CSP Podcast


A podcast dedicated to taking only a little of your time to easily digest story-based marketing and branding. We talk leadership, best practices and how to get employees and customers to talk about your brand. read less


Crafting Connections The Role of Video in Nonprofit Growth
May 14 2024
Crafting Connections The Role of Video in Nonprofit Growth
Experience the revolution of brand storytelling as we unfold the extraordinary impact video marketing has on capturing hearts and driving success. Feel the ground shift beneath your feet as we traverse the majestic terrain of digital fame, where brands emerge from the shadows into the limelight with the power of compelling video narratives. I'm your guide, Jon Oney, alongside a panel of industry virtuosos, ready to reveal the strategies that have propelled video marketing to pivotal heights. From a staggering 92% ROI acknowledgment among marketers to the intimate connections forged through personalized storytelling, this episode is a testament to the transformative potential lurking within frames and storyboards.Prepare to be inspired by our case study highlight: a nonprofit's meteoric rise from modest gatherings to a landmark event, shattering expectations and doubling anticipated attendance. We didn't just hit record and hope for the best; we orchestrated a symphony of strategy, from local radio ads and eye-catching billboards to poignant social media campaigns and a seamless digital landing platform. The result? A community bonded tightly by shared values and a mission rejuvenated with vivacity and far-reaching influence. This isn't just a narration of tactics and numbers; it's a celebration of deep-seated connections and the awe-inspiring force of video marketing that turns visions into vibrant realities. Join us in this exploration of innovation as we spotlight the true power of engagement through the lens of a nonprofit's resounding victory.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Crafting Compelling Video Narratives for Audience Growth
May 7 2024
Crafting Compelling Video Narratives for Audience Growth
Are you harnessing the full power of video content in your digital marketing arsenal? This episode promises to unlock the secrets of leveraging video to captivate your audience and amplify your brand's narrative. Join me, Jon Oney, where we dissect the elements of a successful video strategy in today's media-saturated world. From high-quality production techniques to selecting the perfect platform to showcase your story, you'll learn how to transform your viewers into a dedicated fan base. Video content isn't just king—it's the whole kingdom, and we're here to show you how to stake your claim.Stepping into the video content game can feel like a marathon, but with the insights from today's discussion, it's a race every brand can win. We'll break down the analytics behind what makes a video go viral and the storytelling that leaves viewers wanting more. It's not enough to just be present on video platforms; your brand's message needs to resonate, to stick with your audience long after the screen fades to black. Tune in as we explore the revolution of video content and why it's critical to make every second count in your marketing strategy. No guests, just us, on a journey to mastering the art of video in the digital age.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Video Marketing Secrets for Winning Over Professional Audiences
Apr 9 2024
Video Marketing Secrets for Winning Over Professional Audiences
Uncover the secrets behind the magnetic pull of video content in the B2B sphere with your host, John Oni, as we dissect the psychological underpinnings and strategic finesse that make it a game-changer in engaging decision-makers. This episode promises to equip you with the know-how to captivate a professional audience, turning them from casual viewers into loyal advocates and customers. We'll share the blueprint of success through the lens of Innovative Tech Solutions, a B2B tech company that harnessed the power of video to skyrocket their engagement and conversions, proving that the right visual content can indeed translate complex tech jargon into compelling narratives.Navigate the intricate dance of crafting B2B video content that resonates on a human level, demonstrating trust, authenticity, and connection. We're peeling back the layers to reveal the emerging trends that are reshaping the future of B2B marketing. Listen in for insights on leveraging data and SEO to make your videos not only creative but strategic masterpieces, and learn how to amplify your message across platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or new to the video realm, this episode is packed with actionable strategies that will elevate your B2B marketing playbook.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Elevating Brand Presence Through Innovative Video Strategies
Apr 2 2024
Elevating Brand Presence Through Innovative Video Strategies
Ever wondered how video can turn passive viewers into active participants and loyal customers? That's exactly what we uncover in our latest episode, where the spotlight shines on the transformative power of video marketing and its pivotal role in modern brand strategies. With the vast majority tuning into online videos, brands are now expected to serve up content that's not only captivating but also interactive and relatable. We journey through this digital revolution, examining the progression from traditional commercials to TikTok's vibrant, interactive ecosystem, and how these platforms compel us to forge deeper connections with the content we consume.As your guide, I share insights into cutting-edge tactics that are reshaping the consumer experience: from interactive shopping videos to immersive 360-degree virtual tours, and the magic of live streaming that's building real-time communities. We also dissect the art of storytelling in videos and how it can transform viewers into advocates, all while keeping a keen eye on the metrics that matter – because engagement is more than just views and shares. By the end of our conversation, you'll be equipped with practical tips to elevate your video content and captivate your audience like never before – all without a single mention of boosting SEO. Join us and step into a world where video isn't just seen; it's felt, and it's influential.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Mastering Video SEO: Amplify Your Digital Presence and Climb Google Rankings
Mar 21 2024
Mastering Video SEO: Amplify Your Digital Presence and Climb Google Rankings
Unlock the secret to skyrocketing your SEO with video marketing as we delve into its remarkable potential to enhance your digital presence. You'll learn just how a website with video content is 53 times more likely to be featured on the first page of Google search results. I'm Jon Oney, your guide on this journey through the enthralling world of video SEO. We'll dissect the nuts and bolts of optimizing your video content with the right keywords, compelling titles, and the game-changing impact of transcripts and captions. By the end, you'll understand that video isn't just a piece of your content puzzle—it's the cornerstone.Imagine a world where your message resonates powerfully through the vibrant medium of video. In our latest episode, we share the inspiring tale of 'Rebuild Haiti Better', a hypothetical nonprofit whose mission and reach are amplified through savvy video marketing. I'll walk you through how they harnessed the visual narrative to captivate an audience and climb the SEO rankings, increasing web traffic, and forming connections with a broader community. As we wrap up, you'll be left with no doubts about the essential role video content plays in today’s digital realm, for nonprofits and businesses alike, looking to make a lasting impression online.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Transformative Video Strategies for Nonprofit Impact
Mar 15 2024
Transformative Video Strategies for Nonprofit Impact
Unlock the secrets to connecting deeply with your community through the authentic power of video testimonials. In our latest conversation, we explore the emotional resonance and trust-building that drive nonprofit marketing success. Journey with us as we dissect the strategies used by hypothetical organizations like the Future Bright Education Foundation to share their heartwarming stories. These narratives showcase how their educational resources have touched lives, thanks to the support from donors who see their contributions come to life. Our discussion offers a treasure trove of insights into creating content that not only tells a story but invokes an emotional response that is both genuine and inspiring.Stepping into the world of video storytelling, we share actionable advice to make your nonprofit's message stand out. Learn to weave emotional triggers into your content, highlight personal journeys, and enhance your narrative with powerful visual elements. Whether you're looking to increase engagement, attract donors, or boost volunteer sign-ups, these strategies will help you leverage the compelling nature of video to showcase your impact. So, if your nonprofit is ready to elevate its storytelling game and rally more support for your cause, let's embark on this transformative journey together, capturing the essence of your mission through the lens of those who've experienced it firsthand.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Video Marketing Mastery on a Shoestring Budget
Mar 5 2024
Video Marketing Mastery on a Shoestring Budget
Unlock the secrets to a successful video marketing budget that doesn't break the bank! Join me, Jon Oney, as we navigate the financial labyrinth of video marketing with ease. In this episode, we share game-changing tips for businesses big and small, ensuring your video content packs a punch without punching a hole in your wallet. Discover how Emily, the savvy owner of Heavenly Breads, used smart budgeting to bake up a storm online, transforming her small bakery into a local sensation. You'll learn how to balance cost with quality and target your audience like a marketing maestro.Get ready to craft a video marketing strategy that tells your story and sells your brand without selling out your budget. We dissect the importance of video as the ultimate storytelling medium, analyze current market trends, and reveal how aligning your investment with your marketing objectives can lead to delicious returns. Whether you're shooting on a smartphone or hiring a pro, I guide you through creating content that resonates and engages. Tune in and take control of your video marketing finances, just like Emily did, and watch your brand rise to new heights.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Video Content Mastery for Brand Growth and Profits
Feb 27 2024
Video Content Mastery for Brand Growth and Profits
Ever wondered how the visual allure of video content can skyrocket your brand's growth and profitability? Strap in for an unforgettable journey into the heart of video marketing ROI, as we unlock the monarchs of marketing strategy that are changing the game for businesses everywhere. This week on the CSP podcast, we're tearing down the facade to reveal the true power of video in captivating an audience and driving conversions. Join me, Jon Oney, as we delve into stories of brands that leapt from obscurity to the limelight by leveraging video content, and discover how to tell compelling stories that resonate with your audience's deepest needs and values.Prepare yourself for a masterclass on engaging your audience and keeping your brand perched at the pinnacle of their minds. We'll explore the nitty-gritty of what makes video content tick—from social media dynamism to the personalized touch of email marketing—and how it can transform not just your engagement metrics but your bottom line. With over half of marketers witnessing a hefty return and a significant portion enjoying even higher gains, this episode is your blueprint to mastering video marketing and watching those numbers soar. No guest needed, just pure, unadulterated marketing wisdom that could redefine the trajectory of your business. Ready to harness the formidable force of video marketing? Tune in and let's grow together.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Turning Up the Volume on Sales: The Art of Crafting Irresistible Video Content
Feb 20 2024
Turning Up the Volume on Sales: The Art of Crafting Irresistible Video Content
4Ever wondered how to make your brand's message stick in your customer's mind like their favorite song? This episode of the CSP Podcast promises to reveal how video content can turn your marketing strategy up to eleven. Join me, John Oni, as we cut through the noise of traditional marketing methods and amplify the conversation around the persuasive power of videos in sales. We're not just talking about any videos—we're discussing the kind that connect deeply with viewers and transform them from casual onlookers into die-hard brand advocates. Strap in as we share the stage with companies like EcoClean, who've mastered the art of visual storytelling to showcase their eco-friendly products. We'll dissect how these videos resonate authenticity, mirroring the desires and solving the problems of their audience, resulting in magnified engagement and conversion rates. So tune in, because you're about to learn the art of creating video content that doesn't just show off your products but makes them utterly irresistible. Whether you're a marketing maestro or new to the game, this episode is the riff you need to rock your sales charts.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
Mastering Short-Form Video Marketing: Strategy, Storytelling, and Success
Feb 12 2024
Mastering Short-Form Video Marketing: Strategy, Storytelling, and Success
Unlock the secrets of social media dynamism with our exploration of short-form videos! Join me, Jon Oney, as we delve into the compelling world of these powerful marketing tools. In this fascinating episode, we dissect the psychological hooks and strategic content crafting that hold viewers spellbound. You'll learn why platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts are the new arenas for brand storytelling and engagement, and how the brevity of content can significantly amplify your brand's digital footprint.Hear the success story of a local coffee shop that brewed up a storm with their short-form video strategy, leading to a surge in community engagement and customer base growth. We'll spill the beans on practical tips for crafting high-quality, authentic content that resonates across different platforms. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or part of a growing business, this episode is brimming with actionable insights to help you harness the full potential of short-form videos in your marketing arsenal. Tune in and transform your brand's online narrative into a captivating visual experience.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.
CSP Podcast S3E9 - Use What You Have
Nov 29 2022
CSP Podcast S3E9 - Use What You Have
In this episode, we talk about how to use what you already own. We realize that there are many tools and equipment you could go and buy. Buying a lot of stuff can be expensive, so we try to minimize the number of new purchases. But what are ways you can save money and use low cost even some free resources that are already out there? Not having the highest-cost equipment or software can cause you to think you can’t do something and get the same creative results. In this episode we dive into some of the questions we even asked ourselves and how that helps us make better creative decisions to use what we already own.Out Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/BranumDesign/_saved/Our Adobe Behancehttps://www.behance.net/benbranumCanva (The site we couldn't pronounce)https://www.canva.comFollow us on FB, Instagram & Linkedinhttps://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMNhttps://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/Creative Studio Production’s Websitewww.cspmn.com©2022 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.Follow us on FB, Instagram & Linkedinhttps://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMNhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/Creative Studio Production’s Websitewww.cspmn.com©2022 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.Follow us https://www.facebook.com/CreativeStudioProductionsMN https://www.instagram.com/creative.studio.productions/ https://www.linkedin.com/company/77732966/https://www.tiktok.com/@iamonjo Creative Studio Production’s Website www.cspmn.com ©2024 Creative Studio Productions. All rights reserved.