Slightly Feral

None of this makes sense, everyone is lost... something might be on fire. I guess we better just talk about it and throw some mycology in for good measure. FAFOCult.etsy.com Venmo @FAFOCult CashApp $FAFOCult read less


Chatterbateing Togetherness
Feb 29 2024
Chatterbateing Togetherness
A nice simple stroll through the minds of friends chatting together doing totally normal not weird shit at all with all the best of normal people's intentions and nothing weird happening. Totally just chatting... seriously.  See MycoNutty was supposed to be on and we were gonna do a show on tinctures but his power went out in the artic blast and he only had 30% left on his phone battery and he needed the light provided by the adult entertainment he was watching to provide a sense of safety as he is scared of the dark or something. So left to our own devices we just... did guy shit.    We cover fun shit like:  male mice sniffing various panties makes them more/less fertile... looking at you only fans incels.  We uniformly love Vevor and their products and its a hell of a rabbit hole  Basically cow leprosy  Deadpool is getting stalked by a possibly aroused bear Selling human organs  some other science'y stuff  Feral Steak Salt and how you could possibly get some.  If you would like to support the show please for the love of god support the show... you can do so through.. Venmo @FaFoCult  CashApp $FaFoCult  If you want to comment, complain, come on the show, call us dirty names, or comment on how much we inspire you, you can at FaFoCult.gmail.com  if you want sweet merch Fafocult.etsy.com  If you want to join our sexy discord and interact with like minded degenerates please click: https://discord.gg/QzmNahYY Thank you, and we love you, FaFoCult
FAFO Catch Up
Oct 19 2023
FAFO Catch Up
Let us take a moment before we dive into this insanity and thank whatever deity you believe in for the relationships and the loved ones in your life. The community lost a young and very passionate cultivator with a promising career ahead of them. We will never know what new bounds, or impacts on the craft are now lost with the death of Dirty South Myco. He passed away from carbon monoxide poisoning following a house fire at his residence. For those of you who are so inclined, he has a son and there is a gofundme that is set up to help with his kiddo's college fund. https://gofund.me/cfc26063  Todays episode was a catch up episode as usual there is a bunch of good info hidden in the episode behind a lot of bullshittery. For some reason Dad decided to grow $3k worth of millet seed sooo... uh, we await what happens with that shit show. He's gonna end up like Scrouge McDuck swimming in his millet. I'm sure we can find some way for him to part with it.  Deadpool is accosted by a penguin, nothing new there. he barely survived.  Feral almost lost his leg, had to change jobs, moved to the new farm, his wife's cancer scare is still going on we find out on Halloween, there's a new dog in the house Gorda a big ass English bulldog who doesn't have deep thoughts... but has BIG feelings and is super sweet.  Dad AKA Trim got moved, has a shit ton of fucking millet coming his way.  MycoNutty is shitting himself and couldn't make the podcast, despite expert advice on how to stop the shittening  Blue has big feelings about Israel and so do we all (fuck terrorists) our thoughts, prayers and energy goes out to those effected by the terrorist group attack. We wish peace on the region and may the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of the enemy for all eternity.  Also in this episode, some substrate talk, some grain talk, some various cultivation talk. But in reality it was just a lot of fun to hear each other again and we missed talking with and to ya'all.    Thank you for listening, we know you probably have better shit to do with your time in this crazy ass world that's falling apart around us. Stay strong folks, work on yourselves and worry less about things you can't do anything about.    Discord: https://discord.gg/xuekfg5s Venmo @FAFOCult  CASHAPP $FAFOCult  Etsy: FAFOCult.etsy.com  Email FAFOCult@Gmail.com
FAFO Origin Stories
Sep 27 2023
FAFO Origin Stories
In this episode we talk about Origin Stories, we also invent a new way to measure things. By this time everyone should be familiar with RJU's (Ron Jeremy Units) a method of measurement based on the famous penis of 10"  "But hey fuckers, why do you keep on inventing new ways to measure shit when there's the good old 'merika method and the communist meters and shit?"  Well, son, it's cause not everyone knows how to count right but point me out one adult that can't imagine a penis length of something. Naturally, we used the most famous penis, sure it's a bit AIDS'y and whatnot and belongs to a human hedgehog but it's a valid method of measurement now. So shall it be written... so shall it be done.    We needed a method for measuring a volume of liquid, and knowing the type of degenerate fucks that listen to us *(we love you, have our babies)* we figured breast sizes would be easy. Imagine a breast as a gourd of some type, now imagine how much liquid that gourd would hold. Tadah, FBU is born, Fluid Breast Units. Universally accurate and easy to understand by all.    Oh and i guess someone talked shit and it was addressed in this podcast early on as well.  B+ is pronounced B Positive as in, a nice saying. Don't be a heathen and say B Plus. Shit don't even make sense, think about it.  Be careful when processing and fruiting a whole haybale sometimes they try and light on fire, damn nature...  We cycle through everyone's origin story and it makes Deadpool happy cause he likes origins and stories. They wouldn't've let me start at the big bang if i wanted to.  Dad eats some Cheetos in your ear, so i think that counts as ASMR and we can now get some type of special parking plaque?  Everyone has 'Rona but this 'Rona ain't but a cough, and it taint bad this go round. But its election season and they are gonna blow it up to make it seem like the worlds ending. ITs not, remain calm, grow mushies.... your fine guys.    Your homework for the day is: Watch little shop of horrors.    Venmo @FAFOCult  CashApp $FAFOCult  E-mail FAFOCult@Gmail.com  Etsy FAFOCult.Etsy.com  Discord: https://discord.gg/rpeFRZmW If you find one of our episode after its been up for 2 weeks the link will have expired for the discord, you can find us by searching FAFOCult in the discord directory and looking for the official Cthulhu    We Love you,  Send nudes.
The Moral of the Story
Sep 20 2023
The Moral of the Story
In this episode, there are a lot of lessons learned:  Don't trust cats... cats are the devils fleshlight  Stems and Caps have pretty much the same strength... myth buster that shit  Cats will eat your face off  Birth control can make you crazy  Blue tells us how to do birth control  Mirena Birth control will make you schitzo  It took a hour before things got weird  Miniature cattle can be expensive, and cute  ... a long fucking time ago in a land not far from you there was a giant ass sloth that ruled the world called The Shasta Ground Sloth, they lived in big ass holes in the ground that turned into caves... they would often be multigenerational in these caves and have 12 or so feet of shit in the caves going back hundreds of thousands of years. This shit still smells, is still full of organic material and use to be used by Native Americans as fertilizer. I WANT SOME OF THIS SHIT! I want some giant sloth poo, i want to grow mushies on giant sloth poo... see my freaking ancestors, maybe hump a neanderthal in the vision. We don't know what would happen, but we do know it needs to happen. The prime areas for shasta ground sloth poo hunting are new mexico, arizona, and into utah... the same areas i like to go looking for Gila Monsters.  If you or someone you know or love has touched, seen, smelled, or been touched by Shasta Ground Sloth poo, please reach out to us so that we may go on a giant fucking FAFO road trip and find it.    Merika,  We love you.    FAFOCult.etsy.com for sweet merch    to donate Venmo @FAFOCult  Cash App $FAFOCult    To bitch, moan, complain, or ask questions, talk to us, or come on the show  FAFOCult@gmail.com    Discord: https://discord.gg/WCaG4D4s