The Quiet Reformation

The Quiet Reformation is a space of listening for God through the Bible and the Body of Christ, desiring change in the Church, but without the chaos. This podcast is a small part of the ministry of Netzer. Netzer works intimately with Christian leaders and speaks widely to the Church at large about spiritual renewal. We are a donor supported 501c3 ministry. Please visit to donate and find out more. // Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer) read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


REPLAY: The Hope Found in Repentance
Apr 9 2024
REPLAY: The Hope Found in Repentance
[recorded: March 10, 2022] Don’t Change the Channel, Pray with Terry Davis - S2:E1 with Terry Davis “...repentance says, I’m going to start acting on it and I’m changing my mind and my way. And it’s not for shame; it’s not to bring in a level of hopelessness. It’s really to invite God’s way in, so that we can be aligned with him. If we’re talking regionally, if we’re talking about the church catholic, that universal church, it says, yeah, we need to make sure that we are aligning ourselves with the things that move the heart of the Father. Things that have to do with justice, people who are sick, people who are in prison, people that are hungry.” [1:45] Introducing Terry Davis [3:25] Awaken, Harvest, Transform with [6:44] Laser-focused prayer and shepherding heart [12:05] We invite God in by always having moments of repentance. [21:27] Creating an atmosphere of hope through the Father’s love. [25:10] - all donations are tax deductible. [26:09] Dealing with conflicting convictions of justice. [30:45] Brokenness brings unity. [33:00] Take a longer look and stay in the discomfort. [35:09] Inter-congregational partnerships for the Kingdom. [48:05] Crying out at a Rest-Stop (Story) [Outro Music] Psalm 10 by Poor Bishop Hooper - [recorded:March 10, 2022] A podcast from with Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer)
They Need More Than You (One Church Leaders Gathering)
Mar 5 2024
They Need More Than You (One Church Leaders Gathering) - June 6 One Church Leaders Gathering Original Teaching Episode The Quiet Reformation is a space of listening for God through the Bible and the Body of Christ, desiring change in the Church, but without the chaos. This podcast is a small part of the ministry of Netzer. Netzer works intimately with Christian leaders and speaks widely to the Church at large about spiritual renewal. We are a donor supported 501c3 ministry. Please visit to donate and find out more. [04:15] John 4 - where presence, principle, reality, possibility meet [15:05] Is there an important order to the presence and principle framework? [18:55] Where were you neglecting one value because of being overwhelmed with another value? [22:14] How can leaders use the focus/motivation framework to equip others? [23:52] How do we move ourselves and others into greater dependence on God? ⁠⁠ - June 6 One Church Leaders Gathering Music Contributions to the Podcast ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Aaron Strumpel⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Poor Bishop Hooper⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Kings Canyon⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ A podcast from with Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer) | ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
REPLAY: Pastor Beware
Jan 30 2024
REPLAY: Pastor Beware
The Good News for Narcissists & Codependents w/ Dr. Bob Hyatt - S2:E8 Originally Published: July 26, 2022 “Nobody needs to hear the Gospel more, than driven pastors who can’t lay down their workaholism and their productivity, whether they are a narcissist or codependent, whether it’s, I’m building the church or I’m caring for people. If you can’t rest in the finished work of Jesus and work out of that rest, you’re in trouble and you’re not believing the Gospel at the level that you need to." [1:30] Introducing Bob Hyatt [5:52] Pastor to Pastors [7:19] George Muller - [9:30] Sabbatical changes people in ways they don’t expect. [11:20] Do what you can and ought to do, but know you’re not in control of outcomes or people. [12:40] When too many things are in motion, that is when to step away to a lonely place. [13:40] You might be a gift to the church, but you are not the gift. [14:04] Sabbatical can also be a beast; dealing with anger. [16:17] Submitting to God’s plan for health doesn’t mean there won't be negative consequences. [19:05] The narcissistic / codependent spectrum. When you don’t develop a high love of others, you lean narcissistic. When you don’t have a healthy love of self, you lean codependent. [25:26] Synergistic leadership between apostles and pastors. [29:25] Loving self, loving others, denying yourself. [31:45] Netzer Cohorts and Equipping: [33:00] It’s not enough to know your gifting; you also have to become mature in your gifting. [40:18] If I’m not a Pastor, then who am I? (Story) [41:45] “I am one in whom Christ dwells and delights. I live in the unshakeable kingdom of God. The kingdom is not in trouble, and neither am I.” James Bryan Smith [46:45] Benediction [Outro Music] Psalm 31 by Poor Bishop Hooper - [recorded: April 20, 2022] A podcast from with Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer)
REPLAY: Polarizing Politics
Jan 23 2024
REPLAY: Polarizing Politics
Addressing the Elephant (and Donkey) in the Room w/ Keith Simon S4.E3 Originally Published: January 31, 2023 “In the absence of truth and persuasion, what you’re left with is fear and power. So now, instead of saying to you, this is the right policy, what I say to you is, you should be afraid of people.” A podcast for Pastors, Leaders, and Re-Thinkers of the Jesus way. Please subscribe, comment, and share. Music compliments of Aaron Strumpel. [0:00] Welcome to the Quiet Reformation [1:40] Introducing Keith Simon Over Tribe book on Amazon [5:50] As humans we want to be with those who we share commonalities with. But sin has not only affected individuals, but tribes and communities that point them away from God’s grace and truth. [8:50] Tribalism prioritizes insiders at the expense of outsiders. Luke 9 and the disciples calling down fire on the Samaritans. [10:00] Those we once wanted to kill, the gospel calls us to worship with them in Christ. [10:48] - “Our country needs healing, our country needs forgiveness, our country needs hope, but we don’t have anything inside our nation to provide that, but Jesus does.” [12:21] - A point of anxiety in a culture of tribalism is: am I going to say something on the wrong side of the crowd that will come after our reputation, our job, our friend groups. [16:11] In society currently, it doesn't seem like we are pursuing common good, but some form of “victory” where we want to embarrass people and win in order to make a point. [17:05] Courage is not a value in and of itself; it is not to be done for its own sake. Otherwise, courage will become belligerent or rude.Jesus wants us to be wise as serpent and innocent as doves. The Prophet Daniel was both courageous and winsome. [18:45] Courage is not an excuse to forget the fruit of the Spirit. [19:24] The Elephant (our desires, what we want) and the Rider (our rational faculty) metaphor Who is steering who? We tend to do what we want to do and then find reasons to justify our decisions. and use the politician, the preacher, or the prosecutor to justify our desires [24:23] When proper objective truth is lost as a possibility in a culture, it’s hard to persuade one another towards something good. [26:30] Many don’t trust institutions anymore because of selfish abuse of authority, but that doesn’t mean Truth isn’t out there. [27:45] We can escape the partisan, self-orientated tribalism by joining Jesus’ tribe. He tells us to think about and make sacrifices for those outside the tribe. Everyone is invited into Jesus’ tribe to follow the true King. [29:35] Take your enemy out for coffee. (Don’t poison it!) Get to know the person beyond their politics. [33:14] Work through the awkwardness. You don't need to agree on everything to work together on some things. [34:08] Concluding words: Jesus is King. He doesn’t want to be president of the United States. That would be a huge demotion for him. His throne is eternal, he’s not looking for a 4 year term. [recorded: January 12, 2023] A podcast from with Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer)
NEW: Assessing Ministry Focus and Motivation
Jan 16 2024
NEW: Assessing Ministry Focus and Motivation
Feb 22 2024 - Sometimes when we help in our own strength, we hurt others. The Quiet Reformation is a space of listening for God through the Bible and the Body of Christ, desiring change in the Church, but without the chaos. This podcast is a small part of the ministry of Netzer. Netzer works intimately with Christian leaders and speaks widely to the Church at large about spiritual renewal. We are a donor supported 501c3 ministry. Please visit to donate and find out more. // Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer) [01:14] Happy New Year! May the Gospel tranform your relationships. [03:42] One Church Leaders Gathering Sheraton Hotel Valley Forge, PA [05:00] We experience the kingdom of God moving when people function out of what God has put in their heart, more than functioning in a position in an organization. [07:33] FOCUS Tension: principle and presence [09:40] MOTIVATION Tension: reality and possibility [11:49] Think about your ministry and where you lean in these tensions. If only focusing out on your own focus and motivation, be aware of the limits of your ministry. [13:30] Dangers, gaps, and pitfalls... Over-Promising = Presence + Possibility (lacks principle, reality)Enabling = Presence + Reality (lacks principle, possibilityCommiserating = Principle + Reality (lacks presence, possibility)Shame = Principle + Possibility (lacks presence, reality) [18:49] Avoiding Imbalances in Ministry Acknowledge to self that we're not going to be perfect; don't let the fear of getting it wrong, debilitate you from ministrering.Admit to what our weak spots are to others.Find compliment partners to collaborate with in ministry, even if difficult.Recognize above all else that what people really need is not you but is the person of Jesus Christ. [22:40] We're trying to introduce people, even those who have a longstanding relationship with God, each day to the living Christ.
REPLAY: Technology vs. Humanity
Jan 9 2024
REPLAY: Technology vs. Humanity
Reclaiming Relationship in a Technological World w/ Andy Crouch - S2:E5 Originally Published: June 14, 2022 “I’m the furthest thing from hopeless about our current world and the technological empire we live in because we’ve seen it before. We’ve seen the renewal that can happen when a very small group of people, albeit somewhat crazy people, say we’re just not living on the empire's terms; we’re doing this other thing. And then crazy stuff begins to happen.” - Video Introduction and Book [1:30] Introducing Andy Crouch [3:20] A book about what it means, and how hard it is, to be a person in our world. [5:02] Preparing to write: despair, anguish, and self-loathing. [5:45] [8:28] excerpt: “If there is one word that sums up the crisis of personhood in our time, for the powerful and powerless alike, it is loneliness…” [11:00] We are so swimming in isolation, that we don’t know what it would be like to not be lonely. We live in a cultural environment that is structured to make it difficult to pay attention to other people. [16:20] Relating to persons as robots: creatures that look just like us, but manufactured, not begotten, to do the work humans don’t want to do; their worth is only in their utility. [19:23] Leanne Payne: We either contemplate or we exploit. [23:12] The politics of recognition is a demand to be affirmed. Real relationships, however, don't ratify everything in a person; we’re going to urge one another to go from bent ways to good deeds. [26:32] A household is more than just family; it sees a person and what that person could be, not just what I currently am. [27:32] Church for Church Leaders: [33:50] The Gospel of Jesus Christ inverts the Gospel of the Empire [37:20] The Empire of Technology gives us a template for what it means to matter, to make a difference, and to have power. The way of Jesus is just different. [39:31] Excerpt: “We do not have to accept our technology’s default settings—they can be adapted, and eventually redesigned, to serve a new and better set of purposes…” [40:24] The Rich Young Ruler Who Said Yes - [44:45] The Patient Ferment of the Early Church - [45:50] Other Books by Andy - [48:11] The Church: God’s Primary Way of Getting Things Done in the World (Story) [Outro Music] Psalm 116 by Poor Bishop Hooper - [recorded: April 18, 2022] A podcast from with Tim Doering (vision+networking) and Justin Ryan Boyer (producer)