacred Geometry Philosopher Sheetal Rajan.   Listen to this Podcast on Podbean, Spotify or YouTube   Follow, Like and Share:  Instagram: @the.sacred.being Facebook: thesacredbeing7 TikTok: @thesacredbeing Website:    Attend Events & Workshops:   Sign up for Coaching Sessions:   THE SACRED BEING, SHEETAL RAJAN, SACRED GEOMETRY, QUANTUM HEALING, YOU, I LOVE YOU, BEING YOU, TRANSFORMATION COACH, ENERGY COACH, BELOVED, DEEP, DARKNESS, HARD HITTING, CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY, RESONANCE, ENERGY, THOUGHTS, NARRATIVE, SCRIPT, WORLD, QUANTUM PHYSICS, SCIENCE, SPIRITUALITY, VIBRATIONAL BEINGS, POWER TO CREATE REALITY, TWO WORLDS, POSSIBILITIES, ENDLESS, HIGH VIBRATION, LOW VIBRATION, REALISE, CHOICE, GRATEFUL TO BE ALIVE, GRATITUDE, FEAR, BEAUTIFUL MOMENTS, HUG, CHOICES, EMOTIONS, WORDS, INSPIRED ACTION, REALM OF POSSIBILITIES, COMPASSIONATE, CLARITY IN THOUGHT, LIBERATNG BELIEFS, REALITY, CHANGE, TRANSMUTE, TRAUMAS, POSSIBILITY, FAITH, JOY, VIBRATION, SHIFT DIMENSIONS, POWER, MATTER, REMEMBER, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU, RESONATE,
As above, so below: Negativity is not the enemy
Sep 10 2023
As above, so below: Negativity is not the enemy
Negative emotions have such a bad rapport. And yet, it is most negative emotions that become catalysts for change and transformation in a person’s life. Isn’t it time we revise our limiting beliefs around negativity Transformation Coach and Sacred Geometry Philosopher Sheetal Rajan helps shift your perception around negative emotions by helping you see them through the leans of vibration, frequency and energy.   STOP beating yourself up for having negative moments. STOP spiraling into self-blame every time you fail. STOP holding yourself to impossible standards.   This podcast reminds you that you are equally the darkness and light. That both these aspects of your being defines who you are. Life is not just about rejoicing in  love and light but also about transmuting fear and darkness.    Listen to this Podcast on Podbean, Spotify or YouTube   Follow, Like and Share:  Instagram: @the.sacred.being Facebook: thesacredbeing7 TikTok: @thesacredbeing Website:    Attend Events & Workshops:   Sign up for Coaching Sessions:   THE SACRED BEING, SHEETAL RAJAN, SACRED GEOMETRY, QUANTUM HEALING, YOU, I LOVE YOU, BEING YOU, TRANSFORMATION COACH, ENERGY COACH, GIVING, GRACIOUS, SACRED BEING, LOVE, PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE, ENERGY FIELD, NARRATIVE, NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, VICES, GENERATIONAL, GUILT, EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, DARKNESS, LIGHTNESS, HERMETIC PHILOSOPHY, AS ABOVE SO BELOW, PRINCIPLES, SPIRITUAL BEINGS, IMAGINE, BALANCE, NOURISHMENT, FEAR, SADNESS, ANGER, JEALOUSY, RESENTMENT, VIBRATION, GROW, GROWTH, TRUTH, TREE OF LIFE,  RELATIONSHIPS, CONNECTIONS, EXPERIENCE, AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT, UNIVERSE, SHIFT, VIBRATIONAL BEINGS, SCIENCE, SPIRITUALITY, MIND, BODY, POWER, THOUGHTS, ACTIONS, INTENTION, BELIEFS, CREATE REALITY, OLD DOGMAS, REALISE, WORK, EFFORT, LOVE YOURSELF OUT OF THE DARKNESS, NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE, AMAZING, SHIFT, REALITY, REMEMBER, MAGICAL, MAGIC, INNER STRENGTH, MANIFESTATION, LAW OF ATTRACTION, HEALING, POSITIVE ENERGY, RAISING VIBRATION, RAISING FREQUENCY
7-day Self Mastery Meditation Quantum Connection
Aug 6 2023
7-day Self Mastery Meditation Quantum Connection
You are energy. You are one with the energy of everything in existence. There is no separation. There is only ONE. Experience your innate connection with the Divine Oneness, the Almighty Universal Matrix (AUM) as Transformation Coach and Sacred Geometry Philosopher Sheetal Rajan takes you through a guided meditation and activation.   The Quamtum Connection Meditation gives you the ability to embody the truth that you are pure energy, switch into your energy body and expand and become one with all of existence. For the best results, listen and follow the instructions of this meditation for 7 days at the same time each day. You will begin to notice a heightened awareness of self, a deeper connection to the people and situations in your life and an immense curiosity to explore more of your innate power to travel through the aether.     Listen to this Podcast on Podbean, Spotify or YouTube   Follow, Like and Share:  Instagram: @the.sacred.being Facebook: thesacredbeing7 TikTok: @thesacredbeing Website:    Attend Events & Workshops:   Sign up for Coaching Sessions:   ART OF ALLOWING, BE BLESSED, RECEIVING MODE, I AM IN THE RECEIVING MODE, WORTHY, POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS, CHANGE YOUR PROGRAMMING, SELF LOVE, "I AM", I AM AFFIRMATIONS, AFFIRMATIONS, LOVE, WELLNESS, GRATITUDE, UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE, DIVINE, REPROGRAMMING, UNLIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS, GOD, PEACE, INNER STRENGTH, WEALTH, PROSPERITY, ABUNDANCE, MONEY, MANIFESTATION, LAW OF ATTRACTION, CHANGE SUBCONSCIOUS AFFIRMATIONS, FEAR, DOUBT, WORRY, ANXIETY, NERVOUSNESS, CONFUSION, DEPRESSION, INSOMNIA, SLEEP MUSIC, SLEEP EASY, RELAXING MUSIC FOR SLEEP, AFFIRMATION FOR SUBCONSCIOUS POSITIVE PROGRAMMING, HEALING, LAW OF ATTRACTION, FOCUS, INTEND, MEDITATION, GUIDED MEDITATION, POSITIVE ENERGY, RAISING VIBRATION, RAISING FREQUENCY, MEDITATION, TRUST, INFINITE INTELLIGENCE, GUIDANCE, SUPPORT, LAW OF ATTRACTION, FRIENDLY UNIVERSE, FLOW, PRESENCE, BLESSED, ENERGY, ATTRACTING ABUNDANCE.
21-day Power Meditation “I AM” Affirmations
Jun 4 2023
21-day Power Meditation “I AM” Affirmations
It is time to unlock your greatest potential and reengineer your mind to align with your highest self. Transformation Coach and Sacred Geometry Philosopher Sheetal Rajan guides you through a powerful meditation to rewire your brain and recode your DNA. For the best results, listen and follow the instructions of this meditation for 21 days at the same time each day. You will begin to notice a shift in your life within the first week itself.    The words 'I AM" have potent and reality changing frequencies. Whatever feelings or intentions you put after the words I AM will create your reality. You have been doing it your whole life. You are worthy of all the best life has to offer. Believing how magnificent and deserving you are is a profound and extraordinary way to live life.   Listen to this Podcast on Podbean, Spotify or YouTube   Follow, Like and Share:  Instagram: @the.sacred.being Facebook: thesacredbeing7 TikTok: @thesacredbeing Website:    Attend Events & Workshops:   Sign up for Coaching Sessions:   THE SACRED BEING, SHEETAL RAJAN, SACRED GEOMETRY, QUANTUM HEALING, YOU, I LOVE YOU, BEING YOU, TRANSFORMATION COACH, ENERGY COACH, MAGNIFICENT AND MAGICAL SACRED BEING, I AM MEDITATION, I AM AFFIRMATIONS, CHANNELED, HIGHEST AND BEST, VISUALISATION, DIVINITY, TAKE A DEEP BREATH, EXHALE INHALE, HERE AND NOW, DIVINE ONENESS, THANK YOU, ENDLESS LOVE, CONNECT WITH YOUR BODY, CONNECT WITH SELF, HERE AND NOW, YOU ARE CONNECTED, I AM SAFE, I AM HERE, I AM LOVE, I AM NOW, COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, VIBRATIONAL BEING, UNIVERSAL ONENESS, HUMAN EXPERIENCE, SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE, BODY MIND SOUL, I ACCEPT, BLOODLINE, MINDFULNESS AND AWARENESS, NOURISHED, EMPOWERED, TRANSMUTING TRAUMAS INTO LESSONS, BLESSINGS, I AM CAPABLE, HEALTHY CONNECTIONS, GRATITUDE, COMPASSION, KINDNESS, MAGNET FOR ABUNDANCE, ABUNDANCE IS MY BIRTHRIGHT, MASTER OF MY DESTINITY, POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS, SELF LOVE, AFFIRMATIONS, AFFIRMATION FOR SUBCONSCIOUS POSITIVE PROGRAMMING, HEALING, MEDITATION, GUIDED MEDITATION, POSITIVE ENERGY, RAISING VIBRATION, RAISING FREQUENCY, FLOW
Must Listen! Let me introduce you to YOU.
May 28 2023
Must Listen! Let me introduce you to YOU.
Who are you really? When was the last time you asked yourself this question? Transformation Coach and Sacred Geometry Philosopher Sheetal Rajan show you how you are the universe experiencing and expressing itself.   KNOW the power you hold within yourself. SEE the most authentic version of you. FEEL what it’s like to be in YOUR essence.   If you have been feeling disconnected from yourself or if you have been experiencing a lack of purpose or identity, then this podcast will bring you right back to your true self. Sheetal will make you fall in love with being alive, being part of this world, being YOU.   Listen to this Podcast on Podbean, Spotify or YouTube   Follow, Like and Share:  Instagram: @the.sacred.being Facebook: thesacredbeing7 TikTok: @thesacredbeing Website:    Attend Events & Workshops:   Sign up for Coaching Sessions:   THE SACRED BEING, SHEETAL RAJAN, SACRED GEOMETRY, QUANTUM HEALING, YOU, I LOVE YOU, BEING YOU, TRANSFORMATION COACH, ENERGY COACH, ABUNDANT SACRED BEING, ABUNDANCE, PERSPECTIVE, LIMITLESS, DARKNESS, LIGHTNESS, BALANCE, STARDUST, COSMIC MIRACLES, UNIVERSE, UNIVERSE EXPRESSING ITSELF, RECEIVING MODE, WORTHY, POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS, SELF LOVE, AFFIRMATIONS, LOVE, WELLNESS, GRATITUDE, UNIVERSAL GUIDANCE, DIVINE, COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, GRATEFUL, THANK YOU, CYMATIC ENERGY, INNER STRENGTH, MANIFESTATION, LAW OF ATTRACTION, HEALING, SPIRITUAL, MEDITATION, GUIDED MEDITATION, POSITIVE ENERGY, RAISING VIBRATION, RAISING FREQUENCY, LAW OF ATTRACTION, FLOW, PRESENCE, ENERGY, YOU ARE CONNECTED, YOU ARE POWERFUL, YOU ARE UNSTOPPABLE, MIND BODY SOUL, CONSTRUCTS, GUIDED MEDITATION, AMAZING SACRED BEING