Build in Public Daily

Jethro Jones

In this show, we share the struggles and challenges of growing and building stuff. read less


Mar 1 2024
Reflecting on my experience with the cold plunge after a hiatus, I admit it's not my favorite activity. Nonetheless, avoiding it due to a minor back wound was perhaps just an excuse to evade the discomfort. The cold water never fails to challenge me, making me wonder about its benefits beyond mere weight loss or physical health improvements. What I do appreciate about such challenging tasks, however, is how they fortify my ability to tackle other difficult endeavors with greater resilience. Recently, I embarked on a new project called EduNews, which was born out of a sudden idea. Rather than idly contemplating its potential, I decided to set a timer and dedicate 45 minutes to developing it. The result is EduNews, a platform accessible at, where individuals can stay updated on the latest developments in K-12 education and actively contribute their own insights. The platform is open to all, free of charge, with the aim of fostering a vibrant community passionate about education. Building EduNews was not only a fulfilling task but also a testament to my love for creating meaningful projects. I take pride in the simplicity of the domain name,, as it encapsulates the essence of what EduNews stands for. This venture is driven by a desire to provide a space where education enthusiasts can come together, share valuable information, and engage in fruitful discussions. I encourage everyone interested in the field of education to explore EduNews and become part of a community dedicated to empowering and informing others. The process of crafting this platform has been immensely rewarding, reaffirming my belief in the power of creation and collaboration in enriching our lives. (00:00) - Cold Plunge Reflections(00:50) - Finding Strength in Challenges(01:14) - Introducing EduNews
Jan 30 2024
In this episode, we explore the topic of personal growth and embracing imperfections. I recently had a challenging day where everything seemed to go wrong, and I didn't handle it well. I found myself getting frustrated, complaining, and whining about the situation. It made me question why these things were happening to me. However, I came to realize that none of us are perfect. We all have moments where we falter, even when we're trying our best. Making mistakes is just a part of life, regardless of whether things are going well or not. The key is not striving for perfection all the time, but rather how quickly we can bounce back and regroup. Despite feeling frustrated and annoyed, as the day went on, I realized that I wasn't feeling that way anymore. I wasn't acting in the same negative manner either. It made me realize that it's not about achieving perfection; it's about returning to the person we want to be. A few months ago, I would've let this negative state linger for days. But now, I was able to move past it within a couple of hours. It's an improvement, but I believe there's always room to grow and do better. Perhaps, that's the best part of it all - the desire to continuously improve. In this episode, we delve deeper into the idea of self-reflection and personal development. Join us as we discuss the importance of embracing imperfections and working towards becoming the best version of ourselves, even in the face of setbacks. (00:00) - Struggling with a bad day and reacting poorly(00:22) - Embracing imperfection and learning from mistakes(01:15) - Progress in managing emotions and striving for improvement
Jan 29 2024
In this episode, we dive into the topic of phone addiction and the significance of taking breaks from technology. The main speaker recounts their personal experience of recently undertaking a phone fast, where they refrained from using their phone or any electronic devices for an entire day. They reveal that the motivation behind this decision was to address their perceived addiction to their phone and establish a healthier relationship with technology. During the phone fast, the speaker highlights that they discovered a newfound sense of presence and connection with their family. By consciously putting their phone away, they were able to fully engage in their surroundings without the distractions of social media or constant notifications. However, the speaker admittedly encountered moments of temptation, where they instinctively reached for their phone for even trivial matters. This realization shed light on the extent to which they had grown reliant on their device. Furthermore, the speaker acknowledges that during the phone fast, they became more aware of the excessive mental space dedicated to individuals from their online interactions. This realization prompts them to contemplate the appropriate amount of attention and mental energy that should be allocated to these virtual connections. Ultimately, the speaker's key takeaway from this experience is the importance of finding a balance between utilizing technology for work purposes and knowing when to disconnect. They recognize the need to improve their ability to separate work from personal life and to create boundaries for technology usage as an adult. The speaker acknowledges that maintaining this newfound approach will require ongoing effort and commitment. Through sharing their personal journey of taking a break from technology, the main speaker raises awareness about the impact of phone addiction and the significance of finding a healthy relationship with digital devices. Their reflection on the challenges faced during the phone fast serves as a reminder for listeners to evaluate their own habits and strive for a more balanced use of technology. (00:00) - Taking a Break: Phone Fast Initiated(00:47) - Increased Presence: Benefits of Phone Fast(01:09) - Online Overload: Reflecting on Social Media Addiction(01:49) - The struggle of balancing work and personal technology use.(02:12) - Uncertainty about the future outcome.
Jan 27 2024
In this episode, we delve into a topic that many of us can relate to - the struggle of fixing things around the house. I openly admit that I am not very skilled in this area, and it has caused me quite a bit of frustration. Just recently, my washing machine broke, and I found myself unable to repair it. Despite my attempts to seek assistance and order the necessary part, I ended up with the wrong one, further adding to my exasperation. The feeling of helplessness when faced with a broken appliance, coupled with the uncertainty of where to turn for assistance, truly weighs heavily on me. This is not an isolated incident; rather, it is a recurring theme in my life - one of my major weaknesses. It drives me crazy and makes me feel like a failure. I am constantly reminded of the tasks I should be able to handle but cannot. Even when I do manage to seek help and take my time, I still struggle in this aspect. However, I have come to the realization that it is perfectly okay to acknowledge my limitations and call upon a professional handyman to tackle these issues. I often convince myself that this approach is too costly, but when we eventually purchased a new washer, the immense relief I felt was indescribable. I now understand that putting off these challenges and needlessly burdening myself is unnecessary. Moving forward, I am determined to improve in this area. I want to overcome the habit of procrastination and make things easier for myself. It's time for me to accept that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a solution that allows me to relieve myself of unnecessary stress. This realization has sparked a desire within me to be better and face these challenges head-on. (00:00) - Frustrations and Ineptitude in Fixing Things Around the House(01:02) - Feeling like a Failure and Seeking Help(01:46) - Accepting the Need for a Handyman and Finding Relief
Jan 26 2024
In today's episode, we dive deep into the concept of sin and its impact on our relationship with God. As humans, we often tend to categorize sins based on our own beliefs, but the truth is that any act of sin separates us from God and is not good. It's essential to remember that all our sins are already forgiven by our Savior through His atonement, which is a powerful realization that I am incredibly grateful for. Yesterday was a rough day for me. Despite knowing that I should have stopped, I repeatedly gave in to temptation throughout the day. Although I didn't engage in activities such as cheating, killing, looking at porn, or smoking and drinking, I turned to food to numb my frustration and stress. It's easy to think that certain sins are more "acceptable" than others, but the reality is that any form of sin distances us from our Creator. However, the beauty lies in the fact that even when we make mistakes, we have the ability to repent and receive forgiveness. This is truly amazing and a powerful blessing in our lives. I may dislike the fact that I sometimes struggle with doing things I know I shouldn't, but the opportunity to repent and experience the forgiveness of God is a true gift, no matter how big or small the sin may be. So, as I prepare to take a cold plunge in the ice-filled pot, I reflect on the importance of recognizing the impact of sin in our lives and the gratitude I have for the forgiveness offered to us through our Savior's atonement. It's a reminder that no matter what, there is always hope for renewal and a chance to draw closer to God. (00:00) - Importance of Recognizing All Sins as Separation from God(01:01) - Reflecting on Personal Mistakes and Seeking Forgiveness
Jan 19 2024
In today's episode, I wanted to share my personal experience with doing cold plunges, specifically adding ice to the water. Although I often mention that I do it to challenge myself with difficult tasks, I must acknowledge that my life is incredibly easy. After the plunge, I retreat to the warmth of my house and take a hot shower, and it really puts things into perspective for me. It reminds me of how incredibly fortunate and blessed I am. The water today is about 35 degrees, and it made me reflect on the individuals who are currently fighting in wars or those who are refugees or slaves. They don't have the luxury of finding any relief, unlike myself. I'm fortunate to experience regular moments of relief and comfort. This realization fills me with a profound sense of gratitude. I appreciate having the ability to choose the kind of work I do, how I spend my time, and the activities I engage in every day. I have so much, and these small challenges, like cold plunges or exercising, are insignificant in comparison to the struggles others face. However, my deepest desire is to lead a life where I can power through difficult circumstances, no matter what they may be. I yearn to be guided by God and feel His unwavering support and strength as I confront these challenges. That's my true aspiration in life - to possess the capability to endure and conquer any trials and hardships that may come my way. (00:00) - Cold Plunge Reflections: Gratitude for Life's Comforts(00:27) - Contrast of Relief and Struggles Faced by Others(01:00) - Embracing Life's Easy Moments, Seeking Strength for Challenges
Jan 17 2024
In today's episode, we explore the power of tackling challenging tasks early in the day. I woke up and faced my own challenge - a bone-chillingly cold plunge. But by starting my day with this difficult task, I set myself up for success in overcoming future hurdles. The strategy of completing something challenging in the morning provides a solid foundation for overcoming excuses later on. Some days, the mere reminder of having already accomplished this daunting task is what keeps me pushing forward. Other days, when my energy and motivation are already high, it's the discipline of sticking to my commitments that propels me forward. Admittedly, it's not always easy. Today, the cold plunge is particularly painful. But by pushing through and persevering, I know that I am building the resilience necessary to tackle the other difficult tasks I have lined up for today. What's fascinating about motivation is its unpredictable nature. Something that used to be easy can suddenly feel difficult due to changes in temperament, mood, or feelings. That's why it's crucial, even when we don't feel like it, to tackle the hard things we know we are capable of - even if it's painful. So, join me today as we explore the power of embracing challenge and pushing through when motivation is lacking. By prioritizing difficult tasks early in the day, we can equip ourselves with the strength and determination needed to conquer whatever comes our way. (00:00) - Morning Cold Plunge: Embracing the Chilly Challenge(00:20) - The Power of Early Morning Discipline and Motivation(01:09) - Pushing Through the Pain: Doing the Hard Things
Jan 5 2024
In an insightful conversation with my wife, we delved into the concept of compassion and how we can embody it more fully in our interactions with others. She imparted a profound realization upon me - that each of us possesses unique strengths and weaknesses. By acknowledging this, we can open ourselves up to seeing the world from someone else's perspective, fostering understanding and empathy. This newfound understanding illuminated the significance of appreciating the contributions others make to our personal growth and improvement. As an example, we engaged in a discussion about organization and time management, and I openly confessed my struggles in these areas. However, my wife, being naturally adept at organization and time management, enlightened me to the fact that her skills complemented my own weaknesses. Previously, she had felt frustrated by my lack of proficiency in this domain. Yet now, she recognizes and values the other strengths I possess. This realization is pivotal because it shines a light on the fallacy that everyone sees and experiences the world through the same lens. We must grasp that what may appear obvious and effortless to us can be momentous and challenging for others. Moreover, it is crucial to share our individual talents and abilities with others, as they have the potential to profoundly impact their lives. Often, we are unaware of the lasting impressions we leave or the inspiration we impart upon others. I have personally encountered instances where someone approached me years later, recalling how something I said motivated or influenced them, even though I had no recollection of it. The key lies in embracing our strengths, fearlessly sharing what comes naturally to us, and understanding that we have the power to make a difference. By doing so, we extend compassion and encouragement to those around us, fostering a nurturing environment where individual growth and collective development can flourish. (00:00) - Compassion through recognizing different strengths and weaknesses(01:12) - Things obvious to you may be amazing to others(02:06) - Impacting lives by sharing strengths and not being afraid
Jan 4 2024
In this episode, we delve into the complex topic of dealing with the opinions and judgments of others. It is a common occurrence for people to misjudge our actions and assume ulterior motives, no matter how good our intentions may be. To navigate this challenging terrain, I have discovered two strategies that have proven to be invaluable. The first strategy is to assume positive intent in others. This means believing that everyone is genuinely trying their best with the resources and knowledge they have, irrespective of the circumstances. By adopting this mindset, I am able to approach interactions with a more open and empathetic perspective. It helps me avoid jumping to negative conclusions about people's motives and gives them the benefit of the doubt. The second strategy involves practicing blameless discernment. Instead of passing judgment based on emotions, I objectively evaluate the situation at hand. For example, if someone cheats me, I acknowledge that they were in the wrong without harboring any personal judgment against them. This approach allows me to distance myself from negative experiences without holding onto resentment or bitterness. It is important to note that we cannot truly understand the intentions behind someone's actions unless they explicitly share them with us and we trust their honesty. Assuming we have this knowledge without confirmation can lead us astray and create unnecessary conflict. By implementing these strategies of assuming positive intent and practicing blameless discernment, I have found it much easier to handle situations where people wrong me. It helps me maintain a sense of peace and enables me to make informed decisions about the relationships I choose to cultivate. In conclusion, navigating the judgments and opinions of others can be challenging, but by assuming positive intent and practicing blameless discernment, we can foster healthier and more compassionate interactions. (00:00) - Contemplating the Cold Plunge Experience(00:32) - The Challenge of Misjudgment(01:00) - Two Strategies: Positive Intent and Blameless Discernment(01:39) - Avoiding Judgment and Understanding Intentions
Light Chases out Darkness
Dec 30 2023
Light Chases out Darkness
In this episode, I delve into the powerful concept of how light always triumphs over darkness. I reflect on my own experiences with taking cold plunges, where sometimes it can be difficult to gather the courage to jump into the cold water. Despite the initial hesitation, I find that I can handle it and it's truly amazing. Drawing from my time living in Fairbanks, Alaska, I recall the common complaint about the darkness during the winter months. With the sun only up for a few hours, it could be challenging for some. However, I discovered that even in the darkness, the light always triumphs. The light, no matter how low, is always stronger than the darkness. Even during the summer, there was always some form of light, preventing it from completely getting dark. This concept goes beyond physical light and darkness—it applies to our lives as well. There will be moments when the darkness pushes us to avoid or give up on things. However, whenever we invite light into our lives, it immediately chases away the darkness. Light and darkness cannot coexist. It's not just a cool idea; it's an undeniable fact. This belief holds incredible power and empowerment. No matter how dark our lives may seem, all it takes is a little bit of light to start dispelling the darkness. This realization brings comfort during personal struggles and serves as a reminder that we have the ability to overcome and thrive in the face of challenges. (00:00) - The Struggle to Face the Cold Plunge(00:24) - Finding Light in the Darkness of Winter(01:21) - Inviting Light to Chase Out the Darkness