The Routine Advantage | Simple Systems to Get Organized and Build Consistency

Renae Matt


Are you going to bed at night thinking about the to-do list you didn’t finish and stressing about whether or not you'll have time to do it all tomorrow? Waking up exhausted and relying on coffee to get through your day?

Are you making multiple trips to the store each week, stressing about dinner and spending too much money on groceries and take out?

I’m Renae Matt and I’ve been where you are! I work full-time, I’m growing my own business, and I want to spend quality time with my husband and family. Over the years I got so tired of the housework, the bills, and the never-ending list of things to do. I was trying to keep track of it all.  It was exhausting and felt like I had no time left to ENJOY  life.

Over time, I have built simple routines to get organized and get my time back. I want to share what I have learned with you so YOU can have:

>> A DAILY HOME ROUTINE to keep a tidy home without wasting Saturdays cleaning and catching up on laundry.

>> A MORNING ROUTINE to give you “me time” so you can tackle your busy days knowing exactly what to expect.

>> A MOVEMENT ROUTINE so you feel great every day!

>> AN EASY BUDGET ROUTINE to get out of debt, get rid of money stress, and save for your dreams.

>> A MEAL PLANNING ROUTINE to reduce the frustration and stop wondering what’s for dinner.

Our lives are busy, but they don't have to be overwhelming.  When we can get these five foundational routines in place, you will have a system set up to help reduce the stress and give you your time back! I’m here to teach you everything I have learned about building simple routines so that they can change your life, too.

You might think this isn’t the right time because you are too busy to change something, but friend… when you feel TOO BUSY to prioritize your LIFE...that is when you know something NEEDS to change.

We can’t get lost time back and we aren’t meant to live our lives checking off boxes and drowning in errands.


Instead of spending your evenings stressed about all the tasks you didn’t get to, you will be able to spend those nights having fun with your family. Go for an evening walk, do a game night, find a hobby, or have a date night with your hubby.

When you get your life organized, you get your life back. THAT is the Routine Advantage.




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75 | Feeling Behind as a Busy, Work from Home Woman? How a TIME BUDGET Can Help
4d ago
75 | Feeling Behind as a Busy, Work from Home Woman? How a TIME BUDGET Can Help
Are you tired of falling behind on your work, feeling like you just can’t find the time to get it all done? You might have a super organized workflow and know exactly which tasks need to be done, but for some reason, you just feel like you are ALWAYS working…or at least thinking about work and all the tasks that still need to get done.One of the great benefits of routines is that they can help us get off that train of never-ending tasks. Routines help us get organized and focused during blocks of our day so that we can get our work done, opening up time to be able to put our work and responsibilities away when that work block is over and we can have some fun living life. So if you feel like you are always falling behind on work and can’t seem to stop thinking about those never-ending work tasks, I want to introduce you to something we are going to call a “time budget”!Grab a pen and paper and let’s help you get some free time back in your life!Renae... NEXT STEPS: > Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: > Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide:> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT:> JOIN the free community on Facebook at> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF! Have a question or topic request? Send an email to Thanks for being here!- Renae & Team
74 | Creating a Declutter Plan to Get Rid of the Mess
1w ago
74 | Creating a Declutter Plan to Get Rid of the Mess
Whether we are aware of it happening or not, as life goes on, we collect STUFF. Before we know it, our homes are brimming with miscellaneous things. Yes, some of those things are useful and important, but so much of it is just “stuff” and even causes frustration because it always feels messy. When we have too much stuff, there isn’t enough space for everything to have a home, drawers and cupboards become too full to close, and we begin to believe that we just don’t have the skills to keep a tidy home.If your house is messy, it might not have anything to do with your ability to keep a clean home. Yes, a tidy home takes intentional habits, but if our homes are overrun with “stuff”, it makes it very hard to keep up with it all! There’s that old break-up saying that goes, “It’s not you, it’s me.” Well, let’s take a version of that so we can break up with the junk and make sure you know that if it’s tough to keep a tidy home, it’s not your fault. Because…. “It’s not you, it’s your stuff.” So let’s get rid of it!Renae... NEXT STEPS: > Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: > Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide:> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT:> JOIN the free community on Facebook at> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF! Have a question or topic request? Send an email to Thanks for being here!- Renae & Team
71 | 4 Home Cleaning Tips When You Struggle with Consistency
May 16 2024
71 | 4 Home Cleaning Tips When You Struggle with Consistency
Do you ever go in spurts of cleaning like a mad woman? Deep cleaning every room of your home and then finding yourself burned out and exhausted? Then you feel like you’ve done enough and you stop cleaning for awhile because there isn’t time to keep up with it all. So you let things go, but then everything seems to start falling apart around you…the messes pile up, the counters get cluttered again, the dog starts tracking dirt in so the floor gets gross, and the laundry heaps are falling out of the baskets. Life continues this way until you just can’t take the mess any more and you get one of those bursts of energy and go on a deep cleaning spree, only to repeat the cycle all over again.If you feel this, you are going to love this episode! We are talking about four home cleaning tips to help prevent this up and down cleaning cycle so that you can actually maintain a consistent routine that helps you keep a tidy home without the stress of these highs and lows AND with less work, too.Let's get to it!Renae... NEXT STEPS: > Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: > Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide:> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT:> JOIN the free community on Facebook at> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF! Have a question or topic request? Send an email to Thanks for being here!- Renae & Team
68 | 8 Simple Steps for Your Budget Routine EVERY Payday
May 6 2024
68 | 8 Simple Steps for Your Budget Routine EVERY Payday
Money stress is a real thing and I am very familiar with how it feels! Before my husband and I created our first budget and started working towards getting out of debt, we were living paycheck to paycheck, up to our eyeballs in debt, and never seemed to have enough money for even simple things - like a few groceries. We were constantly watching our finances, praying we wouldn’t overdraft, but also not knowing how to do it any differently.One day we decided we needed to make some BIG changes and get ourselves into a better financial position and it has been quite the journey since! We began our budgeting journey in March of 2018, and just shy of two years later, we had paid off over $33,000 in debt and we were debt-free! (And we were NOT making very much money at the time either.) The biggest reason we were able to accomplish what we did was because we had our budget. Budgets are an amazing resource to help you take control of where you want to spend your money. They allow more freedom in your finances and they help wash that money stress away.Now that we have been budgeting religiously for 6 years, we have learned a few methods of what works best for us. Today I’m sharing with you the eight simple steps we take every payday to stay on track so we never have to worry about what is happening with our money and we can rest easy knowing our budget has us covered.I hope you are excited for this!Renae... NEXT STEPS: > Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: > Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide:> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT:> JOIN the free community on Facebook at> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF! Have a question or topic request? Send an email to Thanks for being here!- Renae & Team
63 | Feeling Too Busy to Exercise? 5 Steps to Make Time for a Movement Routine You Enjoy
Apr 18 2024
63 | Feeling Too Busy to Exercise? 5 Steps to Make Time for a Movement Routine You Enjoy
When schedules are full, it’s easy to push ‘exercise’ off the long list of to-dos when it doesn’t feel like there is enough time in the day.The problem with this is that when we leave it out, we don’t get the amazing health benefits to help fuel our day with the energy we need. And when we don’t get that energy, we get more tired, sluggish, and more stressed and we aren’t able to keep up with our responsibilities as well as we could if we had more energy. That’s a cycle we don’t want to get caught in!So today we are going to look at five steps you can take right now to help carve out time for a movement routine you not only can make time for, but one you will actually enjoy!Let's get to it!Renae... NEXT STEPS: > Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: > Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide:> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT:> JOIN the free community on Facebook at> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF! Have a question or topic request? Send an email to Thanks for being here!- Renae & Team
60 | 3 Reasons Why You Might Be Falling Behind on Housework
Apr 8 2024
60 | 3 Reasons Why You Might Be Falling Behind on Housework
When life gets busy, one of the common things that we start falling behind on is our housework. I know for myself, I used to swing from a cleaning frenzy where everything needed to be spic and span to wanting to forget it all and collapse on the couch while everything fell apart around me. But thanks to simple routines, I no longer have to let that pendulum swing. There are easier ways to keep a tidy home without feeling overwhelmed or having to spend half the weekend trying to catch up on the housework.If you find yourself in this situation, you’re going to want to listen to this episode because we are talking about three reasons why you might be falling behind on housework as well as some solutions on how you can stop that pendulum swing for good.Let's get to it!Renae... NEXT STEPS: > Leave a RATING & REVIEW to spread the love (Renae reads them all)!> SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss an episode!> Send Renae an AUDIO TESTIMONIAL or ASK A QUESTION: > Get the FREE A.U.D.I.T. Your Habits guide:> Get YOUR ORGANIZED LIFE BLUEPRINT:> JOIN the free community on Facebook at> If you want to snag Renae's favorite paper planner, the DREAM Planner, grab it HERE and use code RENAE15 for 15% OFF! Have a question or topic request? Send an email to Thanks for being here!- Renae & Team